Is going to parties in high school worth while?

I am sort of the really typically mature kid that is successful and all that fun stuff, but I also have a wild side. I want to go out and be social and meet people and do stuff that high school kids are depicted doing in movies. I know it happens at my school, but I just never get invited. Am I missing out on anything? It makes me sad to think about missing out on something that could be really awesome. Be honest, I know it is probably not highly recommended that I do that, but I feel like it would be a good experience..

Answer #1

Parties where I live are where people get really drunk, high, and are smoking or doing dr*gs. And alot of people hook up each and every party. But everyone knows each other and has fun because we live in small communities, that all come together for one bigger party kind of thing. I’ve been to two parties, my most recent party was over a year ago. I hate parties. I hate hangovers, i hate the peer pressure to do anything, and I hate the maturity of the people there. Like they can be fun, but don’t go overboard. I don’t know what the parties are like there, all i can say is to go to one with some friends, and see for yourself.. But I found my group of friends, who don’t go to parties, and we have plenty of fun just the few of us, without getting drunk or in danger or anything

Answer #2

I agree fully with you in just like you when it cones to that. more teens a d college students need to be like that IMO.

Answer #3

i dont know if they are all that worth it. i was never in any parties in high school. but i will tell you they are worth it out of high school when you get go out to clubs when you actually have professional DJs, people aren’t so devoted to their cliques, people go to have fun and hook up rather than just talk trash about other school mates.

Answer #4

Teens think they are invincible and because of this they think that bad things only happen to other people. I know that I took some really stupid chances when I was a teen that could have had dire consequences. I was lucky that nothing really bad happened to me but a some people who did the same things I did were not so lucky. How important is partying to you compared to what it could mean to your future or to people you hurt including those who love you? I know I’m being a hypocrite and this will probably fall on deaf ears my advice is to keep things sane. If you do party be careful and only party with people you trust and whatever you do don’t drive or ride with anyone drunk or stoned.

Answer #5

Try not to identify with the ‘mature girl’ self image. I am not saying it’s bad, but it CLOSES you off to possibilities of having fun and enjoying yourself because your mind then, can easily rationalize all that away with ‘immature people do that, I am not immature’.

Try to open minded and experience things on first hand experiences WITHOUT judging them and attaching presuppositions based on what OTHER people or the ‘majority’ claims they are like. I can’t count with fingers of my both hands and feet the number of preconceived notions and presuppositions (inspired by my friends) of mine which were wrong. —- And again, you are not the people in the movies, the other people or the majority - you are you. And every individual UNPLUGGED from the ‘I go wherever the herd goes’ mentality is unique.

The best advice I could give you is, ‘dip your toe in the water before claiming it’s hot’. Go check out the parties, see if you have fun, see if you enjoy them. You don’t have to do anything which is AGAINST your values (ex: I am a nutrition freak, I don’t drink even if ALL my friends do) no one is going to force you to do anything.

I do not drink or ‘hook up’ at parties but that does not mean that me and my friends don’t have MAD FUN! I am like the successful career focused guy as well. You will never see me wasting time or ‘just chliin’ yo’. I am always on to something productive or the other. Parties to me are a place for taking a break, unstifling, unwinding, clowning around with my bros and just enjoy socializing.

What I would suggest though, is that you go with your best friends (go alone and you’ll be bored out of your mind). Also, going with your best friends make the experience of the party at least a 100 times better.


Note: The advice I gave was based on how things are where I live. Things maybe a little different where you live. However, you have to read the book to be able to know what’s in it!

Answer #6

There are so many ways that I’d personally rather spend my time doing than partying. The alcohol and aspect don’t bother me as much as the fact that I just don’t like being around a lot of people that I don’t know/like. Hanging out with a small group of friends is so much better, in my opinion. I totally understand how you feel, though. High school parties depicted in movies always seem so crazy and fun, so it’s understandable that you feel like you’re missing out. What constitutes as fun has a lot to do with where you fit in. If you can see yourself fitting in really well with the partiers at your school, than going to a party could definitely be worth it. If not, like in my case, then parties are completely obnoxious and lame, haha. If you don’t get the chance to experience a high school party, I guarantee you’ll have opportunities in college to party (if you’re planning on going to college).

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