How do I talk to him?

okay so there’s this hispanic guy I like. I only see him in gym. we don’t really know each other, but when we played this game- Cornhole, we had to verse each other a lot, and we talked and flirted a little bit there. But now that game’s over, and we’re playing some other sport now, and I don’t know how to approach or talk to him. He smiles at me when he’s walking around in the field and he tends to walk behind me.He seems kinda shy,due to that he’s more comfortable speaking in spanish, like he flirts a lot with the spanish girls.But im not spanish and I dont know any spanish. how do I start talking to him? give me topics to talk about. ( specifically ones that can get him flirty) like what do hispanic guys like in a girl?

Answer #1

WEll, you go up to this Mr. and you simply open your mouth and blow air through your vocal cords, and say Hi. Haha, just be like I have a extra curricular project and you need to interview someone you dont really talk to. You can get to know him and talk to him at the same time without it being too weird.

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