Questions & Answers

  1. How can I cleanse a kaiser roll out of my body before a drug test?
  2. Where can I work when I'm only 14?
  3. Why didn't the dye work in my hair?
  4. Should she move on from him?
  5. What are good songs by "From First to Last"?
  6. How can I stop the guilt from sleeping with my friend's man?
  7. How can I not get a tan?
  8. How can I talk to this girl when I made a fool out of myself?
  9. Should I forget him and just move on?
  10. What happens to your body when you starve yourself?
  11. Why did France elect a pro-American?
  12. How much should a male who is 5'8'' weigh?
  13. Would anyone be interested in a writing contest?
  14. How can I lose 30lbs by June?
  15. What should I do while in Austin, TX?
  16. Does anyone know the name of this song?
  17. What are some legitimate paid survey sites?
  18. How can I put free songs from other site's on my iPod?
  19. Is anyone interested in this business?
  20. Should I make it exclusive?
  21. What foods can make me fat?
  22. How can I get over my Dad's death?
  23. What's the name and artist of this song?
  24. What's a good diet to lose weight fast?
  25. Why is it taking so long to get my period?
  26. What should I do about my feelings for a married coworker?
  27. Am I just a distraction for him?
  28. How do you get rid of back pimples and scars?
  29. How can I avoid pregnancy without using condoms?
  30. What are some really good love songs?
  31. Why am the only one who hasn't reached puberty?
  32. What are some good tricks for the bedroom?
  33. Was 9/11 an inside job?
  34. How can I lose weight for dancing?
  35. Will my hips proportion themselves better?
  36. How do you finish the last boss in Sacred Stones?
  37. What's an easy and free way to make money online?
  38. Can anyone suggest any great article sites?
  39. Which celebrity would you marry if given the chance?
  40. Why should I get confirmed?
  41. How can we stop this arguing in our relationship?
  42. What's your favorite snack or dessert?
  43. Who should win the '08 Presidential Election?
  44. Is it normal to bleed for days after losing your virginity?
  45. What should I give my boyfriend for his summer trip?
  46. How do you manage your kids TV time?
  47. What's your favorite relaxing music?
  48. What are easy eye care tips?
  49. What is spiritual transcendence?
  50. Would you say this statement is true or false?
  51. How does toothpaste prevent pimples?
  52. What do I do about this love triangle?
  53. What are good part-time jobs for teens?
  54. What are some tips for shaving my vagina?
  55. Should I lose weight if I think I'm fat?
  56. Where can I sign up for a grant?
  57. How do I find out if this popular guy likes me back?
  58. What's this weird stuff happening to my body?
  59. What are good music schools in NY?
  60. How do I get my boyfriend back?
  61. Am I anorexic like my husband thinks I am?
  62. How can I lose belly fat in two weeks?
  63. Does IUI implantation bleeding mean pregnancy?
  64. Does bonds with children mean you're pregnant?
  65. How can I make sure my girlfriend is satisfied in bed?
  66. Do golden retrievers shed a lot of dog hair?
  67. Should I believe him that he cares about me?
  68. How do I get a profile picture on here?
  69. How to dress punk rock?
  70. Where do Indians originate from?
  71. Can you get pregnant with an irregular period?
  72. Does having big boobs affect older brothers?
  73. Will Chinese slim tea make me lose weight?
  74. Should I dump my boyfriend who won't talk to me?
  75. What is some information about absent seizures?
  76. Where's a good place for sexy lingerie?
  77. Had sex whist on antibotics could i be pregnant?
  78. What is the best way for a boy to dress?
  79. Why won't he just ask me out?
  80. How can I lose weight fast if i'm 5'1"?
  81. Should I try to make it work with the guy who left me pregnant?
  82. Which interesting questions should I ask?
  83. How will I know if I'll look good blonde?
  84. How will you know if you're pregant while on birth control?
  85. Where can I get pictures for my blogs?
  86. Should I be worried because my period was so short?
  87. When should a child's pacifer be taken away?
  88. How much money per day is legal to earn?
  89. How will I know I'm earning money?
  90. How can I earn money online from asking questions?
  91. What fish are compatible with common goldfish in a tank?
  92. Can I hack into my boyfriend's Myspace without his email address?
  93. How can I get over not being accept by my boyfriend's friends?
  94. What's a cute and easy way to do hair?
  95. How do I know if I'm in love?
  96. Should I pursue one of my ex-girlfriend's friends?
  97. Why do guys only care about looks?
  98. Are ghosts real or is the belief of them immoral?
  99. What should I do for my 18th birthday?
  100. What is wrong with my body?