Questions & Answers

  1. Why does my boyfriend get white bumps on his penis?
  2. How to download songs from iTunes to Bebo?
  3. Does my boyfriend really love me?
  4. Which websites will let you log on AIM?
  5. What different thing should I do with my hair?
  6. When should I take a pregnancy test?
  7. Where's a good place to buy a Homecoming dress?
  8. How does economic will affect our career choices?
  9. What if I love him but he doesn't want to commit?
  10. How can I gain back confidence?
  11. How can I prevent our problems from coming out again?
  12. How can I escape from the Army?
  13. Should I take my chances and make out with this guy?
  14. How do I handle kicking out my boyfriend of 7 years?
  15. Why do people think I'm emo?
  16. How to tell if a girl likes you?
  17. How do you delete questions?
  18. How can I pass my urine tests?
  19. How many pounds are in a stone?
  20. What can I do for my birthday?
  21. How can I lose weight to be prettier?
  22. What is E-40's religion?
  23. How can we break off our friendship with this girl?
  24. Do pilates work?
  25. Is there a weight loss pill with no side effects?
  26. Why am I burping so much?
  27. How can I get tan?
  28. How does weight change on the moon?
  29. Do you get charged for internet and e-mail with the iPhone?
  30. Does masturbating take away your virginity?
  31. How do canadian courts interpret the charter?
  32. What's a good screenname for me?
  33. How can I make my eyes pop with makeup?
  34. What are some new hairstyles for school?
  35. What's the technique on how to growl?
  36. How to fix a computer video
  37. What is the yearly vet cost of a Capuchin monkey?
  38. What eyeshadow to apply to different colored eyes?
  39. Why do I see strong swirls of color when meditating?
  40. What are pregnancy signs and when do they show up?
  41. Why do I feel on edge?
  42. Is anyone else obsessed with mechanical pencils?
  43. How many yards is 80 inches?
  44. Should I go out with this young guy?
  45. Who assassinated President Lincoln?
  46. What happened to Bam Margera's uncle Don Vito?
  47. What if I like this girl a lot?
  48. Do guys prefer curly or straight hair?
  49. Can I still be pregnant with these test results?
  50. How can I become anorexic and hide it?
  51. How do you read guitar tabs?
  52. Do you have an unusual hobby?
  53. How cute are my kitties?
  54. Mandy, should I give up on everything?
  55. What is your most embarrassing moment?
  56. Why do cats love catnip?
  57. How do I know if a guy is flirting?
  58. Is Paramore playing a concert soon?
  59. Will I gain weight from this food?
  60. How can I get a girlfriend?
  61. President Bush veto on the kids health care bill
  62. Where can I find a video of Eric Johnson playing Your Sweet Eyes?
  63. Are my chances of pregnancy great?
  64. How can I survive my boring classes?
  65. Am I good looking?
  66. What costume should I be for Halloween?
  67. How do you get your boyfriend to quit hanging with his friends?
  68. What can Manchester United do to get more goals ?
  69. What is the difference between Atheism and Agnosticism?
  70. Who would date me?
  71. Should I start birth control if I could be pregnant?
  72. How can I get kids to stop teasing me for my height?
  73. What is Type II Diabetes?
  74. What is the real full name of J.J.Cale ?
  75. What's the meaning of bismillah in Queen Song "Bohemian Rapsody" ?
  76. Is it OK to have unprotected sex and use the morning after pill?
  77. Why does it feel bad for him when I do this?
  78. Which is better for earning: eBay or Amazon?
  79. What if my crush got a girlfriend?
  80. Is my song good?
  81. What to wear to an 80's party?
  82. Do girls like chest hair?
  83. Have you ever been to Honduras?
  84. Can Ron Paul win the Presidency?
  85. What to do when my boyfriend's locked up?
  86. Should I try and get pregnant?
  87. Is GTA IV still coming this month?
  88. Is a Mac better than a Dell?
  89. Who here is a Christian or an extreme Christian?
  90. When do you give your kid The Talk?
  91. How can we advance our spark if we're married?
  92. What does the word pulchritude mean?
  93. How do you know if it's your period or pregnancy?
  94. How can I get my gums to stop swelling from braces?
  95. Why can't I get a boyfriend?
  96. Should I read my girlfriend's email?
  97. Should I let it go since he cheated on me?
  98. What if people are saying I'm such a cheater?
  99. Can anyone help me with Geometry?
  100. Why won't my period just get here?