He's bored of me?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year next week, and hes telling me he wants to break up. That hes bored of our relationship. Were young, and he says he doesn’t want to be committed, and he wants to be able to experience new things in life… I dont want to lose him… I have self-esteem issues, im not the best in bed, we do have our fair share of fights, and our relationship has been through ALOT. but I truly love him. He doesn’t seem like he cares anymore. He basically told me he wants to still be able to be with me, and other girls.. How do I convince him Im worth being committed?

Answer #1

Quite frankly, if he were to realize that you’re worth committing to and if he wanted to be in a commitment, he would have already realized that that’s what he wants. I think you deserve someone who wants to be committed and in my opinion of it the right person all those other relationship related ‘experiences’ can be easily given up or not wanted/needed anymore. Frankly, I don’t think the feeling is reciprocated fully on his side. Anyways wouldn’t you want someone comittwd to you because they want to be? Not because you convinced them or forced them to. Wouldn’t you want that person to see that you’re worth it just being with you rather than need your convincing? It sounds like he’s not ready for commitment at all right now or a serious relationship, perhaps in the future but not now and that’s not something you can conjure up or force. Just my take though.

Answer #2

One of the great fallacies of our time is that love can overcome any obstacle. When relationships aren’t good we blame ourselves thinking that our love was not pure enough to fix everything. There is a lot of truth in the saying that in a relationship the person who cares the least has the most power. Right now your relationship is asymmetrical where you love more and he has more power. This is not a healthy place to be and I don’t think it is helping your admitted self-esteem issues. As far as being good or bad in bed; the most important element in making love is the emotional content. Your emotional intimacy is more important than your skill at any particular act or technique. I think he just isn’t into you as they say. I think it is time to move on.

Answer #3

well you said hes young that you two are young…. im guessing he dosent wanna b commited that he wants to go in sleep with all these girls…… and theres nothing you can do… like hes stuiped for not realizing what he has but he dosent wanna b tided down.. which isent bad since hes young but you two want completley different things… i think the best thing is to split up i dont know how you could change his mind….. i mean if he reallly loved you he wouldent wanna be with anyother girl he would only wanna be with you and thats not the case…… you have to understand theres other guys out there… and right now its not gonna work for you to… dosent mean maybe in the future it couldent work but right now it cant… unless he changed his mind…

Answer #4

i went through the same thing my first relationship (but she didnt tell me she wanted an open relationship) she just said she “fell out of love” what that told me was she was bored.

that is one of the many things that got me to be a dating coach

i didnt know at the time how to fix it but now I just helped several people with the same issue, the same exact one!

you want to hear what guys want? just like girls, they want an emotional roller coaster. play hard to get, you are making it too easy for him… play a little hard to get, tease him a bit. if you dont try new things it WILL fall apart. so this is what you need to do. most girls don’t pull the trigger in bed, they arent the ones that start it. do the liberty of reading a kinky book or learn some new positions online and dont try, BE the dominate one. guys love it when you make the first move. the best way to get better is to practice right? so do that. look up new positions and lead him on, don’t tell him whats gonna happen. take him to your room or his room, whatever and turn the lights off, shove him onto the bed and pretty much take an advantage of him. this will change his mind.

I’m not saying that’s what I like, I’m saying that’s what all guys like.

but that’s only the start. when you do that, let me know and get a gig from me ;)

Answer #5

You have met? Girls are used to the pain, how can it linger? He may love you has come to the point of madness, he ruined your reputation may only hope that no one close to you, he did not want a person other than you talk to him, including the girls, (www.cusabio.com igg elisa kit). But does not rule out that he not love you this possibility.His psychology may have been distorted, you may change a good talk with him, if it is not, leave it quiet, so that he can not find you, and hope he does not make what hurt you to do.

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