Questions & Answers

  1. What do I rinse my mouth with?
  2. What if I cheated and might be pregnant?
  3. Why does he do this
  4. How to get rid of a headache?
  5. Hamsters Tails
  6. What is wrong with us?
  7. Talent show or downtown?
  8. Should I beg him to talk to me?
  9. What do you see when you look at my picture, and how do I look?
  10. Yeast infection?
  11. Child Protection Act and my teacher
  12. Hair Dilemma
  13. How to make gum?
  14. How long to hard boil an egg?
  15. Natural selection and meiosis
  16. Block a folder in my computer so nothing can access or change it?
  17. Myspace code to hide only some of my comments not all!
  18. There's this guy in my class and I think he likes me
  19. Best way to get rid of a sore throat and a stuffy nose?
  20. Anyone that knows about supplements for muscle
  21. 15 years old, what will my girlfriend think of my small penis?
  22. Password on a folder on xp?
  23. My shorter version of "Is he telling me something?"
  24. Name the song
  25. Breast cancer from nipple sucking?
  26. Why do I keep counting calories?
  27. Why is it so easy to be misunderstood??
  28. How do you pop a zit?
  29. Anyone feel like helping me with weight loss?
  30. Kid crush
  31. Why are people in so much drama
  32. What if I'm getting held back?
  33. How much do school nurses make?
  34. How do I handle my parents' split?
  35. Best mic to use in a homemade recording studio ?
  36. Joining the Military and Removing Piercings?
  37. Apostolics answer please, other types of christians can answer also
  38. This kid wont leave me alone
  39. How can you lose weight in your knees?
  40. What Band or singer from the past would you loved to have seen live
  41. Fly fishing pole?
  42. Do you guys like the love poem I wrote?
  43. STD somewhere besides your mouth or "private" parts?
  44. What if my boyfriend shot and killed someone?
  45. Can I get paid for working on this site?
  46. How do I show her I'm interested?
  47. Can I work on this site?
  48. Whats this song and band called?
  49. Steakhouse in Pasadena
  50. What is the song name?
  51. Romeo and juliet
  52. To do it or not to do it?
  53. Trucking for a felon from 2006
  54. Blondes or brunettes?
  55. What celebrity do I look like?
  56. Almost 17 and wanting a baby
  57. Doubting my Christian religion
  58. International study finds US at 18th in reading and 28th in Math
  59. How old do you think I look?
  60. I don't want him to get hurt
  61. What would happen without DNA?
  62. How can I stop judging myself?
  63. What celebrity do I look like?
  64. I feel numb and confused, what's wrong with me?
  65. DNA code of life
  66. Conifers are light brown but still growing
  67. How do I do it without gagging?
  68. Why me?
  69. How do I make him love me all over again?
  70. What kinds of things make girls laugh?
  71. My friend's dog was put to sleep
  72. History of experimental psychology
  73. What summer job can I get?
  74. Body shy
  75. What's under my eyes?
  76. Anyone have any really good ideas for boyfriend bday?
  77. Why does my girlfriend get me horny all the time?
  78. First time with my kid's in 5 years, what to do for fun?
  79. How many kg's in a stone?
  80. Did I find true love?
  81. How to relax and enjoy high school?
  82. What if I'm married but love someone else?
  83. How many calories to eat per day?
  84. Do I look Mexican?
  85. What to do about this kid making fun of me?
  86. Change my style
  87. Is Joe Jonas 17 or 18?
  88. What if your cousin dies in a car wreck?
  89. Blocked Text Messages?
  90. What do I look like?
  91. How will I sleep without my boyfriend?
  92. Why won't my lip ring come out?
  93. Ex versus current boyfriend
  94. In a bad situation
  95. Head over heels in love
  96. Mean neighbors, how can I get revenge?
  97. How to lose 10 pounds in a week
  98. Why doesn't miley ask emily osment to go to a hannah concert?
  99. Anyone like Paris Hilton?
  100. What if I want a brother or sister?