How to believe in something that science can't prove?

what if you truely wanted to believe that some thing was real and/or true but science can’t prove it and nether can any thing else? what do you do then? help please and thank you

Answer #1

There’s a great new book out: How to Know God Exists by Ray Comfort - which addresses Science / Evolution / God - highly recommend it !!

Answer #2

There are many things which science can not prove. Few examples are as follows:-

  1. Desire to live with happiness in a human being is always present with the same intensity. It is not the need of the body but it is “my” need. It is ever actively present. It can not be simulated in a robot. This continuity of this feeling all the time within me makes me to think that there is something which is continuous within me.
  2. I have a deep sleep in the night and when I wake up in the morning I say “I had a nice sleep”. If I was sleeping then who observed that “I had a nice sleep”? and who was sleeping? Will a robot ever sleep? What is this phenomena of sleeping?
  3. I drink water and say “ohh my thirst is quenched”. Who gets this feeling of “quenching of thirst” and can this feeling be simulated?
  4. When a doctor pinches needle in my body I feel pain, who is feeling the pain? I can simulate the expression which comes in my body when I feel pain, but can I simulate the feeling of pain?
  5. I feel jealousy, greed, peer pressure. I sympathise, I empathise, can these feelings be simulated.
  6. Look at the chinese room experiment at this link
  7. When I see TV through my eyes, I can see the 2D picture on the TV screen and my eyes are seeing just the 2D picture but I can still recognize the 3D characters in the TV, so who is seeing? who is the seer? can we simulate this feature in robot?
  8. A human being has the faculty of verification and can distinguish between what he knows and what he assumes. Will there be any difference for a robot between “Knowledge” and “Assumption”?
  9. A human being has faculty of realization-verification, faculty of generalization-determination, desire-imagination, logic-analysis, and taste-selection. Can these be simulated in a robot?
  10. A human being has the desire to live with relationships. Can feeling to live with relationships can be a characteristic of material? can this “feeling” be simulated?
  11. Can any feeling be the characteristic of a material?
  12. A physical body can transmit the motion but it can not originate it, since human beings can originate the motion so are we just the physical bodies?
  13. Can a robot ask himself “what is the goal of his life?” and even if we asks then will it need to explore for it?
  14. When I am eating something tasty then I generally overeat. Will a robot or just a body will have a feeling of liking and disliking? will a robot ever overeat?
  15. Can a robot ever learn? There is a difference between learning and training.
  16. Will a robot or material be able to recognize harmony in nature?
  17. Will a robot or material be able to recognize relationship between any two entities.
  18. Will a robot find pleasure in eating, playing, watching movies, listening to songs, etc?
  19. Will a robot ever feel depressed and need a counselor?
  20. Will a robot ever suicide? Remember a human being suicides when he has no hope of being happy anyhow.
  21. Will robots feel alone due to lack of relationships?
  22. Will a robot ever revolt? Remember a human being revolts when he is kept under “unfavorable” circumstances for long time.
  23. I can not see more than what I know. But I see that I am seeing or recognizing more day by day. How it is happening? Can it ever happen in a robot? Can a robot recognize something in nature which is independent of its knowledge base?
  24. Generally when we sleep we have unconscious dreaming. Can robots have unconscious dreaming?
Answer #3

I would be very careful basing any belief on science. It is a discipline of observation and duplication, nothing more. Get a hold of a high school science book from thirty years ago and see what it says. You’ll laugh, almost everything is seen differently. An example. When I was in school they said there was a carbon / methane cycle to control the temperature of the atmosphere. Carbon heated it and methane cooled it down. Now they say both are green house gases and cause heating. If you didnt buy into the carbon/methane cycle, you failed. That is how science works. Unfortunately most science today has an agenda. Johnson and Johnson, for instance, does scientific studies to make money for Johnson and Johnson. Pharmaceuticals do scientific studies to sell more pills, not make people better. Most, if not all, of their pills have side effects that require more pills to alleviate them.

Everyday there are scientists that go against main stream scientific belief but they are ridiculed and laughed at by their peers. It is those people, like Pasteur, who think outside of the box and questioned traditional beliefs that are the real scientists. If you believe there is a reason to believe…then there is.

Answer #4

Science can’t prove or disprove, the existance of God, but, millions have believed… anyway, and when one does, the evidence that we need is given to us, thru the witness of the spirit.

God says in his word that the evidence is all around us, that proves his existance, we are just blinded to it. To get past this, we have to come to him in sincerity and ask him to remove the blinders, so that we may see the real truth. He will, do exactly that.

The bible is his love letter to us, showing us how he worked with mankind since Adam and Eve, it shows the good bad and ugly, so that we may learn from the mistakes of others, and also, to be encouraged by the faith that is found in the pages of that book.

It is very interesting, indeed, and if you go there with an open mind, and a willing heart, and you ask God to reveal it to you, he will. The words are spirit inspired and the same spirit must open our understanding to them. This is one way that God weeds out the insincere, I believe, because it takes effort on our part to seek God, to pray, and read his word, and only those that are truly seeking him, will put out the effort to do this. And, I am not meaning that a person has to read the bible to be saved, they don’t, but, for most, it is necessary to come to a saving knowledge of the Lord that authored it.

Answer #5

I don’t think believing makes a concept true. Either it is true or untrue–that’s it.

However, it is due to human limitation that we have to accept uncertain terms and presume them to have certainty. Time may prove it right, and if proven wrong one must be able through the lessons of human error to redefine and reconstitute a preconceived term and find a better term, a better view of how a certain aspect of the human condition is defined.

That is how man continues to pursue truth.

Belief is a fundamental foundation of man’s quest for truth. Without belief, nothing would be certain for us. That is why man throughout history have tried to find the necessary “foundations” that would secure their hopes that all their works are wothy to be done in the first place.

The Roman Catholic faith has taught us the theological virtues of FiDES, SPES & CARITAS or faith, hope and charity (the highest form of love–doing good works for others). I think above all else these are the foundation of all belief systems without which no human act can be seen to last.

Even science is set on this foundation.

For someone to prescribe to science, one must have FAITH in it, HOPE that it’s not wrong, and know that prescribing to it would result in the good of mankind, or in simple words CHARITY.

That is why when we ascertain the sky to be blue, we put upon the word “blue” a description of a perceived truth, not the absolute truth of the sky in reality being “blue”.

That is why science should not posture itself to be the sole guardian of truth., or enticing people to treat it like a religion of some sort. One feels that every grain of truth has to be stamped with the “scientific” seal of approval, or be ridiculed as ignorant and stupid.

Many even mistake science with technology, attributing our way of life to the “marvels” of science. It is my opinion that it is not only science, but the influx of information made available to most of us that is the real cause of everyday technological breakthroughs.

Such achievements are not to be attributed as purely science. Rather, one should consider the balance of all human disciplines that have made our world views as they are now, and how these world views are continued to be cultivated by human endeavors.

In other words, science must also give religion its due.

Answer #6

Adam and Eve ruined our lives. Eve took a bite from the apple that triggered Evil & Suffering. The devil persuaded her. But is the story true. Where did we come from? Why are we here? Are we alone? These questions can be answered. The day you die, the day everything is REVEALED. Or buy a Bible now for £12.99 in holy stores EVERYWHERE!!!

Answer #7

I dont have a problem with a hypothesis of what could be… but I do have a problem with that hypothesis being crammed down everyone’s throat as fact.

Answer #8

don’t depend on science to give what you need to believe, follow your heart, it will lead you, and if you are talking about god ,I guess you don’t want an evidence anymore, cause you are the greatest evidence of the existence of agreat power.

Answer #9

Bimjob: Im talking about belief. Faith implies having no control over the event or action. Belief is the steam, the driving force behind continuing on against adversity, difficulty or misfortune; the implication is there is some degree of power or effect on the outcome.

Answer #10

I say just believe…seeing isnt believing! lol I believe in god and science hasnt proven that and I believe in love at first sight so just believe and thats all you need!

Answer #11

Here are some very interesting sites that you might want to check out…

Science & God  (astrophysicist Bernard Haisch)   (astrophysicist Bernard Haisch)   (Professor Richard Swinburne)
Answer #12

The power of belief is awesome. Copernicus believed the sun was the center of the solar system when everyone else thought it was the Earth. He persisted.
Louis Pasteur believed that the bacteria that spoiled food and drink came from the environment while the scientists of the time believed they were spontaneously generated. He persisted. Behind the event of any great discovery was a person that believed against all odds, that it was possible. I believe the human mind is one of the most powerful forces in our Universe. If a man can think it and believe it is possible, he can make it happen.

Answer #13

Rayoflight: I agree whole heartedly.

Answer #14

You are talking about faith.

Answer #15

You go with faith…

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