How bad does a nose piercing hurt?

I really want to get my nose pierced, but im kind of scared. I just want a cute little stud, I dont want anything big. I had my bellybutton pierced and that didnt hurt me at all, but after almost a year it got infected and I dont have it anymore. how bad does a nose piercing hurt, and does it usually get infected? and from taking a look at my pictures, do you think it would look alright on me? thanks :)

Answer #1

I came across an article by an MD at Webmd, he said this:

Most piercings done in reputable establishments are done under sterile conditions. Since hepatitis B, HIV, and other blood-borne diseases are a definite risk, this is nice to know.

The nasal mucosa is not the cleanest place on our body. Subsequently, nasal piercings get infections.

Answer #2

I think everybody else pretty much explained it, it doens’t hurt… but im a chicken I dont even have my ears pierced… I wished my mom would give me ear piercings when I was a baby. uh… well when I was in 5th grade my friend got a nose piercing, I was like.. your too young for that. and she is like no im not! lol

Answer #3

it really doesnt hurt that bad!!! I was really skared but it didnt hurt guh and yea you r suppose to move it around and up and down or it will not heel fast enough and it will be stuck so yo skin so just get it pierced if you want it will be ova before you know it guh

Answer #4

My mate has both sides of her nose pierced and she said it just feels like a “sharp shock”. But think of it this way: you’re having a needle rammed into your skin and then replaced with metal. It’s going to hurt, no matter what anyone says. All piercings hurt to some degree. It’s just that some people can tolerate the pain more than others.

Answer #5

Well I have mines Pierced and it didn’t hurt one bit! I had mines pierced with a gun and it was over in 10 seconds…But remember you have to keep it clean

Answer #6

nop it doesnt hurt I did my piercing myself you should get it

Answer #7

it hurt for a second or two, then its all okay

Answer #8

it doesnt hurt very much and mine has never gotten infected and I have had it fr almost two years and I think it looks good on everyone really so ya good luck =)

Answer #9

I got mine done when I was 13 and it didn’t hurt at alll. my belly button hurt way worse.

Answer #10

its just a little teary eye

Answer #11

It will pinch more than hurt and your eyes will probably water up a little bit. Within the first 5 weeks of healing you should NEVER touch your piercings and it is rare for a piercing to ever get infected, it’s usually just really irritated. If you do get it pierced keep your hands off it for 5 weeks. :)

Answer #12

ok well I have no idea about if it’ll get infected or not but I totally think that you could pull off a nose piercing no problem!

Answer #13

Im Getting Mine Done For My Birthday Adn I Feel Exactly the Same Way! Im Scared It Will Hurt!! But Im Sooo Wanting To get It Done So I Just Want To Know!!

Answer #14

I have had mine done and I let it close up. then I got it pierced again because I missed it! it doesn’t hurt at all I have my belly button done to and it feels about the same. the only time it has ever gotten infected is when I got really sick so be sure to clean it good when your sick!

Answer #15

eww that is so sluty, I would never get my tongue peirced

Answer #16

you can get a fake one … go to like claires or something they probely have them my friend got one and I totally beleived that she actually got her noise peirced ! its like a magnet and then a little jewel or something their cool !

Answer #17

OMG THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION!!! I GOT MY NOSE PEIRCED A YEAR AGO… IT DOESNT HURT IF YOU GET IT DONE WITH A GUN AND I THINK IT WOULD LOOK PERFECT ON YOU IM 14 AND I GOT IT DONE WHEN I WAS 13… so yeah… . BUT YOU CAN TOUCH IT BUT DONT LIKE BE TOUCHING IT 24/7 WHEN THAT GIRL TOLD YOU YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH IT SHE WAS LYING… YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO TURN IT OCCASIONALLY…and pull it in and out not completly out but a little out…but it doesnt hurt… unless a big booger gets stuck on the ring but once it heals take it out at least twice a day to clean it and if you have bad acne dont get your nose peirced… b because about a week ago I had a pimple grow right and part way on my hole and it hurt like hell I just took my nose ring out for a day and then put in a little stud earing(straight) for about 5 days and then put in my normal twist in one… but no matter what the peircing parlor says do not get a ball back nose ring it streches out your nose hole evey time you take it out and put it back in… lol so yeah…

Answer #18

I have 2 they hurt more than any of my other piercings oddly enough I guess its different for everyone

Answer #19

depends on the gauge higher gauhe= mroe pian cus its thicker cartlidge

Answer #20

im telling you… bactine… you can find it at walmart… it is the best stuff to use to clean it… plus its cheaper than the professional stuff…but I promise it works sooo well

Answer #21

you can get a fake one … go to like claires or something they probely have them my friend got one and I totally beleived that she actually got her noise peirced ! its like a magnet and then a little jewel or something their cool !

Answer #22

everyone has mixed answers…it depends on your tolerance I is my opinion that getting my ears pierced hurt more than my nose… I have my nose pierced twice and its been pierced four times. Its less painful piercing it than it is changing the ring. I love piercing my nose its a fun experience…this is coming from a girl who crys BEFORE she gets shots. Just take a deep breath, close your eyes cause the needle looks HUGE when its right up close to your eye ball and you cant help but freak. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT GET THE GUN! you will develop a bump on the inside of your nose, your more likely to have problems. The needle is the right way to go. It takes like 5 seconds if that, its worth it.

Answer #23

I got my nose done, and I found that it hurt for like five minutes, and then after that it felt like nothing happened. it hurts to flare your nose after, and when you go to clean it, I find the first time it hurts the most, but heey its like every other piercing.

Answer #24

it depends how you get it done… With a needle of the piercing gun. I wouldnt suggest the piercing gun, because the piercing has a higher chance of infection, but doesnt hurt as bad as the needle. I had mine done with a needle, and it took awhuile and was the most painful of all my piercings. But it’ll be over before you know it =] Good Luck!

Answer #25

I hant got it dun but me 11yr old kusan got it en she hant told me if it hurts but I fink it’l hurt for a min or 2 den it’l pro go olryt

Answer #26

I’ve pierced my nose twice my self, and it hardly even hurt, when you get it done it’ll most likely go a lot faster. I’m only fourteen, If I could handle it, I’m pretty sure you could.

Answer #27

dont let them scare you.I was afraid to get mines does. the pain is actually maybe a 2 if even that. all you really feel is the pressure of it going thru that will catch you off guard and depending on which nostril that eye will water up. but trust me when you see how cute it looks it will be worth it!!

Answer #28

got my nose done yesterday :) doesnt hurt at all my right eye watered cause of the pressure so go for it x

Answer #29

mine hardly even hurt, just pinched. made my eyes water thatss all :)

Answer #30

It only hurts for like 1 minute

Answer #31

It hurts like crazy for like 1 minute, I got mine pro. done.. and it felt like a pin going through my nose and like it made my eyes water and when he put in the nose screw that hurt… bad… and I screamed.. I have plenty of piercings and trust me it hurt… it isn’t going to get infected just get some dial soap…only clean it 2wice and use contact solution during the day when it gets crusty and you should be fine.. Please do not get it pierced by a gun, because that could snap your cartilage, and give it a minute before you turn it like, a week or two… keep it clean and don’t over clean..

Answer #32

you’ve most probably been pierced already, but for others who need reassurance, I HIGHLY recommend that you buy some numbing creme. I rubbed some on my nose every 25 minutes for 3 hours (I was in a 3 hour exam lol) and then went to get pierced. I literally did not feel anything. I was shocked that the creme was so effective. most cremes retail for about 75 (I know its insane…but if you want to feel no pain, this is the way to go). I forget the brand of the one I use, but emla is the exact same thing, if not better.

DEFS worth it.

Answer #33

its really doesnt hurt. im a total baby, and it didnt hurt at all. just a tear. but I would advise you NOT to get it. cause I had mine for a year and one night I was sleeping and I itched my nose and the little stud got embedded in the middle on my nose skin. I ended up having to go to the hospital because it was bleeding horribly. but I guess try it for yourself.

Answer #34

it definitely doesnt hurt but theres pressure that makes your eyes water its sore for a few days but its totally worth it when I went to get mine they said you have to put bactine on it day and night it works too mine never got infected which is a relief because I was soo freaked out after you get it its a little swollen for a couple of days but it will go down and its toatally worth it and you cant take it out for 6 months

Answer #35

I got my nose pierced two weeks ago. I was scared to death that it would hurt, and guess what? It did. But it hurt for about 30 seconds (which is pretty much how long the procedure took!) What i love about my nose piercing is that even though it hurt for that 30 seconds, it really doesnt hurt after that, you can’t even feel it an hour later! remember to use non-iodized sea salt with distilled water twice a day, and keep your hands off. It will look great on you. Remember to look at more than one piercing place to find one u are comfortable with. It’s worth it I promise!


Answer #36

it also depends if you use a gun or a needle, I had the needle and it was the wore pain I’ve ever felt, it didnt heal and I couldnt take it out, it started loosening up though and I was ripping it halfway out in my sleep because it was like a twist at the end.

Answer #37

It hurt a little but it was very quick, usually does’nt get infected as long as you follow the aftercare directions and dont play with it or touch it at all except when you are cleaning it. good luck to you. I advise getting a ring to start with untill it heals, then get the stud.

Answer #38

Belly buttons hurt WAAAYYY more then nose. Nose is just a tiny pinch. I have them both done and my lip lol.

Answer #39

All fake!

my nose went so infected I have a blue ring and lump where I had it done!

so no I would t tell anyone 2 get it done

Answer #40

NOPEE IT DIDNT HURT!!!not a bit! theres way worst pain in the world… my advise seriusly… I went drunk!.. if your a drinker than you r very lucky! if not.. others have said it hurts a bit but its not to bad! x

Answer #41

I just had mine pierced a week ago.It was very very painful for about 2 min.I thought I was going to faint,but I’m a big wuss when it comes to pain.But it was worth it I luvvv my piercing, so bite the bullet and do it..Good luck..

Answer #42

I promise you . I got mine done 3 years ago. I just picked a little. and my eyes watered because it just happends when pressure goes on your nose , but it didnt hurt after that, at all only for like 2 seconds and not even that bad. and it didnt get infected. I didnt clean it every single day cause I think that just bothers the skin around it always cleaning it. and thats why mine didnt get infected

Answer #43

its different for everyone, let me put it this way, I can combine my labret piercing and my tongue piercing, and they still didnt hurt as much as my nose, nor did I have as much trouble, it hurt so badly, and I took it out after about 8 months because it never healed, and I couldnt blow my nose. go and get like a labret or something, you’d loo really pretty with it

Answer #44

it doesnt it very much at all.

Answer #45

A lifetime if you contract Hepatitis C.

Answer #46

you cant get your nose done with a gun, Its illigal you have to have to done with a hollow needle. It didn’t hurt me at all. My eye wtered but not because of pain it just did.

Answer #47

it only hurts when the needle goes through your nose.

Answer #48

well, what happened to me and lots of people, is you sneeze, and the stud with prick you a bit and itll bleed. but a lip piercing hurts less, and those hurt. I recomened a tongue ring, or just another stud in your ear, those are in rite now. dont get a nose piercing, they look a bit tacky.

Answer #49

Sweet. My nose stud was the first body ‘modification’ I went through. I think I have a relatively normal threshold for pain, so take this for what it is worth.

It doesn’t feel like a pinch. Not at all. In fact, it feels like someone is shoving a 16 gauge piece of metal through your f*ing nose.

So, yeah… it is going to hurt. In fact it is nearly excruciating.

But, good news… the ‘excruciating’ pain lasts for less than a second. It is over before your body even registers it (though when your body does feel it, it will take your breath away… unless you’re really trying to be cool, in which case you’ll just hold it in). Then, after the nanosecond of severe pain… your blood flows straight to your head (it is normal to feel faint, just breath deep) and your nose will throb prettily heavily. I haven’t known a single person who hasn’t had their eyes tear up during the procedure, so expect to have watery eyes.

The worst part of the piercing isn’t actually the piercing (since that is over so quickly). The worst part is when your piercer shoves the stud/ring into your nose. Most professional piercing parlors will use a stud with a curved hook at the end (so it stays secure)… and that doesn’t feel to good entering a freshly pierced nose hole.

The healing process is pretty pain free, however… just LEAVE IT ALONE. It was pretty sore and throbby for only about a day, then it was tender for about 4-6 weeks. It got infected only once, but if your just wash it out with some unscented antibacterial soap, it’ll be good to go by the next day.

I have had my nose stud for years now, and if I take it out for even just 8 hours I have to re-poke the inner part of my nasal passage (not too fun). Nose piercings close up faster then any other piercing I currently have, so don’t take it out longer than you need to.

Just go into the piercing KNOWING that it is going to hurt, and embrace it. Take a deep breath, and just think about how awesome you’re going to look with your super-groovy nose stud/ring.

One warning, however: Perhaps I just have an addictive personality, but once I pierced my nose I found that I simply HAD to have more. I now have several helix piercings, a conch, two industrials, and am currently gauging my ear lobes. (Plus, I have a some sleeves [tattoos]). My nose piercing felt like nothing in comparison to most of these, however.


Happy hole punching!

Answer #50

I can answer this question. I’ve had my nose pierced on 3 different occassions [all in the same spot] When you get it pierced it hurts really badly and your eyes water and afterwards its throbs, but if you want it bad enought i guess the pain is worth it. I personally had a lot of problems with my nose ring. when i would get out of the shower and wipe my face off it would get stuck on the towel and rip out or stuck on the pillow. Thats why i had to get it pierced so many times. You have to make sure that you clean it really well or it will get infected. the third time i had mine done i didnt clean it that well and thats what happened. also be careful what kind of jewelry you buy for it. i bought studs from clairs and it made my nose really sore. i dont have my nose ring anymore and you cant even tell there is a hole there.

so, if you get it and it doesnt look right take it out. oh, and dont get it pierced before a special occassion where you will be taking pictures because its red for a couple days.

Answer #51

Sweet. My nose stud was the first body ‘modification’ I went through. I think I have a relatively normal threshold for pain, so take this for what it is worth.

It doesn’t feel like a pinch. Not at all. In fact, it feels like someone is shoving a 16 gauge piece of metal through your f*ing nose.

So, yeah… it is going to hurt. In fact it is nearly excruciating.

But, good news… the ‘excruciating’ pain lasts for less than a second. It is over before your body even registers it (though when your body does feel it, it will take your breath away… unless you’re really trying to be cool, in which case you’ll just hold it in). Then, after the nanosecond of severe pain… your blood flows straight to your head (it is normal to feel faint, just breath deep) and your nose will throb prettily heavily. I haven’t known a single person who hasn’t had their eyes tear up during the procedure, so expect to have watery eyes.

The worst part of the piercing isn’t actually the piercing (since that is over so quickly). The worst part is when your piercer shoves the stud/ring into your nose. Most professional piercing parlors will use a stud with a curved hook at the end (so it stays secure)… and that doesn’t feel to good entering a freshly pierced nose hole.

The healing process is pretty pain free, however… just LEAVE IT ALONE. It was pretty sore and throbby for only about a day, then it was tender for about 4-6 weeks. It got infected only once, but if your just wash it out with some unscented antibacterial soap, it’ll be good to go by the next day.

I have had my nose stud for years now, and if I take it out for even just 8 hours I have to re-poke the inner part of my nasal passage (not too fun). Nose piercings close up faster then any other piercing I currently have, so don’t take it out longer than you need to.

Just go into the piercing KNOWING that it is going to hurt, and embrace it. Take a deep breath, and just think about how awesome you’re going to look with your super-groovy nose stud/ring.

One warning, however: Perhaps I just have an addictive personality, but once I pierced my nose I found that I simply HAD to have more. I now have several helix piercings, a conch, two industrials, and am currently gauging my ear lobes. (Plus, I have a some sleeves [tattoos]). My nose piercing felt like nothing in comparison to most of these, however.


Happy hole punching!

Answer #52

This is old, so this may be moot, but… But I got mine done today. It didn’t really hurt. It felt like maybe a little pinch. No, my eyes did not water. I got it done with a needle. DO NOT GET IT DONE WITH A GUN! That is so bad. At this point, I am very pleased with it. Just gotta take care of it to help make sure it doesn’t get infected.

Answer #53

I got mine done two days ago. Everyone told me it wouldn’t hurt half as bad as my belly botton. HAH yeah right. It was probably the 2nd worst pain I’ve had in my life. It only lasts for about a minute, but it hurts like a mother. Mine bled for like 5 minutes. It doesn’t hurt at all now though. It’s like it’s not even there. I bought a hoop to put in it, but Im going to wait for about 6 weeks before I try to change it because I don’t want it to get infected and it’s way too sore right now anyway, but if you want one then I say do it. The pain was definetly worth it. I love mine. It’s really cute. Just take care of it

Answer #54

I have had mi nose pierced since july 4 2008 and I pierced it myself it did not hurt when I put it throught the top part of the skin on mi nose but once I pushed it throught the bottom which was all the way through that hurted more and it hurted a little bit but all piercings hurt from time to time. but once you pierce it do not leave the stud out for more than 30 minutes because nose piercings close very fast especially fresh 1s when you first get it turn the stud from time to time and make sure it is real silver or real gold or else it will have a wierd odor and when you first pierce it jux keep turning it from time to time and take it out dip it in alcohol and then put it back in this may sting a little but not very much and the piercing will puss at first it doesnt mean its infected im not sure how long it will puss but mine did for about 5 or 6 days then it stopped and b sure to keep your nose area clean if you have a lot of oils on your face because that can irritate it

Answer #55

if you ask me it hurt,s less then getting your ears pierced but they hurt me when I got my ears done and I was 8 or some thing so yea I got my nose done when I was like 15 and it was a peace of cake it don’t hurt at all unless they do 2 you what they did 2 me and hit the middle part of your nose but even though they did that it still didn’t really hurt at all you might get a bit teary eyes though but it,s not cause it hurt,s and at first the give you a big 1 then you can change it a couple hours later and mine got infected but I mean it all depends on the person and if they are allergic or not and stuff and as 4 if it would look good or not I am sure it will look fine pretty much any 1 would look good with I but after I had mine done I didn’t really see the point of having it it,s just a peace of jewelery in your nose that people can barely see

Answer #56

I dont have my nose pierced anymore but I had it done 2 times. it doesnt hurt the first time just the second lol it just feels like a sharp pain for like a mintue than its gone. and it heals fast if you take care of it. I just got my tounge pierced and this is a lot harder to take care of lol if you take good care of it you’ll be fine and it wont get infected. and dont be scard if your gunna go get it done the whole week before I got my tounge pierced I was freaking out and then I went and got it done and realized I was just freaking myself out for no reason.

if you really want it just go and get it done. it doesnt hurt and it looks really cute afterwards = ))

Answer #57












Answer #58

OMG THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION!!! I GOT MY NOSE PEIRCED A YEAR AGO… IT DOESNT HURT IF YOU GET IT DONE WITH A GUN AND I THINK IT WOULD LOOK PERFECT ON YOU IM 14 AND I GOT IT DONE WHEN I WAS 13… so yeah… . BUT YOU CAN TOUCH IT BUT DONT LIKE BE TOUCHING IT 24/7 WHEN THAT GIRL TOLD YOU YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH IT SHE WAS LYING… YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO TURN IT OCCASIONALLY…and pull it in and out not completly out but a little out…but it doesnt hurt… unless a big booger gets stuck on the ring but once it heals take it out at least twice a day to clean it and if you have bad acne dont get your nose peirced… b because about a week ago I had a pimple grow right and part way on my hole and it hurt like hell I just took my nose ring out for a day and then put in a little stud earing(straight) for about 5 days and then put in my normal twist in one… but no matter what the peircing parlor says do not get a ball back nose ring it streches out your nose hole evey time you take it out and put it back in… lol so yeah…

Answer #59

hey i just got my nose pierced this morning and it didnt hurt at all it just felt like a tiny pinch and im not veryu used to piercings because bbefore this morning i only had the bottom of my ears periced i think mine looks great and i think it would suit you well too good luck! p.s. i hope mine dosent get infected! x

Answer #60

yaa it piches a bit..stings…because the nose is close and connected with your tear glands, your eyes will water as its being done..but I love mine and its so worth it! Get sea salts though and make sure to have quality jewlery in..I struggled with it getting infected for a while but its been great now for years…(have had it sone for 7 years now)

Answer #61

it kinda hurts. I got my nose pierced on august 28, 2008. I regret it because my snots in my nose get stuck around it and it made my nose bigger on one side. and I have a small nose. I got mine pierced with a needle. my nose stud is green. and yes, it would look good on u!

Answer #62

depends if you are getting it prof. done. then it hurts less then a ear piercing. itll be fine. it most likely wont get infected. and even doing it yourself.. dnt hurt THAT bad. Whatever you do dont clean it with rubbing alcohol or peroxide.. it messes up the cartilage usually clean it with Salt Water. Its way better for it.

Answer #63

nose piercings I have them onboth sides, theyre quite painfull though. every piercing hurts and numbing it wont help but the pain isnt so bad if they do it quickly. you wont scream in pain because its like a hard pinch truthfully

Answer #64

I got my nose pierced last march, and my friend did it.. it didn’t hurt too much. it hurt a bit more then getting your belly button pierced, but less then getting your ears pierced. hope I helped. :)

Answer #65

well,I havnt had mine done(but id like to) but from what I’ve heard it doesnt hurt bad. and some places will numb it before if you pay extra. I think it would look ok on you.

Answer #66


Answer #67

I know this is old, so you may already have it pierced. But I got mine pierced about two years ago, and as much as I can remember, it really wasn’t that bad. And I was only 12 and I honestly found it fine. Your eyes will water, everyone I know who got their nose’s pierced got watery eyes. Apart from that it’s fine. Just a little bit weird, a strange experience… And I’m getting my 8th piercing tomorrow, and if my nose had hurt, I wouldn’t have dared. So it’s fine. Any piercing can get infected, mine didn’t.

Answer #68

yes, it does hurt a bit. Nothing unbearable though. But as others have said, it really depends on your pain tolerance. It didn’t really hurt that badly when she put the needle through, it made my eyes water a bit though. But when she put the stud in it hurt because she had to twist it in. It only hurt for about an hour afterwards and since then it hasn’t really hurt at all.

Answer #69

it doesnt hurt that bad. it kinda feels like getting your ears pierced. for me it didnt hurt at all but for my friend she said it did so I guess it is different for everyone but the pain is definetly bareable. I have had mine for over a year and I never clean it or pay any specific cleaning attention to it and it has not gotten infected. just dont mess with it a lot or else it will be red and sore and there is a possiblity of getting infected if you do.

Answer #70

If you get it done by a PROFESSIONAL it doesn’t hurt any more than a small pinch for a split second. your eyes WILL water like crazy (it’s a reflex you can’t help it!). I got mine done professionally and it hurt far less than my ear lobes!!! WARNING: you WILL get a giant booger on the ring while it’s healing…after healing, you can take it out and clean it.

Answer #71

I’ve got my nose pierced, and it does hurt, but for me (and my best friend) it only hurt the 3-4 seconds they poked the needle through. it made my eyes water! but it totally is worth getting it done ; but yu have to take care of it really well, or it will get infected. I got the “screw” one, so it curls insdide, which I think is the best one to get, because the other one is with a ball, and it could come out really easily ; and when it comes out the inside of the hole closes almost instantly. the screw one, it could get snagged on yur tower or facecloth while yur washing yur face or yur sleeve or something, and it will slightly come out, then yu will have to push it back in-which I thought hurt more than when I got it pierced, because I did it all the time. it made me cry when I did it, but now that its healed it doesnt hurt.

Answer #72

Okay number one ANY piercing with a gun, including ears, is a bad idea. It’s harmful and abrasive while a needle goes in smooth. Piercings with a needle heal quicker and cause less infections. Any place that pierces a nose with a gun is not a place to go to because a nose should NEVER be pierced with anything other than a sterilized needle. Second the piercing itself feels like a pin prick. It does not hurt that bad. It does make your eyewater and it feels a little wierd but the actual piercing itself does not hurt. At most you will feel a small pinch. The healing time is very quick and the piercing is easy to clean. Just wash your face, keep makeup away from it while its healing and use some saline solution up to twice a day to speed up healing.

Answer #73

its doesnt hurt at all and it only takes about 2seconds not even that but it might make your eyes water for a second I had mine done yeaterday and I was scared and had butterflies but now im glad I had it done and I now want ma belly pierced

Answer #74

I’ve had mine done a year now and it doesn’t hurt atall!

Answer #75

it doesnt hurt at all. becareful mine got infected but I fixedd it. ADVICE: use h2ocean sprayy for any piercings you have/ gett!!!

Answer #76

It didn’t hurt when I got mine done! I don’t have it anymore though! It depends on the person and just make sure you clean it correctly! Also make sure the jewelry you start off with is small!

Answer #77

Yes, it hurts a lot, before I got my nose pierced people kept on telling me that it doesn’t hurt at all and its just a pinch. But it did hurt, I cried afterwords, but the piercing lady said that was just normal and happens to almost everybody who gets their nose pierced. It hurt a bit afterwords as well, but the after pain wasn’t to bad. Your nose will stay red for a week or so because its still in the healing process. My stud got a little infected when it came out once when I was blowing my nose, but then I just put the stud back in and it healed OK. It only gets infected if it comes out, you touch it, other people touch it, you move it around to much, or don’t wash around your stud everyday until healed, those are the main things that can make your nose get infected, when you get it pierced the piercer should give you all the info on how to keep it clean and stop it from getting infected etc. But if your want your nose pierced then its well worth it! The pain is over before you know it, And afterwords you have your brand new nose stud.

P.S I think it would look really good on you.


Answer #78

dont use bactine, dont get it pierced with a gun, dont buy cheap jewelry, dont touch it except with a qtip to clean it for atleast 5 weeks. DO NOT turn it. believe me I know all this stuff… im apprenticing to become a piercist. a REAL piercist not one of the ones at the mall, piercing anything besides earlobes with a piercing gun is a very bad idea seeing as it pretty much mutilates your skin and could shatter cartiledge.

Answer #79

I just got my nose peirced done on sunday and its monday right now, and it doesnt hurt AT ALL!! all it feels like is little pinch, it looks like it would hurt a lot.. but really.. it doesnt! and also on the plus side.. it loooks AMAZING after:),, beauty is pain babii<3:) I hope you chose the right choice and if you do get it done.. take cre of it because it could get veeery infected.. allright HAVE FUN:)

Answer #80

I’ve pierced my nose twice my self, and it hardly even hurt, when you get it done it’ll most likely go a lot faster. I’m only fourteen, If I could handle it, I’m pretty sure you could.

Answer #81

I didn’t think it hurt at all. but it depends on your tolerance level.

Answer #82

well I have my tragus pierced and my nose pierced and I did them both myself. no professional. both hurt, tragus hurt more, but the nose piercing it feels like a pinch. it like stings alittle bit for a while, then it goes away, but don’t touch it after you get it done.

Answer #83

get it!!! I honestly DIDNT EVEN FEEL IT. I have 21 piercings…yes, 21 piercings… and im telling you truthfully… its nothinggg at all pain-wise…

go for it!!!

Answer #84

Does not hurt! It’ll pinch for like a second an your eye will water for no reason an then after that you can tell you have it an it’ll be sore when you touch it so best to leave it alone keep it clean wit peroxide because the stuff they give you in water based an be so careful not to snag it at night I suggest puttin a bandaid on it an when you get outta the shower an take the towel to your face that’s when I forgot the most so just keep that in mind

Answer #85

I got mine done two weeks ago and it was just a lil pinch and hurt a lil while afterwards but after 3 days it wasnt sore at all. it takes a while to heal up but as long as you take care of it it wont get a bottle of bactine and some q wonders!!

Answer #86


Answer #87

yeh i totally agree with crazy_and_loving_it! you could deffinately pull off a nose peircing i think it would really suit your face and nose.

Answer #88

ok well if dont really hurt. just have to be really really careful when putting on makeup and washing your face and stuff. because I hit mine so many times and it just kept popin out. so eventually I couldnt get it bak in so I got it redone like 3 days after. trust me its not fun. just keep it clean. I used contact solutin which worked. but dont use alcohol. just read the back of the bodle it says not to.

Answer #89

dude it flilppin hurrrttts!!!

Answer #90

I’ve got my nose done (both nostril and septum) Nostril (the most common nose piercing) doesn’t really hurt at all. It’s a slight pinch, and it stings a little - but only for about 10 seconds. Septum however, is a really strong pain that lasts even after you’ve gotten the piercing.

Answer #91

I got my nose peirced in august. it did hurt loads, honest. its a pain I regret getting it done, partly my fault because its always infected, it goes all bobbly and horrible, I do clean it but I wear so much makeup that it clogs it up. so if your a make up fanzie like me babe I would say no, it aches after too and when it falls out you have to re pearse it dear god that hurts! its ok now tho.. but unless you really want it, dont get it done, I didnt think about if I wanted it I just did it lol:Dx xxx

Answer #92

getting it done wiith the gun doesn’t hurt a bit, BUT remember not to change it before the time you have been told to keep it in… I made that mistake… the one I changed it to got stuck! >.< and then it got infeected although it healed just fine after that… =D I’ve had mine done 2 years now.

Answer #93

Really itt doesnt hurt that bad. If you can deal with the whole idea of some guy at a tattoo parlor sticking a four inch long hole needle through your nose then the acual peircing is no big deal. I just got mine done last Tuesday and have an appointment to get my eyebrow and cartilage pierced Monday. It hurts like hell if you forget about it and start messing wit it (or if you stick your fingers up your nose) lol, but when they do it it isnt really that bad. Mine hasnt got infected yet, and I’ve been swimming in the ocean, the Potomac river, and a few pools. So I dont think its that common if you clean it right (use bactine not anything with peroxide in it or neosporine) Also when you get it done please, please get it done with a needle, unless you wwant the cartilage in your nose to shatter or yo want it to get infected and have a chunk cut out of your nose. So I would definetly recomend getting this done, with a needle, and at a good tattoo parolour. ;) good luck!

Answer #94

I have the same exact question! you see, i want a nose piercing but i cant stand very mmuch pain. I have had three cartledge piercings with a gun but they dont hurt. What I do know about nose piercings thoguh, is that never have it done with a gun, usually a needle. Go to a clean place where they will take care of you and do the piercing right. I hear you’ll tear up a bit but thats it. I hope thats only how much it will hurt! Nothing more (hopefully and wishing)!

Answer #95

it honestly dont hurt. I’ve had many piercings, and believe me, thats the one that least hurt. honestly its a one two thing and your eye tears a little.. thats about it. you’ll be okay. and say it dont look good on you? for that I’m sure it would look really good on you. dont be self concious about it.

Answer #96

so I got mine done yesterday & it didnt hurt at all its just a littlre pinch where the needle goes throught the skin then after that it doesnt hurt . besides when she actually put the stud in . youe eyes water alittle bit , but she said it was normal for that to happen. just when you get it done count to 5 and then its over just dont think about it when you get it done think about a happy place.

Answer #97

it doesnt hurt that bad. it just stings REALLY bad. I now have under my toune and that didnt hurt.

Answer #98

I’ve had mine for a little over two years… my friend did it herself in her bedroom so im not going to lie… it hurt. but im sure if you get it professionally dont it wont be as bad and will go way faster. just make sure you clean and take care of it… it only took about a month for it to heal… hope this helps for you and I really dont suguest you pierce it in your friends bedroom like me :)

Answer #99

I Have Had My Nose Pierced For About 5 Months Now And I Was 13 At The Time. My Mom Signed The Form So That Was Ok :).. The Pain Depends Just On How Well You Can Handle It. I Also I Have My BellyButton Pierced And I Thought It Hurt a lot More Than My Nose. On A Scale From 1-10 10 Being The Worst I Think My Nose Hurt About 4/10. I Think You Would Suit It And You Have Nothing To Worry About.

Answer #100

I got my nose pierced 10 years ago now and I still love it!!! It didnt hurt that much but my eyes watered a little.

Answer #101

I dont have my nose pierced anymore but I had it done 2 times. it doesnt hurt the first time just the second lol it just feels like a sharp pain for like a mintue than its gone. and it heals fast if you take care of it. I just got my tounge pierced and this is a lot harder to take care of lol if you take good care of it you’ll be fine and it wont get infected. and dont be scard if your gunna go get it done the whole week before I got my tounge pierced I was freaking out and then I went and got it done and realized I was just freaking myself out for no reason.

if you really want it just go and get it done. it doesnt hurt and it looks really cute afterwards = ))

Answer #102

I think you would look real cute wit a nose ring. I got mine done two times. but whatever you do, dont touch it,twist it, or anything like that.

It’s going to hurt a little when you get it done, but it is worth it. your eyes are going to water a little. Just make sure you don’t tug on it or get it caught anything. It hurts really bad, and DO NOT get in infected. That’s got to b the worst.


Answer #103

it really depends on how high your pain threshold is. I don’t deal very well with pain but surprisingly it hurt a lot less than what I thought it would and I’ve definitely felt worse pain before! the anticipation was the worst part really. I got mine done with a needle and it took under ten second to do. it does stay red and swollen for a week or so. also a good idea to keep the piercing in at night when your sleeping is to put a bandaid over it, it’s not uncomfortable and your guaranteed it will stay in. also don’t ever wipe your piercing with a towel because they carry bacteria, use paper towel or tissue. if you keep it clean you shouldnt have any problems.

Answer #104

I think it varys for every person. I did mine myself with the straight out nose ring. it did hurt for a couple of minutes but afterwards it was pretty much good.

Answer #105

I have my nose pierced and it doesn’t hurt. It will bring tears to eyes because itm esses with your sinuses. I even have it video taped. I have had my nose done for a year know I have never once got it infect and it doesn’t matter if you touch your nose ring or not. I went swmming that exact day I got it done and I changed it two days after. It should be fine. It does get ripped out easily tho. If you do get it pierced do it with NEEDLE not GUN! because it hurts so much more with a gun.!

Answer #106

i had my nose pierced when i was 12 and it didn’t hurt when she was actually putting the needle through to pierce it but hurt when she was putting the stud through. i am scared of needles so if i can have it done,anyone can. it was well worth it,i love my nose piercing. hope i helped you. xoxo

Answer #107

Geting your nose pierced doenst hurt i got mine done about 7 months ago and it hasnt gotten infected doesnt hurt but you will fell a little pinch and yo9ur eyes might water a bit. and i think a nose righ would suit you well the shape of your face and the size of your nose are perfect.

Answer #108

It didn’t me much..but it depends on your pain tolerence..One of my friends did mine..used a sterile needle..and just shoved it right through..eyes watered but that was about it. And you have to spin it..otherwise it will get stuck

Answer #109

mine was done with a needle, and it didn’t hurt at all, well it was more like getting your cartliage pierced, but not as painful. it only felt a little bruised after the process

Answer #110

a lot of people tear a little (its normal) but I didn’t. I personally thought it didn’t hurt at all..if you can handle getting your belly pierced you can handle the nose…

Answer #111

hi my name is jessica and i got my nose pierced in august. i had my friend piece it first and it didnt hurt. but then i took it out and gt it perfisional and it hurt for like two seconds then it did then it hurt for about 2 weeks. but personaily it didn’t hurt

Answer #112

I can guarantee you, that is does not hurt one little bit… and even if you take it out, it will be very difficult for people to see the little hole… go for it.. no pain what so ever

Answer #113

okay so I have mine done and I have now for almost 2 years. it will get infected if you dont take care of it. but dont you dont want to over clean it either or else it wont heal right

Answer #114

it doesnt hurt bad at all. the only part that hurts a lil bit is the inside piece of skin. I’ve done mine twice by myself. and no they usally dont get infected. just clean it good.

Answer #115

I’ve had my nose pierced for almost a year. when I got it done, it only makes your eye water cause it hits a nerve, but it doesnt hurt really. just for about 2 minutes, but afterwards, TOTALLY WORTH IT ! (: go for it <3.

Answer #116

mine didn’t hurt at all && ii am afraid of needles. ii cry when ii get shots at the doctors lol. my nose piercing isn’t all the way healed yet. ii get a lot of zits next to it which is annoyin as hell. other than that ii loveee it. : )

Answer #117

i had my nostil done professionally and did not feel a thing. the friend who came with me and watched said there was one drop of blood, but i didnt notice myself because the piercer must have cleaned it up promptly. even after the intial piercing my nose was only slightly sore and stiff feeling for a while. maybe i have a higher pain tollerance or my piercer was just very skilled, either way my experience was as close to painless as possible for have a needle shoved through my nose. :]

Answer #118

not much! i just got mine done all u feel is pressure in the start it didnt hurt but then later it did a little but take some pain killers and the pain would decresae. but you have to make sure that the person uses sterilized equipments or else it would cause a hell lot of pain due to infections.

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