Why did he say that he doesn't like me?

okay I loved this boy particaly 2 YEARS KNOW! & we havent been out yet & hes rli nice & he calls me phit & stuff we sometimes hang out together & walk home were rli good friends I would say bma? but other day my friend saiid - would you ever go out with her? and he said erm duno , shes not my type & she ‘s ugly & I was rlii heartbroken and I coudnt help but cry but know I know the truth & I thought he was telling me the truth guess not but my other friend was rli annoyed at what he had done & started having a go at him & he said he dint call me ugly but there’z no way im gna belive that I am ugly arent I? & im not popular & hes more popular then me & his mates hate me & I hate him but sometimes we get on , very rarely tho

should I moove on? but its rli hard iiLOVEHiiMSOMUCH </3

Answer #1

brtemblay its true some1 dose like me more then a friend in school but I dont like him in that sort of way :( hes that sort of person who would want to have sex aswell & I dont ;S

Answer #2

well if he says that then you should give it a shot at being with someone else and I know how you feel cause I was down that road before and I am still on that road but it will get better if you try and don’t worry I will be there for you if you need me. here is my e-mail and you can talk to me anytime you need to and I do know how you feel. And try not to think of that person as much as you would and you will slowly forget that person but you will still have feelings for that person. You might find a person that you will like more then the one that you acre and even thought that you might love. And give someone a chance and don’t say that it won’t work out cause you don’t know if it will unless you give it a shot.

Answer #3

for one if he’s your friend he shouldn’t be calling you names and if he didn’t like you like that you he should of said “I only like you as a friend” personally I think you can find someone better then that jerk and never ever say your ugly to tell you the truth I bet theres someone in your school that likes you more than a friend if you have any guy friends you could try and date them sometimes you may like them not because of there looks it should be of there personally

Answer #4


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