Beauty & Style Questions

  1. Hair color issue
  2. Areas to pierce?
  3. Brunette to Blonde?
  4. Making stretchmarks less visible?
  5. Advice on how to make a homemade tattoo gun and ink?
  6. Lip or eyebrow?
  7. How to get rid of muffin tops?
  8. Hair Colour?
  9. How do you thread your own eyebrows?
  10. Avoiding stretch marks
  11. Am I too young to get my hair bleached?
  12. Belly button piercing
  13. Hair stick
  14. How do you make a homemade thong?
  15. Does the size of someone really matter?
  16. Red contacts?
  17. Why do I keep getting stretchmarks?
  18. I have a Monobrow!
  19. How to prevent cellulite?
  20. What is your best feature?
  21. What can you find around the house to make your hair feel soft
  22. Is it just me or are they all midgets?
  23. Whats something cool to do with my hair?
  24. Cute clothes?
  25. Should I be myself or someone else?
  26. Hair dye gone wrong, really need help!
  27. How can I get pimples gone before the concert?
  28. Will I look okay with blonde hair?
  29. Would blonde suit me?
  30. Hair Gets Tangled, how can I stop this happening?
  31. Scene?emo?-difference please..
  32. What is the least painful piercing?
  33. How do I bleach my hair with peroxide
  34. Contact lenses, do you like them and do they hurt?
  35. Straightening hair
  36. Snake bite studs?
  37. Does this dress look nice on me?
  38. Industrial piercing (scaffold)
  39. Whats this peircing called?
  40. Haircolor
  41. Piercing tongue..should I?
  42. Hair ends to go like a triangle, name of style?
  43. Age to get piercing without parents?
  44. Lip ring or lip stud?
  45. Should I get a tattoo?
  46. Dying your hair
  47. Hair-dye, gone majorly wrong
  48. Anal waxing
  49. What do you do to make yourself prettier?
  50. What does "scene" mean?
  51. Painful blisters on feet
  52. I dyed my bangs pink..
  53. Why does my afro shrink?
  54. Makeover mom
  55. What is the best mascara?
  56. Makeup drama
  57. How do you wear your hair?
  58. How to smooth hair?
  59. What color of highlights should I get?
  60. How to get rid of stretchmarks?
  61. How to make my ears less noticeable when I put my hair up?
  62. Multi skin
  63. Twilight Vampires
  64. Odd bump under my left armpit..under skin
  65. Fekkai Hair Color
  66. Funky hairstyles
  67. Bad Haircut
  68. Dying your hair at home
  69. Should I tell the truth whether I'm emo?
  70. Whats the best way to hide that you're emo from your folks?
  71. How often to wash my hair?
  72. Big nose
  73. What are the best products for weighing down dry sponge like hair?
  74. Now I want to know how old do I look?
  75. Get rid of the dark baggy circles under my eyes?
  76. How do I make my hair grow faster?
  77. Getting highlights at home?
  78. Bleach hair
  79. Tattoo gun from electric clippers?
  80. I want to make a short mini out of a long skirt
  81. Hair dying problems.
  82. Hair Dying Blonde
  83. Oxygen at WildWood anyone got their lip pierced there?
  84. I Just Dyed My Bangs Pink.
  85. Dress up stuff for basketball days
  86. Which hairstyles should I get?
  87. Did Ashley Tisdale color her hair?
  88. Miley cyrus eye color
  89. Am I weird for hating to wear underwear?
  90. Emo's and Gothics
  91. Belly button pierced
  92. Tongue piercing
  93. What kind of toothepaste do you use?
  94. Lotions for down there after shaving?
  95. Should I cut my hair, if so, how much?
  96. Men tight jeans
  97. Haircut
  98. Piercing her own bellybutton
  99. Acne ointments?
  100. Lip ring advice