Questions & Answers

  1. Why is my Stepdad a jerk?
  2. What are good sex positions?
  3. Why is my monkey weezing and coughing?
  4. What may cause sleeping problems?
  5. How to tone my legs and get rid of lovehandles?
  6. Can I stop my Dad from forcing my sister to get an abortion?
  7. Should I go out with the guy who likes me?
  8. What will make me thinner?
  9. Where to find Cinderella hairstyles?
  10. How to know if I'm attractive or not?
  11. How old to get snake bite piercings?
  12. How to get rid of Mom's creepy boyfriend?
  13. How do you get acrylic paint out of cotton?
  14. Who sang this song?
  15. Is self injury becoming a huge problem?
  16. How to put songs on my MP3 player?
  17. Was Cody Rhodes married before?
  18. What is that song called that goes it wasnt me?
  19. Is it OK to like someone who is taken and pregnant?
  20. How to tell my strict mother that I have a boyfriend?
  21. How to stop my dog from getting pregnant?
  22. How can I convince my mom to let my friend sleep over?
  23. What are some good rock songs?
  24. How can I Raise money for A School Trip in a Year?
  25. How to hide a tongue ring from parents?
  26. How do I lose weight fast?
  27. How do you change your location?
  28. Is Nick Jonas hot?
  29. Does anyone else like muffins?
  30. Why can't my cat use the litterbox?
  31. Could he precum without knowing it?
  32. What was moving in my stomach?
  33. Can anyone give me advice about parvo?
  34. How to find my primary and secondary DNS?
  35. Should I wait for a pregnancy test?
  36. Do these products work for hair growth?
  37. Can I get pregnant from 2 minutes?
  38. What are gonzales?
  39. What's been eating my book?
  40. How to play piano by ear?
  41. What is it that comes out of my girlfriend's vagina?
  42. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?
  43. Why does it hurt me to see him kissing someone else?
  44. Will my iPod delete old songs if I put it in a new computer?
  45. Why does he make me feel special?
  46. Why does she annoy me so much?
  47. What if I like a taken guy?
  48. How fat is too fat?
  49. Why am I gaining weight if I hardly eat?
  50. Has anyone lost weight the healthy way?
  51. Am I hot even if he said I was ugly?
  52. How much will it cost to fix my phone?
  53. Can I make myself have a miscarriage?
  54. Is it bad that I am looking for a white man to marry?
  55. How do you know when you're in love?
  56. Will my child be normal if the father is my third cousin?
  57. Am I Democrat or Republican?
  58. How to stay together when he moved away?
  59. Does anyone watch Roman's Empire on BBC2?
  60. How to get my dog to listen to me?
  61. Do you have to cut yourself to be emo?
  62. How to lose weight gained due to hypothyrodism?
  63. What to do if my Mom hates me?
  64. How to get my adopted parents to let me leave?
  65. How to stop turning red when I see him?
  66. What if my wife has been cheating on me?
  67. Can I move out with nothing being done about it?
  68. How can I be happy?
  69. What does it feel like when jellyfish sting you?
  70. Does Drinking vinegar shrink your stomach?
  71. How to talk to my friend about her hygiene?
  72. Is there anyone I can interview about this?
  73. How to find a job with a Class 4 Felony?
  74. How to add songs to my iPod?
  75. Why do people under 18 have a hard time finding a job?
  76. How to not cut myself when I'm depressed?
  77. What's your favorite candy bar?
  78. What if I shot my neighbor's seeing eye dog?
  79. How to become a pirate?
  80. What if my sister is trying to get pregnant?
  81. Do you agree that The Number 23 is a great movie?
  82. how do you keep black nailpolish from chipping?
  83. How to stop feeling like I have to pee in school?
  84. When is my rabbit going to kindle?
  85. What can FunAdvice offer you?
  86. Should I ask him out?
  87. Can I play PS2 on a PS3 and how?
  88. Do you have to pay to see the doctor where you live?
  89. Do guys like girls with short hair or long hair?
  90. Can I make a retainer since I can't afford to buy one?
  91. Run and not be weary?
  92. Who is your favorite musician?
  93. What is my cycle?
  94. Why do I get so wet?
  95. What companies will hire felons?
  96. What is your favourite colour?
  97. Why is my vagina brown?
  98. Is my lip going to grow over my piercing?
  99. how to stay long on bed or how to stop pre mature ejacuation?
  100. When should you take a pregnancy test?