Can you have your period while pregnant?

HI… I’ve been feelin like I am pregnant. I have been eatin a lot, pooping likt 3 times a day, sleepy, and my stomach has been feeling tight. I was suppose to come on my period thursday the 10th of january. Yesturday friday the 11th I’ve had brownish discharge in spots w/ minor cramping… and later that night there was a puddle of clear water like discharge in my panties and on the back of my pants as if I peed on myself! Today saturday the 12th, when I woke I to use the bathroom I started to bleed… then I came on my period… then I started crampin very bad… am I pregnant? I’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while please help me!!!

Answer #1

yup you can.. my friend did. dont worry.

Answer #2

yes, you can cause I was having mine and I was four months pregnant…

Answer #3

go to the hospital and get it checked out

Answer #4

I think I could be, I have had a bit of blood randomly todya but I’m sure it’s not my period since it is NOTHING like my period and its a light pinkish red colour instead and when I come on my period a get this particular like pain in my ovaries, which I haven’t had, and I ALWAYS have blood in my actual urine, and in my underwear it was just a bit of pinkness on the tissue, and there is nothing in my pants. also, periods sometimes have a distinct smell, and mine doesn’t (not trying to be gross) and I always come on before my mum, always have done, and hers is exactly on time, and mine hasn’t come properly yet.just had 2 spots yesterday and then nothing then bit ont he tissue when I wiped today so I’m really unsure about it.

Answer #5

I know how you guys feel I am 18 and everyone around me is telling me that I am cause my nose is getting big and so is my stomach. I don’t throw up but I feel like I will at any minute. I know who the daddy is if I am but still its still alittle scaring. but I am still coming on my peroid I have for like 3 months straight but my mom thinks I am she said she came on with me and my sblings please help somebody

Answer #6

hi ya I am 19 I was 2 weeks late and came on my period for 3 days and it wasnt like a normail period I have had sore boobs peeing a lot and eating a lot and have had cramps in my stomach I have taken a test but it says negative but I think I am to early to take one thanks x

Answer #7

No I’m afraid not sweety.its just a reaction 2 yor period. and don’t try 2 get pregnant because you don’t know hat will occure when you I would be very careful. okay?

take it easy try 2 go 2 the doctor and see what he/she says if they say yes you r then you got what you want but missing periods are normal. and if you were pregnant then you wouldn’t have a period at all because the blood would go 2 the baby.

Answer #8

I normally have my period at the end of the month around the 31st area, when I had inter course about three weeks agao, I woke up ar 3am each morning vomiting and it lasted for three days, then I suffered with mild cramps, and a week later, I had a light period and I normally have it for five days, it only lasted three days then a brown discharge after. now I feel sick some day, and perge other days. and I have a white discharge as well and some lower abdonminal pains and it has been three weeks to date… what do you think it could be?

Answer #9

heyaa, im 14 and mabe pregnent… x ??

but about 3 weeks after having sex I have come on my period, what does that mean ?

Answer #10

well im 16, had sex on september 20th 2009. now noone be likee woaah your to young and shit. I’ve been with my boyfrind for almost a year(november 4th 2009 will be a year)I lost my virginity to him 6 months into our relationship but anyways. I was 7 days late, but got my period like 3 days ago. I had random people I didnt even know telling me I was pregnant and also my boobs are really sore, and there getting bigger. my stomic feels tight, and also I eat everything, and I normaly hate tomatos but I crav them soo much, and also I crav peanut butter with pickles.

am I pragnant?

Answer #11

Bleeding typically is a sign that you’re NOT pregnant. A day or two late is considered regular as far as periods go. (if you were a few weeks late then it’d be an irregular cycle) It sounds like a typical period to me, but if you’re experiencing abnormal pain and bleeding then perhaps it’s a miscarriage or another medical condition that you should seek professional medical advice for.

Pregnancy symptoms are common with the symptoms of many different illnesses so it’s wise to take a home pregnancy test(urine) or visit your doctor for a pregnancy test (blood) to know for sure.

I wish you the best of luck with conceiving!

xox Sika

Answer #12

I also agree with kathryn I was about 1 wk or 2 pregnant but I DID have my period.. it is more common for someone to have a period that early into their pregnancy than it is for someone who is further along, but its not common. but as I said.. I had my period and I was pregnant so.. yes

Answer #13

Just Get A Pregnancy Test Then Or Go To A Family Planning Clinic Or Hospital Just Get Checked Out No One Can Tell You For Sure

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