Questions & Answers

  1. How can I be less quiet?
  2. How can I change brown hair to blonde without it going red?
  3. Why don't you save asked questions in someone's account?
  4. Is there violin sheet music for My Chemical Romance?
  5. Is fingering healthy for me?
  6. Can a 14-year-old get a job in health care?
  7. How can I help her open up?
  8. What if I don't get video since my new motherboard was installed?
  9. How do I break up with my boyfriend?
  10. What if I'm falling for my friend's hookup partner?
  11. Would blonde hair suit me?
  12. How can I make Gaia Gold fast?
  13. How can I stop thinking about my ex?
  14. How can I tell her I want to be more than friends?
  15. How can I lighten black hair to match natural brown roots?
  16. How can I always be in a good mood so I can get him back?
  17. What's the right weight for my height of 5'2''?
  18. Scandals involving tainted food and toothpaste from China
  19. Is there favoritism in Paris Hilton's early prison release?
  20. How do I get granny's cookbook out of my pocket?
  21. How long do Darvocet withdrawals last?
  22. Why would someone who likes you not want to hang out?
  23. What do I do in Urbz goal 5 level 9?
  24. How can I earn $300 for a ferret?
  25. How can I fix my fiance's relationship with my Dad?
  26. How do you hook up a NES?
  27. How can I get my parents to listen to me?
  28. Am I allowed to move out at 17?
  29. Can you tell me how to get a dog walking job?
  30. How do I make a move on my gay friend?
  31. Is jail the right place for people with a drug problem?
  32. Is it normal for your weight to change if you move on the scale?
  33. How can we get my great grandson under control?
  34. How can I copy a master ball on Pokemon?
  35. How can I convince my sister that she's not ready for boys?
  36. What can I do when my girlfriend is sleeping with her best friend?
  37. Is my parakeet dying?
  38. Is there a website for Soapworks?
  39. Why do guys' ears blush?
  40. Why doesn't the Bible mention Alexander the Great?
  41. What should I do when my boyfriend won't talk to me?
  42. What should my boyfriend and I talk about on the phone?
  43. How can I raise $4,000 in 6 weeks?
  44. Can I be pregnant with negative tests?
  45. How does Agloco pay people?
  46. Feeling like throwing up, any ideas for ways to calm my stomach?
  47. which gift should I buy?
  48. How can I get 360 waves?
  49. How can I take longer to cum in bed?
  50. Is yahoomaps the best online map software?
  51. How bad does a nose piercing hurt?
  52. Will they kick me out if I tell them I'm gay?
  53. What turns a guy on?
  54. How can I lose some weight and is it anorexia?
  55. How do you make a default layout?
  56. What kind of films should I make?
  57. What if my crush's friends hate me?
  58. What's a 1-year anniversary present for a guy?
  59. What if I've never been in a serious relationship?
  60. How can we both be happy?
  61. Did my boyfriend pop my cherry?
  62. Can irregular periods act as birth control?
  63. How can I calm a nauseous stomach?
  64. What's good financial software that includes budget tracking?
  65. Where's a good place near Baltimore to travel?
  66. How do I put a string on a fishing pole?
  67. What are good ways to earn from websites?
  68. Do you know easy dinner ideas for a picky five year old?
  69. What if my Mom watches me shower and makes me uncomfortable?
  70. Who sings the Vitamin C song?
  71. Why is my girlfriend acting emotionless?
  72. How can I get my friends to respect my crush?
  73. What's a cheap flight from Baltimore to India?
  74. Should I try to wait 3 years until we can go out?
  75. Why if my guy friends were spying on us?
  76. Should I stay with my boyfriend or go back to my ex?
  77. Is this just a rebound fling?
  78. How do you block a phone number on a cell phone?
  79. Why does my boyfriend take so long to cum?
  80. How do I convince my boyfriend I'm ready for a baby?
  81. Will high blood pressure hurt my chances of having a baby?
  82. Which boy should my best friend choose?
  83. How to make a grind rail for skateboarding?
  84. Do background checks show job history?
  85. How can I get rid of spot marks on my face?
  86. When am I most likely to get pregnant?
  87. Am I getting mad at her for the wrong reason?
  88. How can I get this orange out of my hair?
  89. How can I get rid of my big bottom?
  90. Can I be pregnant or is it effects from the morning after pill?
  91. What if I could treat her better than her boyfriend?
  92. How do you undo a front-clasp bra?
  93. Why am I bleeding and having to pee a lot after sex?
  94. What's the difference between a web designer and developer?
  95. What if my Mom makes me feel very uncomfortable?
  96. Is it something or nothing?
  97. What if we're in love with the same guy?
  98. Why doesn't my boyfriend cum from oral sex?
  99. Which sites give good HTML and CSS tutorials?
  100. Why doesn't my girlfriend ever invite me to things?