Questions & Answers

  1. How to help my friend who cuts her wrists?
  2. Is it weird that younger guys attract me?
  3. Where was the strangest place you've had sex?
  4. How did you find FunAdvice?
  5. What is a clit?
  6. What tattoo design should I get?
  7. Do you think I have a normal life?
  8. What's the code to hide friends and comments on Myspace?
  9. Tips on getting lip rings before I get one?
  10. What's your score prediction ?
  11. What to do when he ejaculates in my mouth?
  12. Should the world be concerned with the assassination of Benazir?
  13. Are advisors locking questions?
  14. Are you a vegan?
  15. What's a cool name for my picture?
  16. Can pouring sugar in your gas tank ruin it?
  17. Is 6lb fishing line too light for catching bass?
  18. Is my cousin pretty?
  19. How to believe in something that science can't prove?
  20. How to get money back from my stolen wallet?
  21. How to get out of trouble?
  22. How can I make my tongue longer?
  23. Can I get pregnant if I've never had my period?
  24. Is fruit water a substitute for water?
  25. How to eliminate and keep away dandruff?
  26. How to get a boyfriend?
  27. How to open the gate in Donkey Kong 64?
  28. How to stop my tampon from leaking?
  29. How to make popcorn shrimp?
  30. Where to find a branch or tree for a centerpiece?
  31. How can I become more flexible?
  32. Does Anyone Know about this Cell Phone Plan?
  33. How to have more than 8 people living together in Sims 2?
  34. How to wait until she gets over him?
  35. How to stop my dog from barking at people?
  36. Can you help me since I'm in love with my ex?
  37. Is my diet healthy?
  38. How do you make your period go away faster?
  39. Will baking soda whiten my teeth?
  40. How to stop turning red after exercising in gym?
  41. How can I move schools or be homeschooled?
  42. Why does high school have to be so hard?
  43. How to stop this horrible head pain?
  44. Should I ignore him when we start school?
  45. Is being pregnant scary?
  46. How can I lose weight?
  47. Can it be controlled ?
  48. How to stop my computer addiction?
  49. What is my boyfriend thinking?
  50. What album is Konstantine by Something Corporate on?
  51. Why do people believe in things they can't see?
  52. What album is Sarah McLachlan's Wild Horses on?
  53. What are these Maria Mena songs from?
  54. How to help my pet become protective?
  55. How to change my appearance so he notices me?
  56. Has anyone been to Jamaica?
  57. How to prepare calamari?
  58. Are we pretty?
  59. Can she fart while we have anal?
  60. What if my best friend really hates my boyfriend?
  61. How to stop fighting with my Mother?
  62. How soon can you recolor your hair?
  63. Does it matter that we have less ads than all the larger sites?
  64. Where should I go on holiday with my boyfriend?
  65. Would I look good if I curled my hair?
  66. Is the Guitar Hero 2 controller compatible with Guitar Hero 2?
  67. How to decorate with tree branch for a wedding centerpiece?
  68. Do I ask him if he's with her?
  69. Help with my breakup?
  70. Do you think I'm fat?
  71. Can Muslims marry outside of Islam?
  72. What's wrong with my cycle?
  73. Can I get pregnant during this time?
  74. How can I make my legs thinner?
  75. Why do guys love to see girls' panties?
  76. Can I reverse creaky and stiff joints?
  77. How can I move out if my parents want me to get married?
  78. What was your worst travel experience ever?
  79. Why do people get so upset when parents divorce?
  80. Adventures of Lomax walkthroughs?
  81. Should I complain about getting food poisoning?
  82. What's your favorite rock band?
  83. Where can I download the latest Windows Media Player?
  84. Where is this said in the Bible?
  85. Accommodations in Gabrone, Botswana?
  86. Do you have the new T-Mobile Shadow?
  87. When do you know you're ready to move out?
  88. Will he get in trouble if I don't press charges?
  89. Vista or XP?
  90. How to really pleasure my girlfriend?
  91. How to track someone through their mobile?
  92. What's a good acoustic guitar for beginners?
  93. Can you get pregnant if you haven't had your period?
  94. In what country would you say spasibo as thank you?
  95. How do you get two different libraries on iTunes?
  96. Where do I get Windows Media Center?
  97. What's this Webkinz error about?
  98. What's the song at the beginning of the new Bring it On?
  99. How old is Nick Jonas?
  100. Are my sister and I pretty?