Questions & Answers

  1. How do you know if you are depressed?
  2. How to get my AIM account online?
  3. How old is required to work at a movie theater?
  4. How to tell how many months along without a doctor?
  5. What are your pet peeves?
  6. Can you get pregnant if the condom breaks?
  7. Where does weight you lose go?
  8. Does anyone like this Miley Cyrus song?
  9. Is it right to marry within a week of meeting?
  10. Does not being asked out mean you're ugly?
  11. What would a guy look for most in a girl?
  12. Why are all these kids getting pregnant?
  13. Should i get a tattoo at 14?
  14. How do we tell our parents we are having a baby?
  15. What to talk about if we have little in common?
  16. What if our parents don't sign the papers for us to move in?
  17. What to get him for Valentine's Day?
  18. Can you get diseases from kissing?
  19. How to get into character for drama?
  20. Will you please pray for my Grandma tonight?
  21. Where to find a pagaent farewell speech online?
  22. Why is my period not here?
  23. Can you add an extra graphics card to a laptop?
  24. How can you tell if your girlfriend loves you?
  25. What does Koi Fish mean?
  26. What's the name of this song from the Swing era?
  27. What if your loving partner lives far away?
  28. healthiest amount of calories you can restrict yourself to?
  29. Are we in recession or on the brink of recession?
  30. Where to get the best interest on a US savings account?
  31. Isn't using magic against God in the Christian religion?
  32. What are hood and labret piercings?
  33. What to get my boyfriend for Valentine's Day?
  34. How much should a fourteen year old girl weigh?
  35. Are pets allowed at college?
  36. Anyone think that Ashley Tisdale's nose job looks retarted?
  37. Why is it so hard to shop with someone?
  38. Is it safe for dogs to get stuck together repeatedly?
  39. What do you call a group of rattlesnakes?
  40. Why does my cat smell like perfume?
  41. What should I do with my stocks?
  42. Will downgrading your credit card hurt your credit report?
  43. Why am I so dizzy?
  44. How to go to this cool party without getting in trouble?
  45. Are there anorexic guys?
  46. What was one secret you just could not keep?
  47. What's a good way to be bulimic?
  48. How to let a friend know she can't always get what she wants?
  49. What's the worst comment or thing someone ever said to you?
  50. What are girl's biggest turn-ons?
  51. Who knows this Family Guy episode?
  52. What if I feel lost?
  53. How do get emails from FunAdvice?
  54. Ladies: Do I look attractive?
  55. Any Army wives move to Korea unaccompanied?
  56. Should we keep the baby?
  57. When did the modern Olympic Games start?
  58. Do you wish you had the technology of today when you were in HS?
  59. Is there a possibility I'm pregnant?
  60. How to secretly stop anorexia?
  61. What is 150 divided by 10?
  62. Why do I get upset so easily?
  63. Is it illegal to homeschool in Spain?
  64. How do girls look without clothes?
  65. What do squats do?
  66. Would you classify this as going out?
  67. Is it okay to do a hood piercing at home?
  68. Do they numb you before a labret piercing?
  69. What kind of hair do females like on guys?
  70. Why haven't I gotten pregnant?
  71. When is the world going to end?
  72. Do you think the Heath Ledger situation is shady?
  73. Have any American Idol rejects ever made it big?
  74. Would strangers donate money for breast implants?
  75. What's the fastest way to get ride of a cold?
  76. How can I get to sleep?
  77. Why do the way that we phrase our questions change?
  78. Can I pierce my labret at home?
  79. Is my house haunted or am I just crazy?
  80. Why haven't we been able to have a baby?
  81. Do you think Tap water tastes the same as bottled water?
  82. Should I become emancipated?
  83. Why do we buy bottled water from soda companies?
  84. How to pierce my nose safely at home?
  85. What are the effects of regular soda on humans?
  86. Beard or not?
  87. Are you embarrassed to fart or burp in front of people?
  88. How do you know if a hex or curse has been put on you?
  89. What to do about this situation with my parents?
  90. Do I wear too much makeup in my pic?
  91. Is it normal to still love him?
  92. Do you think Spanking your kids is okay?
  93. Why isn't there sound on movies on my iPod?
  94. What do women want out of a man?
  95. Where to find work in Boonville, Missouri?
  96. What should I do with my life?
  97. How to tell my best friend that I miss her?
  98. Does anyone else's dog have a farting problem?
  99. What if I want to have a baby and he doesn't?
  100. What do I do while getting fingered?