Mandy, should I give up on everything?

Hi Mandy,

I haven’t had the greatest past, and I think my dad has a form of autism, so living with him is really hard. I stopped going to school a few years ago (I’m 18), and I probably won’t ever get to finish school. I’ve always wanted to become a singer/actress, I sing all day, I love acting too. I’ve gone to theatre school for a few months and it was fun, but it was very hard because when I went there I was feeling depressed - that’s why I quit after a few months. After all those things that happened to me, sometimes I feel old. I’m only 18 but I missed out on lots of stuff. I can’t get that back, but I’m wondering if you think I’m too old to do the things I’ve always wanted to do (I love singing and acting but I also love other things like writing and drawing)? Because sometimes I feel like giving up on everything, and sometimes I think “I’m too old” or “It’s too late”. And I’m only 18! So I’d love to hear your opinion on this.

Thanks in advance. And keep up the great work, I’m a fan of yours and I love your work! You’re very talented!

  • Nanda
Answer #1

I’m not Mandy! But, I’m 21 and have had my fair share of tribulations when it comes to reaching my dreams. We have similar goals. If you need someone to chat with just send me some fun mail.have a nice day

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