Questions & Answers

  1. Where can you buy good, but cheap jewelry?
  2. why do people studder alot?
  3. where is the best place to buy good underwear?
  4. Where can I get a uber scene tote bagg?
  5. Is it bad that I can't get a tampon in my vagina and I'm 15?
  6. Should I still do research for a scholarship in photography?
  7. What are people from Connecticut called?
  8. does anyone out there know how a girl with large breasts can find a dress that works with her body?
  9. Is there a way for one to increase their learning capabilities and increase memory capacity in their own brain?
  10. does anyone have a social phobia?
  11. Is there anyway to get photos back if you accidentally deleted them from the card?
  12. Where can I get a reference?
  13. Where is a good uplifting poem for funerals that will uplift the people instead of making them cry?
  14. How can you train your dog to attack for protection?
  15. how do i get my friend to stop sucking her thumb?
  16. why are 8th graders so much more immature than sophmores?
  17. how do I save photo's as a jpeg, if my computer won't give me that choice?
  18. why does my mitsubishi eclipse idles low when im at a red light or a stop sing?
  19. how to have a good pet rabbit?
  20. why do people continue to think that remakes of movies are good?
  21. Are there mechanical/ metal legs for animals?
  22. Where does the other air in the car go when you have the air-con on?
  23. how old do u think u shud legally b 2 drink and smoke?
  24. What's wrong with my contacts if they are getting uncomfortable to put in?
  25. How can a public school deny a student from going there?
  26. when you go to the doctor for a pelvic exam do they drug test??
  27. Is there any kind of food dye that you can put on your contacts to make your contacts turn colors that won't kill you eyes?
  28. how bad is KING COBRA for 16 year olds?
  29. How do I change the title of my video on youtube?
  30. Is it illegal to film you and your partner having intercourse if they dont know that they are being filmed?
  31. What can we do about my Dad's buying addiction?
  32. where are the best places to go shopping for a homecoming dress?
  33. What one think would improve the quality of your life?
  34. How can you get rid of fat ankles?
  35. Who knows what time ritz camera opens today in Woburn mass?
  36. How do you spike the volleyball?
  37. What's rhetorical about the poem "The Flower" by George Herbert?
  38. How does the one-child policy in China affect the people mentally?
  39. Why do teachers in Chinese schools or wannabe international schools always give tons of homework for the holidays?
  40. How many years of photography do you have to study to be fully qualified?
  41. What would YOU bring on a camping holiday?
  42. is menstruation gonna stops when you will drink alcohol, like beer??
  43. Is being a secret service agent exciting?
  44. What in your life has been influenced by your idol?
  45. why is it easier too talk to adults that are strangers than your own parents?
  46. What all Stephen King movies are there - can anyone give me a list?
  47. Why do my questions keep posting twice, and why don't they show?
  48. Can your face really become paralyzed if you get your nose pierced and they hit a nerve?
  49. what would you say is a really good school to go to for radiology or criminal justice?
  50. How long does it take for the money to transfer from here to paypal?
  51. how can i get over my dad having a heart attack ?
  52. Is it norm al to be uncontrolably shaking after you've been crying a lot?
  53. What can I do to decorate my kids room?
  54. What songs make you happy or bring a smile to your face?
  55. Do you guys think that stars like Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus get too much publicity?
  56. does anyone see a point in getting drunk before a high school football game?
  57. What's worse, trolls, or spammers? :P
  58. How long is National Guard training?
  59. Is there a difference between Army National Guard and National Guard?
  60. Why do my parents keep taking my ps3 away?
  61. Why do so many people hate Eminem?
  62. What does it mean when itunes says I need to download 64 bit itunes instead of 32 bit?
  63. Where in Miami can i study to open up a photo studio/shop ?
  64. What was the point of learning cursive in grade school?
  65. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?
  66. Would you rather have a ridiculously huge house, or a house that's a bit too small?
  67. why is mouth and lips drying up so fast?
  68. is it true that cutting and trimming your hair makes it grow faster?
  69. What has kept you from "falling off the wagon"?
  70. Is it normal for you to feel sick to your stomach the day after taking birth control for the first time?
  71. Why, everytime I walk into my dorm, I have the sudden urge to pee?
  72. Does anyone know of any yoga moves or websites I can go on to get some?
  73. Can someone tell me what show this was from?
  74. What is the best strings to get for an acoustic/electric guitar?
  75. Would you allow your young teen (around 13-15 yrs. old) to spend the night with their boyfriend/girlfriend?
  76. How do I make a saline solution for nasal rinse?
  77. Where are the prettiest places to take pictures?
  78. What are the benefits of drinking diet Ginger Ale, instead of regular sodas like Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew, etc...?
  79. how many toppings do you take when you buy a subway sandwich?
  80. why people use netflix if they can get any movie for free in the public library?
  81. How many vitamins are too much?
  82. How should I run my sweet 16 practices?
  83. Do u like ur parents?
  84. How can I get experience, if I can't get a job right now?
  85. What are some interesting themes you think i could do for my communication studies school based assessment?
  86. How do you connect a Toslink / Fiber Optic Adapter to a regular co-axial or RCA input?
  87. What is the song "Like Toy Soldiers" about?
  88. What is the complaints address for Apple uk?
  89. Why does my Dog had purple dot things on his belly (its a he by the way)?
  90. Should I add volunteer experience instead of work experience when filling out job applications?
  91. Why do people say "holla" instead of talk?
  92. Is it normal 4 me to wanna be in my room by myself all the time?
  93. what is the difference between psycology and psychiatry?
  94. did you ever hear of the masturbate with a pillow thingy how the hell is that even possible?
  95. Why is it that all my black t shirts are getting the spots on the back?
  96. Do you guys feel that toilets see humans in a good light?
  97. Who else has heard of Alicia Keys naming her unborn child Egypt?
  98. What is this object's velocity?
  99. How come they don't put an intoxilyzer on motorcycles?
  100. What can I do to stop the insecurity about my skin colour?