Questions & Answers

  1. Is it normal to poop out bean skins?
  2. whats the best fone from tmobile?
  3. when i get my contract update, which phone should i buy?
  4. When begining birth control does every girl have to get a pelvic exam?
  5. what kind of birth comtrol is most likely to make your boobs grow ?
  6. What cookbook can you not live without?
  7. Do you guys think that DOMA is an unconstitunional law?
  8. Whats a camera is good to make video's and put it on youtube?
  9. what are advantages of tally marks?
  10. Can you take too much of the food grade diatomaceous earth?
  11. why does my family treat me bad???...
  12. What is the DBZ Kai Full Theme Lyrics in English?
  13. What's it like to have an older sister?
  14. What are some cool games and tricks to play with/teach pet mice?
  15. Can a slime mold grow in or on a human body?
  16. What is the best exfoliator?
  17. How do I know whch apps I can kill on my lap top?
  18. How do you write 28th September 2010 in French?
  19. Would a police officer be able to do anything if he saw you snorting a prescription that is in your name?
  20. Do you think its fair for teachers to get fired because student scores are low?
  21. How do you guys feel about TEXTING in your status updates and questions?
  22. who can help me with writing a personal statement for university?
  23. Where can I get birthday party invitations designed like Mass Cards?
  24. Who started Agnosticism?
  25. How do I politely ask my aunt to keep up with the house after I'm done cleaning it?
  26. How do I get a description in a question on this site?
  27. Do you think its reasonable for a husband who works to expect his stay at home wife to have the house clean and dinner cooked every day when he comes home?
  28. How much does a senator of Canada make, and what are their hours?
  29. Why do my legs go all week when i rub my clit?
  30. How do you connect the Wii to the computer to play against your relatives and friends in a diiferent town or state?
  31. What would you prefer to drink on a perfect date wine or vodka?
  32. Do you think it's fair that a teacher get's fired because she previously was a prostitute?
  33. How many pagan gods apart from Osiris died and rose again?
  34. What's the composition of a Sand Making production system?
  35. How do you say the word 'data' properly?
  36. Can I use a regular refrigerator for storing wine instead of using a wine fridge?
  37. What is a good repair service for an iPhone 4 other then sending it back to apple?
  38. What is a good theme for my black and white photoshoot?
  39. What kind of character would you rather play as?
  40. what is an easy way to make blisters heal faster and form calices?
  41. Would you like to live in a world in which memories are non-existent?
  42. What Is A Workers Permit?
  43. What is the oath of a quinceanera?
  44. How do you get wifi on your laptop?
  45. Is buying makeup for halloween a good exuse for my mom to let me wear makeup?
  46. What are the negative side-effects of an epidermal?
  47. can anyone help with my sleeping patterns?
  48. what is another term for water?
  49. How do you "booty pop" or "booty shake"?
  50. what do you think of this new law from the goverment?
  51. What does it mean when my dog will pee outside in one area then a little pee again in another then another lol?
  52. What should i do about this job?
  53. How do keep yourself from crying because you don't want to embarass yourself but you cant help it?
  54. How can you get rid of phobias without DOING it?
  55. how do voice lessons help you?
  56. Does it really hurt during child birth or what?
  57. Is it true that girls don't like the word "moist"?
  58. Why do their shoes always fall off?
  59. what is your opinion on future technology?
  60. What do you think: does NATO's presence improve the lives of Afghan citizens?
  61. What can i do with this can of yams thats quick and simple?
  62. How long does it approximatively take for a surgery scar to heal?
  63. Why does my period blood come out in like.. clots?
  64. how many years of college do you need to become a police officer?
  65. What does it feel like to be a teenager in 2010 for you?
  66. what is your favourite comfort foods?
  67. how do you personally, deal with stress, trauma, anger, fear and paranoia?
  68. Can a HAM radio ever be portable?
  69. What kind of range, in regards to mileage, does a CB radio have?
  70. Do I need to change the type of Microsoft word if I have Microsoft 2003 and my school has Microsoft 2007?
  71. how can I treat my yellow lab?
  72. Why have all my tropical fish suddenly died?
  73. how much tax is taken out of a settlement of $800,000.00?
  74. Who or what is the illuminati?
  75. Who is a criminal mastermind?
  76. What exactly is BitTorrent?
  77. what is the best way to towel dry your hair?
  78. Would you or wouldnt you circumcise your baby boy when he was born?
  79. does having a spoonful of sugar, while drinking, stop you from getting drunk?
  80. How do i add music to a song i wrote, by the way what do you think of it?
  81. should kids be allowed to play 18 rated video games?
  82. where can i go to receive my picture messages???
  83. Why does the jug boil faster than a pot of water on the stove?
  84. What are the top reasons someone could get turned down for a professional career?
  85. what. I've heard of science and arts, but what are scientific arts?
  86. What's the name of the diploma for those going into photography during college?
  87. When is the shatter iPhone and iPod touch jailbreak coming out?
  88. How much does it cost to treat a dog with parvo?
  89. how do you laugh in italian, i know laughing in spanish is "jaja" so what would italian be?
  90. How long as a minimum can people wear braces for?
  91. What age would you allow your child to get a piercing or tattoo at?
  92. Is god going to let liars get away like the government?
  93. Would you try any of these new fashion trends for your girl parts?
  94. what do you think about genetic engineering going to killing people?
  95. How do you bake soft cookies?
  96. does anyone know a good place to learn archery in dallas, tx??
  97. Which do you prefer, to be overly complex, or simple?
  98. what do you see as the pros and cons of owning a family pet?
  99. why is it that there are no female football players?
  100. What do you believe?