Questions & Answers

  1. What is hpsetup?
  2. is there any way to get salt (from the plow trucks) out of shoes?
  3. Do mermaids really exist?
  4. How can I get rehired at Walmart if I was fired for being absent too much?
  5. What do you think about the legal substances that are being sold in gas stations now?
  6. is it okay to straighten and curl extensions?
  7. Does any one famous have angel bites?
  8. What is the best practical joke you have pulled on someone and what did you do?
  9. Are Bose i-e-2 earbuds good or worth the hundred dollars?
  10. where can i find or what kind of earbuds are good and cheap?
  11. does any one know the song playing at the end of the Documentary of Stars on the Discovery channel?
  12. Why has it been so difficult for me to get pregnant after having the iud removed almost a year ago ?
  13. where can I find a decent job with a felony on my background. I have one felony (D.V.) almost five years ago. can someone please help me?
  14. does anyone knows how to open a country code of nnt docomo???
  15. How can I become vegan if my grocery stores don't carry various vegan items?
  16. Who pays tax on the money they make from Fun Advice?
  17. Do you sit or stand to shave your legs in the shower?
  18. How can i ask my boyfriend to pay mee waht he owes me?
  19. Is it true that 7 energy drink can kill you?
  20. Why do I keep getting things in the mail from the national guard, and army wanting me to fill out forms and join?
  21. Can a woman get infertile if she has sex with different males?
  22. Is Wikileaks doing good to the world or what?
  23. Why isn't the imusic on my T-mobile smart phone not working?
  24. Do you think soon racism will no longer exist, or do you think it will become worse sort of like it used to be?
  25. What is better when using admin mode in Linux?
  26. Why does it seem that the object of this site is to get as many friends and you can on this site, so you can get points for some very dumb answers?
  27. What is your opinion on plural marriage's and should this be allowed?
  28. What are some good last minute things to get for Christmas for stocking stuffers?
  29. How can you find the question that was posted by your friend few days ago?
  30. What is the best browser game in your experience?
  31. how to change SWF file to a gif or video?
  32. What country started the Christmas tradition of exchangeing gifts?
  33. whats muslims ethnicty?
  34. Is there a certain structure to follow when writing a story?
  35. Why does bi-partisanship scare political slickers so much?
  36. Who knows what they do in college for 3 hrs?
  37. If there's a fire and you have a pet fish will you try to save your fish?
  38. what rymes with Ambulance?
  39. what is the song from the IPad commercials?
  40. Who else has watched CatFace?
  41. Does Bowling For Soup sing the theme song for Phineas and Ferb?
  42. Is it normal to have tender breasts while on your period?
  43. whats the Firefox should i get FIREFOX or FIREFOX BETA 4??
  44. Do they make the video game Gun for PC and xBox360?
  45. What's your favorite Christian song?
  46. Who would you rather be friends or more with: Justin Bieber,Robert Pattinson or Orlando Bloom?
  47. Which is your choise, being rich or being happy?
  48. Can you transfer notes on the notepad from a Sidekick LX to a PC?
  49. Whats a good way to get a song out of your head?
  50. Me my brother and a few friends are starting a band; What are some band name ideas?
  51. What is the quickest/easiest way to learn either German or Russian?
  52. How do I choose a sport?
  53. What do you think of my poem, Days of Dismay?
  54. Where can you get non-latex condoms and are they as effective as the latex variety?
  55. what's the difference between accents and bad pronunciation?
  56. Is it true that coke cocola is oober bad for your teeth ?
  57. Is naivety a crime?
  58. What are ribbed comdoms?
  59. Why do I get sad at the most random times?
  60. does miscle goes down when you stop working out or do they stay there forever?
  61. Can anyone identify the band called ''Hot Chocs''(1970s)and tell me how to get their songs?
  62. does any one know if Qriocity is free?
  63. How do I strenghten my will power?
  64. How can I ask a question & give details (so people understand my situation)?
  65. How to reduce pain of bikini wax?
  66. How come when a set a default on my youtube channel it won't save?
  67. what is your favorite wild animal?
  68. Does coffe really stunt a person's growth?
  69. How can I best remove glass shards from an open wound?
  70. How can I get more friends if I feel like the people in my area are rude?
  71. What do you listen for in songs:nice sounding lyrics with a good beat, meaningful lyrics, or something else?
  72. How long does glued in hair extensions last?
  73. how can my mom make my baby stop crying?
  74. Who knows if air exerts buoyant force or not?
  75. Where can i find brush set for a good price?
  76. Would water colors stay on clay if you painted clay with water colors?
  77. What are some good online stores that sell "scene" or alternative type accsessories or clothing?
  78. are there any veins in your lip that if you hit would bleed a lot and not heal?
  79. Could I have dislocated my shoulder?
  80. is there a website where you can get free contact lenses samples?
  81. How to get used to fake nails?
  82. Does anyone know if I can buy a video game, play it a couple times to see if I like it then return it within a few days?
  83. Who knows what kind or makeup brush this is or where I can find one?
  84. What can I add to this plaster heart sculpture?
  85. is there any side affects for HIV?
  86. Are Lobotomies still preformed on the "ill"?
  87. What are somethings I could put by my grandparents grave site for Christmas?
  88. what is a really tasty beer?
  89. What would be considered a good SAT score (out of 2400)?
  90. What are effects of a cannibal?
  91. When you call back to check for the application you turned in a week ago how or what could yuu ask them?
  92. What is the reasoning for plaster to have to dry for two days?
  93. how to get finger nail polish to stay on longer?
  94. Do celebrity fitness DVDs actually work?
  95. Do you like certain colors based on function or preference?
  96. How many times a day should I brush my teeth with baking soda?
  97. What would cause a spark plug to blow out of the head on a car?
  98. Do you think plug-in hybrid vehicles are cost prohibitive over conventional petroleum vehicles and why?
  99. Is there such a thing as a Danish Danish?
  100. what are some good football cheers for cheerleaders?