How do you switch from formula to milk?

When do you think you should switch over to whole milk. Most people do it before the baby turns one. My biggest question though is how. Do you just switch from formula to whole milk overnight. do you do it during the day. Do I have him drink formula and milk and just switch or do I just give him the milk? Do I give it to him cold, do I warm it up? I am completely lost. I only have about another day with his formula and everyone is telling me to switch him over to whole milk. He will be one in about two weeks. So I Just want to know how to switch him over. I already now that I am switching him over after this last can of formula. I just need to know how. Thanks a lot for any advice you can give me

Answer #1

I waited untill my kids 1st birthday, give or take a few weeks, and I would replace the afternoon and evening bottles with whole milk, but still give the child formula in the morning and the night bottle. It is very importiant that they at least get the night bottle with formula for about two weeks as it helps with growth and protiens. by that time the baby will have gotten used to digesting the cows milk and you can switch fully.

Answer #2

I started out by giving my son a sippy cup of milk around a year old.. and I would do it in the afternoon around 3, or after his afternoon nap

Answer #3

well you probably want to switch at the age of one. it shouldn’t be much of a problem to switchthe two. just hand your baby a sippy cup with whole milk and look at them and say yummy. your baby will probably like whole milk a lot better cause it also tastse better then formula.

Answer #4

I have 3 kids and they were all on whole milk and on a sippy cup by 11 months. It’s really not that difficult. Just let them try out the whole milk, and if they like it and there’s no problems, it’s done. It’s that easy. It’s not going to hurt them to change milks. It’ just milk.


Answer #5

just start with milk in a bottle,then over the next few weeks,mix in a little formula,then add more formula and less milk every few times,this way they get used to it and dont have a reaction

Answer #6

If you are feeding your baby formula you should probably discontinue it at 12 months. Women in non-industrial cultures often nurse until 3 so mothers who breast feed can probably continue to do so until 36 months if they desire.

Personally I don’t think you should ever start your child on cow’s milk. Dairy is probably the worst thing Americans routinely consume. Cow’s milk has too much protein (3 times as much as human milk). Cow’s milk is suspected to have a role in the development of type 1 diabetes and autism in children. The calcium does not appear to prevent osteoporosis since the countries with the highest consumption of dairy are the same ones with the highest rates of osteoporosis. Excess protein causes your system to become acid and the body’s way of neutralizing acid is to leech calcium from bones. Drinking milk to prevent osteoporosis is like trying to use gasoline to put out a fire. Humans are the only species of animal that consumes milk after weaning and we are the only species that consumes the milk of another species. There have been some interesting studies in rats that point to casein (a milk protein) as a cancer promoter though human studies have not been carried out to see if it has the same effect in us.

A quick web search will give you lots of information both for and against giving children cow’s milk. My personal opinion is that cow’s milk is bad for kids and bad for adults.

Answer #7

It’s very important that you switch from formula to milk at the right time. There is a BIG difference between cows milk and formula. The formula is packed with nutrients and a lot of calories to help with the baby’s development. Especially early on babies need a lot of fat for brain development. You don’t want to switch any earlier than 12 months. My youngest daughter had issues switching from formula to milk. She became very very constipated and fussy. We had to ween her off of the formula onto the regular milk under the supervision of her doctor. It took about 6 weeks before she was off of the formula. Remember to also offer a lot more food when your child is off the formula. They will need the extra nutrion because cows milk as nutrient and calorie rich as the formula and you don’t want your child to become malnurished.

Answer #8

my daughter is 10 months old and all we did was put the milk in her bottle with the formula. when you make two ounces of formula put in one ounce of milk make it so there is more formula at first so that way you can tell if they are going to allergic. and also so its easier to get them off of formula that way because this way they get used to the milk. we kept her like this for about a week and a half to two weeks then we made it so it was two ounces of formula to every two ounces of milk. then keep going from there until there is no more formula. it all depends on whether you as the parent thinks that its ok and safe for your child to be on milk at what ever age you want them to start it. and if it turns out that you started to early then just stop and try again in about 3 weeks. its just that simple.

Answer #9

my daughter is 10 months old and all we did was put the milk in her bottle with the formula. when you make two ounces of formula put in one ounce of milk make it so there is more formula at first so that way you can tell if they are going to allergic. and also so its easier to get them off of formula that way because this way they get used to the milk. we kept her like this for about a week and a half to two weeks then we made it so it was two ounces of formula to every two ounces of milk. then keep going from there until there is no more formula. its just that simple.

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