Am I pregnant if I am bleeding?

HI… I’ve have been feelin like I am pregnant. I’ve have been eatin a lot and sleepy and my stomach has been feelin tight. Also I have been having back pains. I was suppose to come on my period thursday the 10th of january. Yesturday friday the 11th I’ve had brownish discharge in spots w/ minor cramping… and later that’s night there was a puddle of clear water like discharge in my panties and on the back of my pants as if I peed on myself! Today saturday the 12th, when I woke I to use to bathroom I started to bleed… then I came on my period… then I started crampin very bad… am I pregnant? I’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while please help me!!!

Answer #1

It is not possible to ovulate during a pregnancy so if you are bleeding and pregnant it is one of two reasons. Either miscarriage or implantaion bleeding. That is where the egg is attaching itself and you have just conceived. If you are in pain I would see your doctor. If you are pregnant you will have to anyways. If you are not pregnant then you are just having an irregular period. Hopefully everything will be ok.

Answer #2

how old are you exactly please tell me your old enough to want a baby because if you are old enough a women always knows if there pregnant so if thats what you think thats what it is girl friend

Answer #3

Sorry but sounds just like normal period symptoms to me especially since your on time (one day off isn’t much of an indicator). Of course I’m not a doctor so if you are feeling pain and not feeling well, go see a doctor. You could be having a miscarriage which would explain the pain and bleeding. Also, you can always test with a home pregnancy test that can be bought at any pharmacy.

Answer #4

I am 6 weeks pregnant. and I am bleed bright red and having bad cramps. I went to the doctors and they said the pregnancy was fine. but I have a chance to miscarry. which they call a threatening miscarriage. I was just wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms.

Answer #5

take a test.

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