Questions & Answers

  1. What is Maggie Grace real last name if she goes by Margaret Grace Denig?
  2. whats 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, 4th base, and 5th base in the terms of a relationship?
  3. how do i get my boyfriend to go further in kissing?
  4. Help tumblr coding
  5. How do I retrieve text messages from an LG Optimus Chat?
  6. What is a good name for a blog containing short stories?
  7. Are there sites like Ebay but use Debit Cards not PayPal?
  8. if you got 100% on assignment than took off 15% is your final score 85%
  9. Why does she give me bad luck?
  10. What is bruce willis doing in the new Gijoe movie?
  11. will it bother you if there are double spaces between paragraphs in an ebooks
  12. can you find out weather FB account is fake. This girl talks to my boy friend alot so i made a fake account just getting to know the girl and we
  13. what are carbohydrates? Is there just one term or two.
  14. can the doc be wrong on your weight? the doc gave my dad a paper that says what ur weight is supposed to be based on your height. she gave it to
  15. Am I too old to be a senior in high school?
  16. Electronics major-jobs
  17. Powerful jobs- MIS vs Electronics
  18. this girl was telling me that the president passed a law saying the government can listen to landlines and check out emails. what? what happened
  19. what do these mean when your filling out medical paper: it says have u had:1) fainting spell @) jaundice 3) aritifcal joint 4) spacemaker?
  20. My cat is pregnant and I have been feeling the little ones moving for 2 weeks now. About how long will it be before she gives birth?
  21. Pc freezes up after I try to play dvd's?
  22. What does kim Kardashian do for a living?
  23. How a shy girl acts when she likes somebody?
  24. What are some quick and simple lunches with ground turkey to bring to school?
  25. Why when i ask a question i get the message that the page is no longer here?
  26. What does charismatic mean and how do i know if iam charismatic?
  27. Can you give me a list of flash game websites
  28. What words have 3 of the letter e
  29. Where to buy Yoga accessories and clothing online?
  30. Anyone recommmend a good software for Home management? I need a software that can allow me to organize household activities. Any softwares you kn
  31. What is the name that people check when you travel by plane or by sea in the passport?
  32. How do i kiss my boyfriend for the very first time?
  33. is it safe to consume expired coffee powder?
  34. Why does my neck always hurt?
  35. I want to take an invitation to an event?
  36. He's bored of me?
  37. What is the duty of SEO Service in India?
  38. new tattoo
  39. Dirt Bike tires wear out their edges from square corners to circular corners in a very short time. What is the other solution except buying?
  40. Do you think my girlfriend is pregnant?
  41. why does FA users/majoritay of them want money for advice ?
  42. Do you think that there are people that are always in the spotlight even when they want to be unnoticed?
  43. Is it true that every time an animal goes extinct it messes up the food chain?
  44. how do I get my baby cousin to stop touching my boobs?
  45. do my problem of erection is related to molestation ?
  46. what is love? What kind of feelings should i be expirencing, with every guy i dated its the same thing. First lovey dovy than all hells loose.?
  47. Does anybody know what it's like to do an internship for Criminal Justice Technology?
  48. 6 years diff in a relationship?
  49. What songs would be good for my story?
  50. hey guys i want to know what have to do during cataclysmic circumtances, especially when food deplete during natural disasters..! What you think
  51. What information do I need and how do I figure that out in order to figure out what type of mother board my laptop needs?
  52. Have you watched the movie 1984 from Orson Wells?
  53. Which show likes you more fringe or the x files?
  54. Anyone have any design or color scheme suggestions for a pokemon xbox housing?
  55. Does this sound like pregnancy symptoms?
  56. What are some good ways of getting rid of spiders in my room
  57. What do you call people who you can call for help with technical problems?
  58. How do I convince my boyfriend that God exists?
  59. Is going to parties in high school worth while?
  60. What is i wanna make an account, but dont know what it is:)
  61. Guy A used condom and didnt ejaculate Guy B did not use condom and ejaculated. Should I be worries who the father to my unborn child is or am i j
  62. My belly button piercing rejected, and I had it taken out a year ago.
  63. dad and seeing my boobs
  64. is it weird for my dad to see me in my bra ?
  65. would you tell your kids about a previous child put up for adoption?
  66. What to do with my boyfriend/ friend?
  67. How does it feel to be gased by one of the gas chambers used in WW2?
  68. Pass a drug test
  69. how can i lose my weight
  70. If a friend likes your picture you would assume that you likehim or not?
  71. Why is all this party about the pope quitting?
  72. Has anyone tried rice force skincare?
  73. In english, what does "en bonne" mean?
  74. Any suggestions on a bilingual wedding website?
  75. What to name my book?
  76. Why the news tell me that i can lose my cable service if im paying for it?
  77. Why the first lady was announcing the best picture in the Oscar?
  78. 1.What is most important factor to consider when buying a dirt bike tire, the cost of the tire or the terrain you intend to cover?
  79. What is the role of the nucleus?
  80. As of 2/26/13, who is the worst NFL team?
  81. What fruit snack is this?
  82. How can i get over being shy?
  83. Boyfriends in jail
  84. how long does torn bicep surgery take
  85. Do you candlelight dinner at home?
  86. would this be considered a panic attack?
  87. Crown Management Jakarta Capital
  88. isnt having a hysterectomy supposed to stop endometriosis?
  89. Are you agree with the best movie oscar winner or not?
  90. Why the reporters look so small against the actresses?
  91. Is the Oscar tonight ?
  92. Why does this guy always ignore my text and calls but he talks to me in person l
  93. how do you unlock your phone from at&t?
  94. if my car belt is ripped where can i get it fixed?
  95. These kind of women are very difficult to find?
  96. Can being friends with your ex harm future relationships?
  97. How can i overcome a situation like this in the job?
  98. Where can I watch all Walking Dead episodes?
  99. I'm not the prettiest girl around but I'd like to think I have a good personality. How do I get guys to notice me?
  100. what would cause my incision site to just now get red?