Why do people call me ugly?

people say im beautiful but im not sure if I believe them because these stupid boys at my school call me ugly oh and theyre ugly too. this one boy said, “id rather go out w/ him then you”, and that made me cry. I really want to make my self-esteem and confidence higher, but its too hardd w/ ppple insulting me like that. my mother says that people who harass me have problems && they want to make me have the problems . please help thanks (:

Answer #1

aw thanx youre beautiful too =]

Answer #2

hey yea trust me I was called all things in the book…they really are just jerks, number one, they probably want you and they are probably two scared to ask you out, or they just well jerks…plus if a guy sees that he hurt you when he called you ugly, he will continue to do so…so if you “zing” him back with sumthin really cold…he will shutup trust me…dont listen to any guy you are beautiful dont let em tell you nethn different :]

Answer #3

You need to be confident for people to know you’re and they’ll leave you alone, when they see you cry they’ll try even harder to break you down. Just remember that you’re the one that’s more mature than them and just stand tall, don’t get as low as they are.

Everyones beautiful in their own way, don’t EVER let anyone call you ugly because you’ll soon beileve them.

Answer #4

I forgot to mention, the guys which are hideous. do have problems b/c one may have a girlfriend which I don’t know how bc hes an as$ he was held backk. & the other kids are jus jerkkss

Answer #5

ok you said it yourself, they’re stupid boys if they’re so stupid why do you care what they say about you? see you should pay attention to those positive compliments you get and ignore those negative ones

you’re a beautiful girl and accept it, don’t let some kids bring you down to tears kids like that feed off your emotions,if they see that it hurts you, they’ll keep doing it

if you show them that it doesn’t hurt you anymore and that your proud of yourself and who you are, then most likely they’ll stop it

Answer #6

heh im a guy and if they are like ages 14- they are just shy to talk to girls and if they are accused to some1 of loving them they turn them down and try to make people beleve them so they say your ugly and I would never go out w her! if they older that means your in highschool and explore and try to find some1 you like, its not that hard =P

Answer #7

same thing happens with me. don’t worry your beautiful, guys are just jerks.

Answer #8

Sorry, you are after watch your picture.

Answer #9

haha thank youu

Answer #10

haha youre welcome lol

Answer #11

oh thnx ill try that =]. what are you talking about, opetionsss?

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