Questions & Answers

  1. what do you prefer a heat wave or a winter storm?
  2. Who knows what the Dance In The Dark lyrics mean?
  3. What is so great about Model Mayhem??
  4. When can we make our questions anonymous again?
  5. Did you know Special K cereal has more calories(120) than Captain crunch(100)?
  6. What song do you like more, Tik Tok or Take It Off?
  7. What is your favorite Melanie C song?
  8. Can my 23 year old boyfriend get in trouble if I'm 17 and prego by him?
  9. How do I rip the recorded videos from my iPod Nano?
  10. Who likes Orianthi's music?
  11. Are ceramic braces better that normal metal braces?
  12. What are some cheat codes for money on Sims 2 pets on ps2?
  13. How do i bcome a better skateboarder?
  14. what exactly do you mean when you say "perfect white couple"?
  15. What is your favorite Britney song?
  16. what foods have the most calories??
  17. Why wont my tomato plants grow faster?
  18. Why does my engine light keep coming on in my Ford Focus?
  19. how am i suppose to find out how much i'll grow before im done growing?
  20. how do you save in the raving rabbids game, the one with rayman in it?
  21. Should I get a MacBook Pro or an HP?
  22. How true is it that a tan makes you look thinner?
  23. what is the easiest way to go to sleep?
  24. How normal is it for thighs to touch?
  25. Where would you rather eat, an authentic Mexican restaurant, or Taco Bell?
  26. How do i get on Oprah"s WishList?
  27. Who knows if stores can take back small pet bedding?
  28. What food commercial sucks you in every time and makes absolutely need to get it as soon as you can?
  29. How can I make my cat stop hollaring?
  30. Why do really skinny people call themselves fat or pretty girls call themselves ugly?
  31. Why is it that my prenantal vitamins are starting to make me sick at my stomach now?
  32. Who has read the book The Awakening by Kate Chopin?
  33. what is 1,054 divided by 31 ?
  34. Does anybody know what these little red bumps are around my mouth, chin area?
  35. Where do I begin with moving to another country permanently?
  36. How do I get photos to my ITouch?
  37. How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, anyone know how I can do that?
  38. How many bottles of water should a 13 year old girl drink a day if shes trying to lose weight?
  39. How does it make you feel when your falsely accused of things?
  40. what are good habits/things to start young to make the future better for me?
  41. Who should i start on my fantasy football team: beanie wells or reggie bush?
  42. what do you think of when you listen to the beginning of the inner child ?
  43. What do you think is good PS3 game for girls?
  44. is it true that you need the psp door in order for your psp to start?
  45. Is there something wrong with me for not...?
  46. Are Linda McCartney Sausages any good?
  47. How do i go swimming when i have my periods and have no tampons?
  48. what are american high schools like?
  49. why is it when you wear makeup to sleep its bad for you?
  50. What is the best way to get rid of hormonal acne without pills?
  51. Is it true dat 10 dayz or less b4 da period of da gurl and 10 dayz after is where pregnancy mostly cant occur?
  52. How do you prevent getting green fingers from wearing certain rings?
  53. How do i stop this before it gets worse ?
  54. What category do you put photos in when you aren't really sure if they fit in a category?
  55. What do you get a boyfriend that can afford EVERYTHING?
  56. Where can I buy real clip-in hair extensions in Calgary?
  57. how long after my guppies mate will she have her babies?
  58. What color shoes would look good with this dress?
  59. What do you think about other family members who are jealous of the other having a baby?
  60. can i use my exclaim phone as a web cam?
  61. How old do you have to be in order to have a licence for a gun?
  62. How can I get Yahoo messenger not to pop up on my main screen when I turn on my computer?
  63. Who watches White Collar?
  64. how does "orbit mist" gum make it so there is liquid?
  65. Do snakebites leave visable marks under your lip?
  66. How do i fix my eyebrow?
  67. Who liked the final fantasy movie "Advent Children"?
  68. What could it be when a vehicle turns off on its own when driving it?
  69. When something starts to bother you, what do you do to keep from getting mad or upset?
  70. What is the set list of songs Selena Gomez sings at her concert for this year?
  71. Where are all of the Titanic Exhibits located in the U.S.?
  72. should i quit cheerleading if im really not that good?
  73. Should I stay in summer school?
  74. What temperature do you keep your house on average?
  75. What are some good video editing softwares?
  76. Why are some people rude too you even wen you are nice too them?
  77. What wood you do if you cood be the president four a dae?
  78. how much do you think it would cost to get a 5 pound gummybear shipped from the usa to the uk ??? E
  79. Do You Like The Computer Game The Sims 2?
  80. What singer wood you want too sing like?
  81. Who thinks NCIS is a fabulous show?
  82. Who has seen the anime called Phantom?
  83. What is a good laptop to buy for a 13 year old who likes sims etc?
  84. what is PCS vision and how can i get it??
  85. Who wants to become a super awesome spy, like angelina jolie in Salt?
  86. what do u think of paul the octopus?
  87. How can I make my dog treated like a human?
  88. How to make an Actors Resume?
  89. What is the one item you put on most of the food you eat?
  90. How Can I Convince My Mom To Let Me Get A 2 Mounth Old Kitty?
  91. Who Likes Gummy Bears?
  92. Who loves shows that come on the Food Network Channel?
  93. where can i find info about canada university for bachelor degree?
  94. Does anyone know how to make certain emails go directly to a different folder instead of my inbox on Yahoo! Mail?
  95. What is this thick clear sticky gel like discharge? i just ended my period 2 weeks ago, an im getting this now?
  96. How is the background of a clothing line supposed to be done?
  97. What will happen if I use Bed Head Color Shampoo on my dog? Its for People with colored hair. Can I use it on my dogs?
  98. how to do yoga at home?
  99. can i get a job if i get permission from a judge, at the age of 14?
  100. how do i get rid off insomnia?i went to the doctor,he gave me pills,i used them,then i found that i dnt sleep timely but when i sleep like in the morning or