Beauty & Style Questions

  1. Boys: Do you like eyeliner on girls?
  2. What's a recipe for homemade tooth whitener?
  3. Is a bleeding belly button ring normal?
  4. Is there an inexpensive way to whiten teeth?
  5. Why won't a stylist dye my hair completely blonde?
  6. What are Preps?
  7. How much would this tattoo cost?
  8. Why don't I look as thin as the scale says I should?
  9. How old do you think I am?
  10. Why is my belly button ring itchy?
  11. How good is Urban Decay cosmetics?
  12. How do you get beachy waves?
  13. How to use a diffuser?
  14. How can I make vests a fad?
  15. Do leg warmers make your legs look thinner?
  16. How do you braid hair?
  17. What do I look like?
  18. Which creams will help hair rebonding?
  19. How to get skinny fast?
  20. What is the difference between foundation and concealer?
  21. Is it good to shave your private areas?
  22. What shampoo will eliminate bad dandruff?
  23. What is the difference between being "goth" and being "emo"?
  24. Are belly button rings safe?
  25. Does an earring suite me?
  26. What types of outfits are more formal than a tuxedo?
  27. Is is possible to shrink your boobs?
  28. How can I fix my huge round pig nose?
  29. What color makeup should I use with brown eyes?
  30. Should I take out my nose ring?
  31. Has anyone had a Brazilian bikini wax?
  32. How do I get rid of cold sores?
  33. Is my nose big?
  34. What are good brands for cover up?
  35. Who can answer my Monroe piercing questions?
  36. What is this crease across my stomach?
  37. What should I wear to his party?
  38. How the pixie haircut came to be?
  39. What are good hairstyles for a guy?
  40. Should I dye my whole head?
  41. Can I get rid of stretchmarks?
  42. How to tone down red tint in my hair?
  43. Who knows anything about snake bite piercings?
  44. What tattoo design should I get?
  45. Tips on getting lip rings before I get one?
  46. Is my cousin pretty?
  47. How can I make my tongue longer?
  48. How to eliminate and keep away dandruff?
  49. Will baking soda whiten my teeth?
  50. How to change my appearance so he notices me?
  51. Are we pretty?
  52. How soon can you recolor your hair?
  53. Would I look good if I curled my hair?
  54. Are my sister and I pretty?
  55. Why do people call you ugly if you're not?
  56. Would braided hair suit me even if I'm white?
  57. What's a fast and easy way to get rid of dry skin?
  58. Do you think Lil' Mama's or Avril's style is cute?
  59. Why do women dress like they're sluts?
  60. Have you ever heard about Skeyndor from Spain?
  61. When will my breasts finally develop?
  62. What jeans and shoes should I wear?
  63. Does lavender and butter help breasts grow?
  64. How to prevent pimples?
  65. What is your favorite cosmetic brand?
  66. Can a lip ring be put in a Monroe piercing?
  67. How are Chris Farrel cosmetic products?
  68. How can I become scene/skater without being a poser?
  69. Does an earring suit me?
  70. Do tight jeans on guys mean they're gay?
  71. Are my boobs an average size?
  72. How to have clear skin?
  73. Should I have light hair or brown hair?
  74. Is it normal for a girl to have hair here?
  75. Why shouldn't you wear white after Labor Day?
  76. How can I take out my eyebrow stud?
  77. Can my uneven eyebrows be fixed?
  78. How to deal with long eyelashes while wearing glasses?
  79. How much does a belly button piercing hurt?
  80. How to heal irritated skin on my nose by tomorrow morning?
  81. How do you do facial at home?
  82. How do I make my hair bushy?
  83. How can I get bigger breasts?
  84. What are some good hair growing pills?
  85. How tall do you think I'll be?
  86. Will I lose my eyesight from my eyebrow piercing?
  87. Can anyone give me tips on how to shave?
  88. What type and color makeup should I wear?
  89. How do I make others gothic like me?
  90. What's your favorite hairstyle?
  91. Should I bleach my arm hair?
  92. What kind of legs do you prefer?
  93. Should I cut my hair?
  94. What tattoo should I get next year?
  95. I have a huge butt and little boobs- what can I do?
  96. How to stop sucking in my gut?
  97. How to handle being ugly?
  98. How is my body figure?
  99. How to make my booty bigger?
  100. Is Hypoallergenic 925 Sterling Silver safe to wear?