Questions & Answers

  1. What is the bump i have after masterbation?
  2. Is it normal to flip my hair if I'm a guy?
  3. Why do I love kissing girls with tongue piercings?
  4. Why do they call it a turtle dove if it has no relation to a turtle?
  5. Why is Iceland green and Greenland is ice?
  6. What is your opinion on polygamy?
  7. What do you think about parents spending 10k+ on their child's birthday party?
  8. How to beat the heat?
  9. What are things I can do to stop waking up halfway through my sleep and wanting to eat?
  10. What's a good acoustic guitar song to learn?
  11. What can I use to clean my earrings I got at a thrift store with?
  12. How do I get touchpad swipes to work on my Acer when synaptics is enabled?
  13. Can you back-comb your hair every day without damaging it?
  14. what would happen if a guy stuck his penis at the upper part of the vagina, like near the clitoris area, something bad?
  15. Can you tell if a Chanel purse is fake without close examination?
  16. does someone really loose weight from drugs?
  17. Why do kids and some adults think it's funny when people are overweight, look different, or have special needs?
  18. Is it a banshee or a ghost; It can't be both?
  19. Which flavor of Chamomile tea do you think would help relax someone's nerves/stress?
  20. How much different is your online personality than your real life personality?
  21. Why do people wear the same clothes every day?
  22. What type of game can be played indoors for the age group of 30-35?
  23. How many alphabets are there in Japanese language?
  24. What are some things I could do to help me express myself verbally as well as I do on paper?
  25. What do the PERFECT chocolate chip cookies look like?
  26. Why is Chuck Norris referred to as doing Godlike/Incredible things most of the time?
  27. What are good things to do for an Easter party?
  28. How should I dress up for MTV day?
  29. Why do I sometimes get dizzy or light-headed when I cough really hard?
  30. How can I get rid of my friend's imaginary friend?
  31. Why isn't toothpaste FDA approved?
  32. Why do I always get dizzy whenever I stretch my neck/spine ?
  33. Why do cops set up bait traps to catch criminals?
  34. Where can I buy some cheap Sperry's at?
  35. Can somebody translate this absolutely correctly for me from German to English?
  36. Where can I buy a dark box darkroom film changing unit?
  37. When I'm starting to cry, why do my eyes hurt/burn when I'm not even wearing makeup?
  38. Can dogs be lez, gay, bi, or straight?
  39. How important are school grades in life, when you're looking to attend college later on?
  40. What kind and color of clothing suits a 13 year old girl with brown hair freckles light skin and brown eyes?
  41. What are the ramifications for trying to mail yourself?
  42. Where can I buy nice makeup for cheap?
  43. How is cottage cheese made, and is it actually "spoiled milk"?
  44. Can you describe your life in a six-word sentence?
  45. Does RED BULL make your blood pressure go up?
  46. How are oxygen and carbon dioxide transferred through the blood?
  47. Which perfume do you think is the best for young women, or which would you recommend?
  48. Do you think that it is inappriate to have a section on assisted suicide in a middle school library?
  49. What can I draw on a page about comic relief, except red noses?
  50. Is their a way to make vegetarian meatballs, and if so how?
  51. Where is the next olympics taking place?
  52. Where is the nicest place to move in Canada?
  53. Do you need to have a passport to fly to places within Canada, if you are from Canada?
  54. How many times can you have your belly button done?
  55. Does Best Buy's buy back program work if you bought an Ipad from Walmart?
  56. What does it mean when you call someone's cellphone and it says something like, "the number you're trying to reach has dial restrictions that prevent this call"?
  57. What is the most important aspect of a video game to you?
  58. Can a tsunami happen in one of the great lakes?
  59. How do you get cats to use a cat flap?
  60. What would be your instinctive responses to these sentences?
  61. What genre is the book "Why the Whales Came" by Michael Morpurgo?
  62. Which cream with which SPF is good for summer in desert area?
  63. Does anyone know if Left 4 Dead 3 is coming out any time soon or if there's any rumors that it is?
  64. How to get title updates for your xbox?
  65. If your World of Warcraft character is inactive for a long period of time, does it get deleted?
  66. Where did St. Urho's Day come from?
  67. How many calories is there in Pizza Hut's honey barbecue boneless wings?
  68. Who truly thinks that their mind is mature?
  69. What would you do if you were in charge of nuclear safety?
  70. Which do you prefer, an Android phone or an iPhone?
  71. Why does my cat keeping eating fake flowers and dust while we are at my grandma's?
  72. Is it true that too much sitting (at PC or writing) makes your belly big?
  73. What are the real causes of religious conflicts?
  74. How do you get to love children, if you don't?
  75. What is this bump/ bubble on my finger?
  76. How far did the earthquake knock the earth off its axis?
  77. What are the reasons for planning and implementing activities which contribute to promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for children?
  78. Why do I feel like a pulsing in random parts of my body sometimes?
  79. Is the cast from Jersey Shore racist against black people?
  80. What do you call a fine art teacher, who also makes furniture and majors in ceramic works?
  81. How do you block a number on an LG c900 Windows phone?
  82. Why is the quality of my vision getting worse?
  83. What is a good way to try and communicate with someone of another language when neither one of you understand the language of the other?
  84. What are some songs that are about two teenagers who secretly love each other, but can't get up the courage to tell each other?
  85. Which one do you think contributes to making a person look their best - face (makeup), hair, or clothes?
  86. How to dress a boy shaped body?
  87. Can I risk getting a virus on my computer if I download a movie from the internet?
  88. How do you dress "vintage"?
  89. Is there a faith that believes in a combination of Scientology and theology?
  90. Who else reads seventeen magazine?
  91. Is it possible for a person to be cool/cold blooded(read for details)?
  92. Which school should I go to - catholic or public?
  93. Why do people think my american bull dog/boxer is a pit?
  94. Who likes sushi?
  95. Would you say some people now-a-days are losing sympathy for others?
  96. Is it normal to feel depressed when you're alone and think about the past?
  97. Does anyone know where I can find lace-up boots?
  98. Which hairstyle do you think looks best - scrunched, curled, or straightened?
  99. Are a purse and a handbag the exact same thing?
  100. Where was Chanel made in, like, France, Italy, Paris?