Should I beg him to talk to me?

I broke up with my boyfriend like two weeks ago and like I’d say I had a good reason to do it but Now I feel like I shouldn’t have done it. I’m really regretting it. I’ve tried talking to him, he’d just be rude because “I broke his heart” But I can’t help it, I want to talk to him. :( Would it make me sound and look stupid if I called him and apoligized and like I don’t know talked to him.. begged him to just be friends?.. to talk to me?

I feel horrible. Its like nothing else matters anymore. Sometimes I want to hurt myself.

Answer #1

it’s better to separate yourself from your ex. he’s just being bitter.. you need to give him time to actually get over you, and then you can work on building a friendship.

Answer #2

Hun, it’s tough, I’m sure. It’s natural to feel regret because this was at one time a very important relationship. But two weeks ago you had had enough of his hurtful attitude.

QUESTION: Think about that. Do you still think that his attitude was hurtful? Did you tell him about it, and did he still stay hurtful? Did he apologize and say he’d change, but then didn’t?

If these questions are “Yes’s” then I would say that - hard as it is - it is time to move on. That was a relationship that had run it’s course. You will probably have a number of those before you find a really good one.

Do not do anything like hurting yourself. This is a temporary feeling of loss. It is very trite to say this, but in a short time you will find others who will appreciate your VERY SPECIAL SELF.

Take care, and as always Good Luck!!

Answer #3

Give him a Few More days its still Fresh… But If yuu do call him.. Dont Yuu dare beg him to speak to yuu girl… Dont Be whipped by your man… Just Try and talk to him If he hangs up on yuu Then he still needs more time Just Make sure you state your reason for calling Right away so he knows … and tell him yuu know it was a mistake to Break up wit him… but dont Beg hunni your not his b*tch

Answer #4

When ever anyone breaks up with anyone, it s going to hurt. Especailly if it was a first love kind of thing. But you should not feel bad. if you had a good reason to then remember that give him a few weeks to cry over you. And even though you think the world hates you, you shouldnt hurt yourself. just try and wait this thing out. hurting yourself is never a good answer. I hope this advice helps you, because sometimes a helping hand is all you need to get up.

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