How to wait until she gets over him?

look I like this girl a lot but I don’t know what to do because shes always on my mind and I cant think of anything else but theres a problem she is trying to get over a guy that she loved im 15 shes 15 too and the kid she loved as she says is also 15 but she says that if I would have asked her out more towerds the begining of the school year than we couldof been goin out probly but I don’t know if she still feels the same and I know I have to wait untill she gets over him but I don’t know what I should do at this point please help me!

Answer #1

Give her some time…she will eventually get over him she just needs time. Next time yall talk try to comfert her give her a hug and hold her there for a long time…look deep into her eyes and say im sorry that this happened trust me im a girl with lost of knolage I just cant spell it.

Answer #2

when I was recovering from a relationship I still thought about him but wanted to move on so I would try not to talk about him but if somebody had asked me out I would have had to think about it really hard but you can try to get really close 2 her and then slowly ease on to her

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