Questions & Answers

  1. How can I even out tan lines without tanning beds?
  2. What colors go well with burgundy?
  3. Does anorexia make you gain weight if you stop?
  4. Am I the perfect weight for my height?
  5. What the best exercise to tone inner thighs?
  6. Should I leave my family for my fiancee's career?
  7. How can I hack into this stuff to see if she likes him more?
  8. What's your favorite ride at King's Island?
  9. Should women breathe from the diaphragm?
  10. Can someone PLEASE tell me early signs of pregnancy?
  11. How can I reply to this statement in this conversation?
  12. Is clear discharge from my breast cancer?
  13. How do I tell my mom that my Stepdad raped me?
  14. What to do if my daughter may have swallowed a magnet?
  15. Who sings this song and what's the name of it?
  16. How can you get on Myspace at school?
  17. Do you recommend the Nuva Ring birth control?
  18. What are the early signs of pregnancy?
  19. How do you switch from formula to milk?
  20. Can you ask a question more than once?
  21. Is this age difference too great for us to be together?
  22. How does Jupiter get it's gravity, being without any solid mass?
  23. Do you shave your outer vagina when shaving bikini lines?
  24. What's the name of this R&B love song?
  25. Do you think she could like me? (continued)
  26. Told my folks to get lost..was it called for?
  27. Can I move out for my older boyfriend?
  28. 'PIAPS' - anyone know what that means?
  29. Would a professor with a gun saved lives at VTech?
  30. Why aren't illegals treated as such?
  31. Will the US ever be able to form an international coalition again?
  32. Should certain words get people banned from the airwaves?
  33. What do you think - was Rosie 'forced out' or 'contract problem' ?
  34. How to get ride of tension?
  35. Why would she dump me now?
  36. Can a house be purchased with no money down?
  37. Why won't his penis fit into me?
  38. Will getting my period interfere with having the baby?
  39. Am I sabotaging our relationship?
  40. Can I get on the Pill while underage in Canada?
  41. Did the government know 9/11 was going to happen?
  42. Does anyone make money on Clickbank?
  43. Why am I bleeding from him touching me?
  44. How can I find a good apartment in Wisconsin?
  45. Should I call it quits since we argue so much?
  46. Which route to take to strip black hair dye?
  47. Which song says "This is what I waaaaant"?
  48. Where can I find a 1995 computer game?
  49. How can I save a frosted ficus tree?
  50. Why isn't he interested in sex anymore?
  51. How can I take brown dye out of my hair?
  52. Should I tell my Mom I've had sex?
  53. How can tell if she is cheating?
  54. Should I ask my ex to a football game?
  55. Can Pokemon silver trade with fire red?
  56. Is anyone into Leftover Crack?
  57. How can I show him that I didn't mean what I said?
  58. How can I lose this belly fat?
  59. What are the words to this CATS song?
  60. How can I get rid of a pimple in one day?
  61. Is emancipation an option for my boyfriend?
  62. What if we should get back together but he doesn't want to?
  63. When is Miley Cyrus's birthday??
  64. Can I move out at 16 to live with family?
  65. What's the highest paying job in the UK?
  66. Is it too early to take a pregnancy test before your missed period?
  67. How do you get rid of dandruff?
  68. How can I get her number? (continued)
  69. Why can't I check or send e-mail on my old computer?
  70. How can I make my lips bigger?
  71. Can you make a living from Adsense?
  72. Can I buy the script for this site?
  73. Will my boobs ever grow?
  74. What do I do if I may be pregnant and I'm 16?
  75. Where to find this older Tupperware item?
  76. Do you think tuc tuc taxis will catch on in the UK?
  77. How do you remove eye bags?
  78. Will curling after washing damage my hair?
  79. How can I talk to my crush?
  80. What is the name of that song?
  81. Is there a chance of me being pregnant?
  82. Am I the right weight?
  83. What style do the boys like?
  84. Why does he pull away the more affection I give?
  85. Is there an alternative to Word Cloud software?
  86. What does it mean when you got pimples on pubic area?
  87. Do you think he's been cheating by the sound of this?
  88. How can I get her number?
  89. What state has the highest average web kinz per person?
  90. How can I get a model's body?
  91. How do I fix red X's in my emails?
  92. Am I at risk of developing anorexia?
  93. What are some tips on kissing?
  94. What are good ways to flirt without being annoying?
  95. Why am I having trouble inserting tampons?
  96. Can I get a job involved in real estate with a felony?
  97. Is it normal for a tampon to stop your period?
  98. Should I lose weight?
  99. How long should I wait to have sex after my period?
  100. How do I hack into my Myspace?