What would a guy look for most in a girl?

im freakin cirious about what a guy looks for first in a girl my boyfriend thinks the boobs and butt well I think it should be personality and pretty looks I mean im pretty and I love my butt and boobs but what should you look for first in a girl? write me.

Answer #1

Darlin’ it’s going to vary. My husband is 31 and the first thing he notices about women, still, is boobs. I know that his number one favorite feature of mine is my boobs. Well, #1 and #2. He loves me for who I am, but he will always say “boobs first”. Whether or not he seriously means that is up in the air. In all honesty, though, your personality is most important. Your personality and what’s in your heart, that is. If you’re beautiful on the inside and you have confidence, you’ll be beautiful enough on the outside to attract boyfriends that are worth something. BUT, you also have to think about this rationally. No one can “see” your personality instantly. So, usually guys will notice boobs, butts, legs, hair, eyes, smiles, lips, etc. FIRST. Then they’ll pay attention to your personality. If the guy is a decent human being, the personality will make or break the deal. You always have to be physically attracted to someone to want to get to know their personality on a romantic level and that’s is just a fact of life.

Answer #2

WEll I think that something has to catch the guys eye so the girl gets noticed .Most of the time it will be the breast or her butt.It could also be the way her hair lays across her shoulder or the way she moves.But I think of these things as something like “BAIT”.That will get the girl noticed. But then its the personality ,of the girl,that will hook the guy or send him running.Unless he is just out to score. In which case its the girls that need to put him on the road. Just what I have observed.

Answer #3

I think personality is the most important, because looks fade with age.

Answer #4

well looks grabs my attention but the girls gotta have personality to feed my interest… I love a girl with a pretty face and smile

Answer #5
  1. Personality
  2. Smile
  3. Eyes
  4. Physical attributes
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