How can I get 360 waves?

how do I get waves in da top of my head because I had waves for bout year now and aint nuthhin up there. I mean it is very little. evrywhere else it is spinin waves. I cant get them on da top. is it that I dont have that knid of hair.

Answer #1

What I do is brush each side of my hair about 40 times each while in the shower. Next, I use pink lotion and nu nile or murray’s. I brush another 40 times and I’m good. After I got my waves all around I kept using only pink lotion. After a while the pomade builds up and makes your hair feel nasty, and look kind of white.

Answer #2

Get them naturally. I kept my do-rag or wave cap on for 3 days straight, using light pomade and brushing my hair 100 times on each side at least 3 tmes a day. After three days I had waves every where but the back - those are hardest to get.

Answer #3

you can go to your local beauty college and get finger waves put in for like 10 bucks. you can maintain them pretty easily.=) we do them at my school and they hold well.

Answer #4

shawdy first well… what my brother do he puts a warm wet towel on his head and then use wave grease and brush it for like 4 minutes and he wrap his head with a durag and sometimes u can use gel cause to me tahts the best way u can do it. and no its not your hair its how u do it ya dig

Answer #5

No Its Not Because Of The Kind of hair you got..

cause if that was the case you wouldnt have them at all!!

but give your hair time to grow, even when its time to get it cut!

wash it, cause wet hair is the most manageable..

put yo grease in, then put on the durag quick.

as your hair grows more waves should appear..

then when you think you got enough have your barber cut your hair with the grain only..

Answer #6

spray your hair with water. brush it dry, while your hair is kind of wet put on a moisturizer or promade in and put a du rag and u good. keep doing this. the water laydown your hair and the moisturizer or promade keeps your hair in place and moist

Answer #7

Step One: Shampoo and condition your hair. Use a lightweight conditioner that won’t weigh it down; try a volumizing formula. Step Two: Blow dry the roots of your hair with your head upside down, using the cool-shot button every few minutes to lock in some volume. Stop when your hair is damp, but not yet fully dry. Step Three: Spray some salt spray into your palms.(spray bottle and 1/2 cup of salt) Step Four: Run your palms over your hair, starting at the ends. Try not to get any directly on your roots. Step Five: Divide your hair into 7 to 8 sections (more if your hair is very thick). Step Six: Starting at the top of your head, twist each section into a loose bun and secure the ends with a bobby pin. Step Seven: Repeat with the remaining sections of hair. Step Eight: Allow your hair to finish drying while twisted up in the buns for 15 to 20 minutes. Step Nine: Take out the bobby pins and finger-comb the waves into place, scrunching from the ends up. if you want to go quick just get the 360 wave pomade and put the whole thing in your hair and you will have waves in seconds!

Answer #8

Get your hair cut to wave length. go buy spartan deep waves greace. put it on ya head and 3 times a day morning, whaen you get home from school or work and be for you go to be. also were a durag and you MUST!! brush your hair constantly on any free time you have on your hands if you just sitting there watching tv brush ridin in the car brush walkin to the store brush. BRUSH BRUSSH BRUSH!!

Answer #9

use a hot towel then use sportin wave and a wave cap every day that should work

Answer #10

this is want i did to get deepwaves. buy a product called wavebuilder deep wave forming pomade. take a the product and rub it into your hands until it gets hot then put it in the way you want yo waves. then brush 5 times on each way you brush yo hair. then wear a du rag , tie it and do it again. then when you wake up take some hair lotion and put it in the way you want you want your waves to come

Answer #11

you really dont need any grease or lotion . I’ve had pretty much straight wirey hair all my life and when I started the 360 waves all I used was wonder 8 oil or olive oil (NOT COOKING OIL)just regular walmart cold pressed oil and just brushed and used the durag with the hot water and ect. and pretty got my waves on all the sides. but I’ve got the same problem on the top but the waves are still coming in. and I just started to week ago. but here it is

  1. wet ya hair

2.comb all the sides going down or whatever whats best for you I brush mine going downon the sides and back. 50 times each side (soft brush)

  1. when its damp not wet add the oil and brush 50 each again (hard or medium brush)

  2. then put your durag on and thats it. do it 3 time a day if you can or at least 2.

to connect brush with soft brushes in the places needing connection and the hard in the places that need waves but the key to 360 waves is brushing and especially wolfing and for your top not having any say wolf for long periods of time like 6-9 weeks doing this with a hard brush will deepen the waves and make non wavy areas have waves .good luck!

Answer #12

This is for the guys. 10 EASY LONG STEPS…

1.If you got coarse hair get a texturizing kit like Sporting Waves,Duke,S-curl etc… follow instructions carefully leave in no more than five minutes. allow hair to dry use a hair dryer or just air dry it.

2.Add a generous amount of hair grease such as Murray’s or Nu Nile.

3.Soak a towel/cloth with HOT water. Wring well.

4.Place towel/cloth on your head for about 1 minute or until cloth get cold. repeat twice and apply pressure so that the pomade can melt into your hair.

5.Begin brushing hair at the crown area. make sure you brush your hair evenly around in the direction it grows.

6.Now tie hair down with a doo-rag/wavecap it’s best before you go to bed. also anytime is good but just keep it on for about 30 minutes before you go out.

7.Repeat this process 1-2 times a day. make sure you dont where your doo-rag to much cause then your hair can break and you can begin lose your hair.

8.Do not brush after you take wavecap off but if you have to buy some oil sheen hold about 6 inches away and spray the perimeter then take a soft brush and use the side of the bristles to lay down the sheen so it can look brand new everytime you go out, dont shampoo or wet hair for about 1-2 weeks because once the your waves are wet they become loose. The longer you go without shampooing the better your waves will set and if you need to wet your hair buy two wavecaps one you wear out and too sleep and the other to take showers with it, this causes it too get wet but it wont can’t loosen up because it’s tied down and make sure when you do that you pull the back of the wavecap so you can wring the water out your hair that’s optional but it does work.

9.Do not get a haircut for 2-3 weeks. You may get a shape-up/lineup, but NO HAIRCUT!

10.Finally after you get waves after about 3 weeks total . Get a HAIRCUT. Ceasar is good or just get it evenly cut keep it dark not too low about 1 ½. Make sure you ask your barber not to use a guard less than the #1 ½ guard - with the grain.

hope I helped if anymore information hit me up im a barber and I can give you instant waves…

Answer #13
  1. get ya hair cut start off with a wave length get it cut against ya “hair grain”.

  2. get a wave cap,or du-rag wave cap works better for those deep as overlapping waves and let cha ya hair grow not to the point you having a afro for about 3 weeks then cut if off to a length 2 1/2 and conti9nue for 3 months youll start seeing results in 2 weeks but if you just keep brushin and put either hot or cold water in ya head youll get them defined thcik deep waves either like fabolous or nelly.Du-rag is good for them nice beach waves on ya head…

3.get a bristle soft brush,or a “fade” new brush with two sides to the brush one is soft brush the otha is a hard side use the hard side when ya hair is big and put hot water in ya hair or cold water and keep brushin.Remember to maintain those deep waves you gotta put a du-rag or a waves cap on at all times except when you take it off to brush ya hair, before you go to bed put water thats warm or hot on the towel then put it on ya head and dampen it meaning “tap it on ya head slowly and not hard but softtly all around ya head. then put ya wave cap or du-rag on when you go to sleep. when you wake up keep doing that for two weeks you should start developing 360 waves all around ya head beging form the center of ya head all the way around.

You don’t need to apply carrot cream you can start off with “murrays” orange can,remember and a “soft bristle brush” and a “hard bristle brush” and you need to wet a small square type towel put in the microwave for 2 minutes. Becareful cause its hot be cautious,apply your murrays pomade in ya hair no more then a “nickle size” if you don’t how much that is ask somebody or go to and youll see how much youll need to put on ya pointer finger its about a small circle. too much pomade will give ya acne,and it will clog up your hair so that ya hair won’t breath if it can’t breath you won’t get waves so yeah man don’t put too much put a small amount on.

and just brush ya head for about ten minutes or whenever your not doing nothing think of you brushin ya head as a race cause really your trying to get waves like no other person ever got waves befo so the more you brush the more they stay in place and define themselves better,no after you have done the steps i mentoned then you can start using,”dax wave and groom”,or “sportin waves” and “360 style” or you can use “nu nile” a clear hair grease,you can use any light dax grease that you can find,Me I have never used any of these products I just brush my head and put cold water everyday let my hair grow out to about 6 weeks then cut it two about a low cut cesar,get it lined up nice,then just brush the hell out of my head.

Untill its hella soft I rarely put on a wave cap sometimes I go to sleep without a waves cap and my shyt goes backwards huh? you aint never see waves going backward? I know I’m gifted just keep brushin ya head and youll be spinin youll have pretty dimes trying to get to know you youll have dudes jockin ya waves I get compliments all the time.

Answer #14

Yo I aint signed up on hea but just keep brushin ya hair with the “fade” its a new brush with 2 sides on the actual brush.. then for you use a grease called murrays a “orange can” and keeps using till you see some waves that are deep and then you can switch to dax “red can”,sportin waves,360 styles… follow these instructions aight?

  1. get ya hair cut to a 1 1/2 hair length or wave length
  2. get a small brush or a fade brush with two sides too it.
  3. get a towel…
  4. get a wave cap,or a du-rag.
  5. take a shower everyday but dont wet ya hair jsut yet for two weeks…

so start off with the haircut, then put your small towel in a microwave of course wet the towel put it in for 2 minutes… put the towel on ya head or put the pomade on ya head use a dollar amount on ya head meaning a “nickle size” only no more…If you don’t know ask somebody ask ya barber…anyways put that on ya head and afterwards put the towel on ya head and then let the pomade melt on ya head and then “dampen” when I say that, I mean ya hair needs to be tapped with the towel, then take the towel of ya head and brush ya hair. when you go to sleep put on a durag or a wave cap. Have ya wave cap or du-rag at all times. The only time you take ya du-rag off or ya wave cap is when you are brushin ya head and know this as soo as you have the waves just keep brushin and youll have waves similar to mines… holla back at me fam hope this is what you wanted to hea and review…good luck

Answer #15

Step One: Shampoo and condition your hair. Use a lightweight conditioner that won’t weigh it down; try a volumizing formula. Step Two: Blow dry the roots of your hair with your head upside down, using the cool-shot button every few minutes to lock in some volume. Stop when your hair is damp, but not yet fully dry. Step Three: Spray some salt spray into your palms.(spray bottle and 1/2 cup of salt) Step Four: Run your palms over your hair, starting at the ends. Try not to get any directly on your roots. Step Five: Divide your hair into 7 to 8 sections (more if your hair is very thick). Step Six: Starting at the top of your head, twist each section into a loose bun and secure the ends with a bobby pin. Step Seven: Repeat with the remaining sections of hair. Step Eight: Allow your hair to finish drying while twisted up in the buns for 15 to 20 minutes. Step Nine: Take out the bobby pins and finger-comb the waves into place, scrunching from the ends up.

Answer #16

Step One: Get a haircut. Tell barber to cut against the grain. You can get a fade or a all even cut Step two: Wash your hair good while in the shower. I use Suave Shampoo and conditioner in one. And I use motions conditioner to get my hair soft. Step three: Get out the shower and dry your hair. Leave it a little damp. Step four: Put the pomade in your hair. I prefer 360 style,Sportin Waves,or Wave Builder Spinnin’ Waves. Step five: Brush your hair til’ you cant see the pomade anymore. Step six: Put a conditioner in your hair.(Carrot Oil or Pink Moisterizer) Step seven: Brush til’ you cant see that anymore. Step eight: Put a wave cap or Du-Rag on. Wait 1 hour to take the Du-Rag or wave cap off . Step nine: Spray hair with Pink Moisterizer Oil Sheen so you can get that shiny good look.

Den You Straight!!!

Answer #17

NEVER get yo hair cut against the grain if you want to keep them get it cut WTG (with the grain)

Answer #18

A short haircut is the classic hairstyle that has been worn by African American men for many generations. In past years we have discovered that constantly brushing short hair cuts resulted in attractive wave patterns around the hair that we called Brush Waves. Pomades were used to further develop this style. To assist with perfecting this style a nylon head scarf that we call the Doo-Rag was created to help hold and mold the style. Today the term for this wave hairstyle is the 360 Waves. When the hair is cut very short and brushed often a natural looking pattern of waves form around the perimeter of the head pretty much in a 360 degree angle. This is why they are called 360 Waves.

Many guys have said that they have tried many times, but have been unable to get waves. There have been many different techniques to achieve waves. I have discovered this technique to work well.

What you will need: • Doo-Rag • Firm bristle, hoarse hair brush • Pomade - Murray’s is probably the most popular brand. I prefer Nu Nile because it

is not as thick and doesn't build flakes.

• Towel • Hot water

Your Hair & Texture When beginning the wave process the hair should be at least 1 ½ inch in length to achieve the 360 waves. Any less length would be too low for waves to form.

Now that you have the right hair length and you have gathered the things you will need. Let’s begin your 360 Waves Process. Decide which hair texture you have. Choose one and follow the steps from there.

Curly Hair (very soft) - If this is your hair texture you may start the 360 waves process with step 1.

Medium Hair (normal) - If your hair lies down naturally with no extra efforts, I consider that normal. You can start the 360 waves process with step 1.

Very Coarse Hair (heavy, tightly curled, thick) - Many brothers with coarse hair say they cannot achieve waves no matter how much oil or pomade they use or how much brushing they do. But you can. My advice is to texturize the hair first to soften it. I suggest using a texturizing kit, like Sportin Waves, S-Curl, or Duke. Follow kit set-up instructions carefully. Leave texturizer in for o more than 5 minutes. Neutralize and allow the hair to dry. You can use a hair dryer or just air dry. Now you can start the 360 waves process with step 2.

STEP 1 Start with clean dry hair. A good conditioning shampoo would be best.

STEP 2 Apply a generous amount (size of a silver dollar) of Nu Nile throughout the hair. It may look white as though it is too much, but don’t worry. It is not too much.

STEP 3 Soak towel with hot water. Wring well.

STEP 4 Lay towel on the hair for about 1-2 minutes. Apply pressure to the towel allowing the pomade to melt into the hair. Remove towel.

STEP 5 Begin brushing the hair starting at the crown area. Be sure to brush evenly in the direction that the hair grows all the way around.

STEP 6 Tie hair down with a Doo-Rag. This is best to do before you go to bed or at any leisure time you have.

STEP 7 Repeat this process 1-2 times per day.

DO NOT DO NOT brush the hair when you remove the Doo-Rag.

DO NOT Shampoo the hair for 1-2 weeks while processing the waves. Once the hair is wet the wave pattern will become loose. The longer you go without shampooing the better the waves will set.

DO NOT get a haircut for 2-3 weeks. You may get a lineup, but NO Haircut.

Once you have the waves all the way around the head you may get a haircut with a 1 ½ guard - with the grain.

After the hair cut repeat the wave steps process. Keep wearing the Doo-Rag. You should be good on the 360 waves from this point.

REMEMBER: Ask your barber not to use a guard less than the #1 ½ guard - with the grain.

IMPORTANT KEY: Brushing the hair evenly is an important key. Many of my clients have said that they can only have waves in the crown or the sides. That is because they did not brush evenly. Areas that are not brushed well will not wave. YOU MUST BRUSH EVENLY AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE HEAD TO ACHIEVE THE 360 WAVES!

Best of luck!

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