Questions & Answers

  1. How do you explain the cave men if you think they ever existed?
  2. What does it mean if a few people tell you that you have an exotic look?
  3. What are some good high performance cold air intakes for sports cars?
  4. Why does my body get ice cold when I get angry?
  5. Why am I so obsessed by the clear flow of human history?
  6. Why does my 94 ck1500 feel like it has the emergency brake on?
  7. Does the U.S have Universities?
  8. What's the best place to buy furniture?
  9. What do you call these big sacks that are filled with something and you sit on them?
  10. How come when it's so hot I get uncomfortable, get stomach pain, and a headache?
  11. When are we going to finally see new 3DTV's without the glasses?
  12. What's the best protective case for the Samsung Eternity?
  13. What is a couple of good wines I could get that goes with duck?
  14. Does applying Blistex to your lips before smoking prevent black lips?
  15. What's wrong with my hedgehog?
  16. Do you have to pay taxes if you're a stripper?
  17. Where did the Crips and Bloods get their names from?
  18. Why is my dogs nose running all the time?
  19. What do you think about the stuff going on in Wisconsin?
  20. What's the plot in "The Illiad"?
  21. When you view your own questions, does it add another view to it?
  22. How may high schools are there in America?
  23. What would an Egyptian priest put in their tomb?
  24. What do you think about a pastor cursing at home?
  25. Why do I get random pain in my nose?
  26. Why do I get a really bad pain in my lower back at random times?
  27. What is inflation?
  28. Is it bad that I never tell my stepdad that I love him?
  29. Do you think our legal system operates fairly in protecting and helping all people?
  30. Can you make Apple payments on Wii?
  31. What is the difference between man boobs or a man's strong chest?
  32. Is there any way to speed up the process of getting rid of my hair dye?
  33. Would anyone be willing to give information on galaxies, heliocentric, geocentric, and Big Bang Theory?
  34. Is growing corn, etc. for ethanol really efficient?
  35. Do you believe the government is hiding aliens (like from other planets) from us?
  36. How do you know when you slip into depression?
  37. What are some good girl bands/bands with female singers that would be easy for female singers to cover?
  38. Are there any websites or free magazine subscriptions with information on good, prestigious colleges/universities?
  39. Where can you buy fun contacts?
  40. Can you eat something after haveing a procedure where they go into your stomach and take a piece of it?
  41. Can a black person be considered a brunette?
  42. Do they have cordless phone chargers for Samsung Reclaim phones?
  43. How come when I flex my legs my thighs are really hard but when I don't it feels like they are fatty?
  44. How can I tell my parents I don't want to study computers?
  45. How much electricity (kWh) does the average family (living in a large house) use each day in Canada (Ontario)?
  46. How to teach a hyperactive 3 year old with a short attention span?
  47. What are some decent jobs that you can get with just a High School diploma?
  48. How many seasons does the show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" have?
  49. Does laser eye surgery hurt?
  50. Do you think it's right to NOT let someone get a licence just because they only have one eye?
  51. Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds?
  52. Would you rather see a movie at the theater or at home on DVD?
  53. Do you think being a women in sex is unfair?
  54. What are some good dark humour films for me?
  55. Can anyone tell me if the series called "SUPERNATURAL" is any good?
  56. What are different things that I could put in my coffee?
  57. Does lipozene the diet pill have an effect on people that take medication for seizures?
  58. Is the Second Season of Glee almost over?
  59. What season is Glee currently showing in TV?
  60. What are some fun things to do for family night?
  61. What do you think of schools enforcing uniforms?
  62. Do you think social media sites are effecting our kids in a negative way?
  63. What would you do for a shot for hair loss?
  64. What do you think of criminals doing billing for toll roads?
  65. What would you say if our default sort on all pages was age based instead of most recent?
  66. What website URL do I enter on the Google AdSense application so I can use it with FunAdvice?
  67. Are water colour paints similar to water based paints?
  68. How did Adam and Eve communicate with each other if there had not be any human being before them?
  69. How do I remove an OS off a hard drive without losing it?
  70. Why can't I change my locale on my profile, I keep trying but it won't let me?
  71. What should we do about really bad, dry and cracked skin on hands?
  72. Who has seen the movie The Back-up Plan?
  73. How do I post a link or picture in a question?
  74. Is there a cure for overactive salivary glands?
  75. What should be done, before calling 911, if we notice that someone has slipped and fell unconconscious in a bathroom or on stairs?
  76. Is tooth cancer possible?
  77. Who else watches Hellcats on the CW?
  78. Do you believe moving 7 times in a 3-year span is too much?
  79. What can I do to upload a picture from my iPhone 3 onto FunAdvice?
  80. What is a good brand of purse to get that's not too expensive?
  81. Is there any program that lets you take out a certain part of a song?
  82. Do I have the correct sections in the resume?
  83. What is the scientific term for viral reproduction?
  84. What kind of contact info can you put on a resume?
  85. What are good Drake, Eminem, Kid Cudi song quotes?
  86. What do you think of the new Tax in Texas, the Texas Margin Tax?
  87. Do pennies and sugar actually help flowers last longer?
  88. How often should I change my flowers' water?
  89. Why do people pass every part of their driving test except parallel parking?
  90. Why does rice turn in to cereal?
  91. Do you think teachers have a right to denigrate students because of their lack of incentive and progress in class?
  92. Does anyone know anything about the Triple Alliance from 1881?
  93. Does anyone know where I can get a nice rat?
  94. Why is it that the people that are dumb enough to talk behind your back are also the ones that are too dumb to realize they are talking to your friends?
  95. What would you put as the conclusion?
  96. Why do people itch?
  97. Why do my knees shake when going downstairs?
  98. Who watches Toddlers & Tiaras?
  99. How to get rid of this 'ask for my picture' thing under all my status updates and questions?
  100. When (how long before Christ) were Adam and Eve created and put on earth?