what is your favorite wild animal?

Answer #1

Penguins and wild dogs/wolves

Answer #2

Penguins, they are so cute. or a panda hence the nickname lol.

Answer #3

I’d have to go with cheetahs - they are super fast plus have have really nice spots :) Also the cubs are adorable!

Answer #4

a duckbill platypus and i tell ya what they come keen :O

Answer #5

Panda! <3

Answer #6

White tiger <3

Answer #7

I’d have to say the black-capped chicadee. They are pretty tame and will eat sunflower seeds from my hand.

Answer #8

ugh something tells me this is gunna blow up my alerts-_-

Answer #9

harp seals(: they are my favorite type of seals but i love all seals.

Answer #10

ohhh and chincillas and the monkeys like the one on that show Zaboomafoo also

Answer #11

ohhh and chincillas and the monkeys like the one on that show Zaboomafoo also

Answer #12

monkeys.and penguins.likee mambo(:

Answer #13

that is a leemur

Answer #14

Horses for being wild and free. Dolphins, wolves, dingoes, [white] tigers, etc…

Answer #15

mine are all tigers, wolves, kamodo dragons,anacondas, and ant-eaters.

Answer #16

A fox. Or a coyote.

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