Questions & Answers

  1. How to caress a woman?
  2. What's with my rebeliousness?
  3. Are my friends worried about me?
  4. How do you move into the sex stage?
  5. Does it hurt to get your belly button done?
  6. How to keep my hair straight after I wash it?
  7. Using handcuffs and blindfolds in bed?
  8. Does anyone like anime?
  9. Why does my puppy bite my arm?
  10. What are Gears of War tips and cheats?
  11. What happened to Blu-Ray DVDs?
  12. What's this Bon Jovi song called?
  13. Is RockBand only for Xbox 360 and PS3?
  14. Did you know how much pizza the US consumes?
  15. Does anyone else want to get married and have kids?
  16. Am I a bad person?
  17. How do you make a cat listen?
  18. What do you guys think of my poems?
  19. How do I shave my legs?
  20. Ideas for a 16th birthday?
  21. Why are so many people violent and racist these days?
  22. Why do white girls want to date black boys?
  23. Is anybody else a fan of Crystal Liu?
  24. Is religion just a label?
  25. What is this if I'm having chest pain?
  26. What would my weight be if I was 15% underweight?
  27. Why is my arm sensitive and aching?
  28. Learn To Play Guitar By Myself?
  29. How to show my boyfriend I appreciate him?
  30. How can I be More Secure with Myself?
  31. Why does she feel like she has a UTI?
  32. How to change a song to .wav?
  33. Where to download free music?
  34. How to use XBOX Live?
  35. Are there free Jonas Brothers concerts in the Bay area?
  36. Has anyone had a sibling in jail?
  37. How do I stop popping my knuckles?
  38. How to make shaving last longer?
  39. Why do people call me ugly?
  40. Why doesn't my little sister want to sleep?
  41. Why do some Atheists degrade people for believing?
  42. Does anyone else think Josh Peck is cuter now?
  43. How to do my own tattoo?
  44. Can you have your period while pregnant?
  45. How to keep the relationship moving?
  46. Should I stay at my school or transfer to another school?
  47. How to stop the stress so I can fall asleep?
  48. What can inspire me to go on a diet?
  49. Why do people hate good-looking people? (continued)
  50. How to make a social site contact buttons?
  51. How tall do you think I will be?
  52. Why do people think I'm preppy?
  53. Why do I like vampires and demons so much?
  54. Why do people have a problem with girls playing XBox Live?
  55. What's the saddest film ever?
  56. Is there an afterlife?
  57. Why should a girl dump a guy?
  58. How do I get hair like Amanda Bynes?
  59. How to add someone to my friends on Myspace secretly?
  60. Am I pregnant if I am bleeding?
  61. What creams will help un-frizz my hair?
  62. Why do I hump things?
  63. Does anyone listen to Doyle & Debbie?
  64. What kind of spices are used in Indian food?
  65. How to talk in school without getting in trouble?
  66. When do the Jonas Brothers come to Florida?
  67. Can she get herpes from oral sex?
  68. What Cardio Training to do in winter?
  69. Is national debt actually a good thing?
  70. How to make myself throw up?
  71. Should I dye my hair brown?
  72. What is the best Sims 2 game?
  73. What are Urinary Tract Infections Like?
  74. The difference between kickboxing, muah thai, and freestyle?
  75. How to ask my parents for a counselor?
  76. How to tell my Mom that I want to wear makeup?
  77. Am I pretty or not?
  78. Does masturbation before sex act as a contraceptive?
  79. Why can't I download anything?
  80. How to not be nervous at a new school?
  81. What's the best car game for XBox?
  82. How to beat Sekto in Oddworld Stranger's Wrath?
  83. How do you start a scooter club?
  84. How do I fix my iPod?
  85. Can anyone explain this quote?
  86. Is there bad cheese or lead in Pirate's Booty?
  87. Am I hot or cute?
  88. What poster to make for a Jonas Brothers concert?
  89. How do you send songs from your computer to your cell phone?
  90. Can anyone lead a felon in the direction of a trucking company?
  91. Who would you ask out on a date?
  92. Will Fall Out Boy be at the Honda Civic Tour 2008?
  93. Where can I get Sprint ringtones for free?
  94. Does he like me as a boyfriend?
  95. Why am I so sad?
  96. Does anyone know a good detox diet?
  97. What's up with my questions not showing up?
  98. How to convince my parents to let me cut and dye my hair?
  99. Where can I find ma huang?
  100. How to look pretty without makeup?