Questions & Answers

  1. What's your opinion on wolf hunting in Montana?
  2. Can a virgin use a tampon?
  3. Is Myspace good for kids?
  4. Is this bleeding my period or from sex?
  5. Why did I cut my bangs?
  6. Which college should I go to?
  7. What Would You Say to an Annoying Person?
  8. What's ammonia?
  9. When is the Sidekick 4 coming out?
  10. What song links to how I feel?
  11. What are tips to save money?
  12. What bands are playing in the UK this year?
  13. Can I be pregnant?
  14. Will it last?
  15. How to help my friend with her life at home?
  16. How much does the Statue of Liberty weigh?
  17. Do I really look like Hilary Duff?
  18. How often is getting a trim necessary?
  19. How to stop fighting with my girl's ex?
  20. How long will it take to grow hair to my butt?
  21. Do I have OCD?
  22. Why can't I get a job?
  23. How to ask him out?
  24. Should I quit school?
  25. Why do animals like lotion?
  26. How to tell my Mom I don't believe in her religion?
  27. How to get more friends like my sister?
  28. Was it wrong to leave my girlfriend?
  29. What turns you on?
  30. How to get my family to see my depression is real?
  31. What's a new way to meet people?
  32. Why does my sister have more friends than me?
  33. How to give my boyfriend an orgasm?
  34. What to do after cheating on my boyfriend?
  35. Why is he always picking on me?
  36. Who watches One Tree Hill?
  37. Is it OK to say no to guys I don't like?
  38. Do I have to go through the emancipation process?
  39. Why does My Cat Loves To Be Spanked?
  40. How to become comfortable with my body?
  41. Is Capital Punishment Wrong?
  42. Where could I get cheaper cigarettes?
  43. How much do you think I should lose?
  44. How to be great at dancing?
  45. How to shrink my hips and ribcage?
  46. Why does my Mom act so witchy?
  47. How to help my relationship get better?
  48. When does implantation bleeding occur?
  49. I'm 14. I need money!!!
  50. How do I make my eyeshadow look shiny?
  51. Why do love bites taste like blood?
  52. Can you give me diet ideas?
  53. What are the best country songs?
  54. Do You Watch American Idol?
  55. How do I tell my parents I am transgendered?
  56. What are some other things to customize my Ipod?
  57. Can we get a free abortion from somewhere?
  58. How to keep my daughter in her toddler bed?
  59. What do you think of Amy Whinehouse's new hair ?
  60. What if I like his best friend?
  61. Can a person move out at 16?
  62. Why is anorexia classed as a disese when it dosn't spread?
  63. Am I going to Hell for having a miscarriage?
  64. Who do you like better: Obama or Clinton?
  65. How many lunges I should do a day to tone my legs?
  66. Should I let him go since he moved and doesn't call?
  67. Where to play free poker online?
  68. How to get THC out of my system?
  69. Why did he say that he doesn't like me?
  70. Where to download MP4s for free?
  71. How much does an RN make yearly?
  72. How to help someone with parent problems?
  73. How to get a laptop from my parents?
  74. What is severe anxiety and how to stop it?
  75. Is it OK for guys to like manicures?
  76. What do girls think of guys with long hair?
  77. Who wants to see the movie Cloverfield?
  78. Were there religions 4,001,200 years ago?
  79. Can you buy Parliament cigarettes in the UK?
  80. What's wrong with my Lobster 700tv phone?
  81. Do cigarettes contain calories?
  82. Does anyone like eurobeat?
  83. Is my sister pretty?
  84. Is too much respect a bad thing?
  85. Does the drug Vanity work for breast enlargement?
  86. Is this normal after taking the Morning After Pill?
  87. Who is better: Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris?
  88. Which is the best hair styling cream available?
  89. How to upload songs to my Verizon Voyager phone?
  90. What if I still really like her?
  91. How to be a songwriter?
  92. How should I get my hair cut?
  93. Should I get my GED?
  94. Is it bad to cut?
  95. Should I take a pregnancy test?
  96. How to know if you have social anxiety disorder?
  97. Where can former inmates find work?
  98. How to make more friends?
  99. How to lose weight healthy?
  100. Is it normal to be this skinny?