Why does he do this

Why does he do this? My ex and I broke up six months ago he changed his number cause I was acting crazy but then he calls me like once a week or so then we email each other but he says we never are going to get back together so I sent way to many emails so he changed his address then out of the blue he sends me an email from his new address saying he wants me to no hes not sleeping with any girls just working hard whats the point if he never wants to work it out why ever contact me

Answer #1

hes possibly really lonely and wants to talk to someone and knows how well you guys used to get on and want to talk to noone but you he maybe jus wants too be friends!!1

Answer #2

He’s lonely and knows you’ll be there for him. He’s a joke get rid of him until he feels like growing up. He’s just playing you and disrespecting you all at the same time.

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