What's wrong with my contacts if they are getting uncomfortable to put in?

First time I got them they were perfectly fine, but now they are really uncomfortable. No they aren’t my first ones, a have those one a day contact things, but it just feels weird!

Answer #1

not enough solution? getting to old? i mean like buy new ones possibly

Answer #2

No. These are the one a day ones, you switch them everyday. They aren’t too old.

Answer #3

You may have an eye infection due to irritation. Skip putting them in a couple days and see how you feel. You can also go to your eye doctor if the problem continues.

Answer #4

Okay thanks. I’ll just wear my glasses a couple days and see how it goes :)

Answer #5

Perhaps your eyes are too dry or maybe you are wearing them for too long. You should only be wearing them for around 10 hours a day but check on your specific ones. Make sure your hands are clean before you put them on to ensure no bits of grit or dust is getting into your eyes. If the problem worsens contact your opticians.

Answer #6

Just a little bit of advice-if you think you have an infection from your contacts, please please please visit the doctor. I didn’t, and did major damage to my eye. My vision was a fuzzy shade of grey for a whole week and the pain was excruciating. Apparently, you have to be very careful about your contacts and tapwater.

Answer #7

calcium deposits. Time for new contacts. =] realistically though, could just be eye strain or poor cleaning.

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