Why me?

I happen not to be a pretty person and I like this realy clever and admired person. We are firnds but I asked his best friend (also mine) why he didnt like me and he asked weather I wanted the truth and I sadi yes and he said it was because I wasnt pretty. I need him to like me, I’ve liked him for 6 years!!! I cant forget him so I just need to make him like me but I dont know how! Thanks for the help- if you can give it… Bye

Answer #1

Just because someone doesn’t like your outer beauty that has no effect on your inner - or make you any less a wonderful human being - words hurt yes, but they’re just that ‘words’- you can’t MAKE anyone like you and it doesn’t mean down the road they might change their opinion, so don’t worry, you’ll be fine !!

Answer #2

Sorry. attraction is not something you can control. Don’t try to force a relationship that is not there, you will lose his friendship. You need to move on. Have a little confidence in yourself though. You should never call yourself unattractive. Look in the mirror every day and tell yourself you are the hottest being to walk this earth. When you start believing it, other people will too. Also, do you really want to be involved with someone who is so shallow?

Answer #3

im sure you are pretty!! just not to his taste, you cant make somebody fancy you and looks arnt everything!! its whats inside that counts! but as meganhead says do you realy wana b wiv someone so shallow!? I cant stand shallow people!!! also there up there own arses!!! move onhuny your way 2 gud 4 him!!

Answer #4

girl..trust me you dont NEED him to like you. I know this sounds hard but forget about him! you dont want to be with a guy who is so shallow! you guys can still be friends. at least you’ve already shown him your true self and who you are, and since he doesn’t like it well to bad for him!dont try to turn into something or look like something thats in HIS taste, I mean I would rather have a guy not like me for who I am instead of love me for who I ‘m not. and let this be a lesson learned that you dont wait so long to find out if someone likes, because if he doesn’t it will hurt because you’ve liked him for all these years. so next time find out early so it wont hurt so bad if hes not interested. :] I really hope you’ll feel better..and there’ll be plenty of other guys for you who will be much much better than him:]]

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