What do you do to make yourself prettier?

what are some things you can do to make urself feel prettier? cause I feel very ugly. I don’t know why I just do.

Answer #1

if you feel ugly thn its just your brain bein stupid.I feel ugly somedaiis when ma make-up inae rite bt just spend a couple of hours oan your make-up thn a good few hours oan your hair and u’ll feel oot of this world:D

Answer #2

do a day of beauty: hair, nails, makeup

nice clothes: clean and fitted shirts, skirts, jeans, a pair of girly shoes

good hygiene: wash body, put on lotion, clean teeth, shave, clean hair and nails, smell good

and nothing else can make you confident than a pair of sexy panties.

hope I helped.

Answer #3

I look in the mirrior and I som times feel ugly so I put on lip gloss on do my hair and isay I love my self and am confendint the and say am prettyer then everone else

Answer #4

start working out

Answer #5

u can paint your nails do your hair have a friend over and do these things thats what I usually do it works..

Answer #6

go shopping just for you and when you try stuff on, look in the mirror and say, “dang! you’re perty!!!”

Answer #7

love yourself

Answer #8

just have some self confidence hun (:

Answer #9

I feel ugly sometimes but what helps is looking in the mirror every mornin and say somat good thats happned like: finally that spots gone …or… I did really well on that test:)

Answer #10

I somtimes feel ugly but your not its just you that think that. if you look in the mirror to much or you worry it will only make you look uglyier. be happy how you look. dont get jeolous of other girls , of course there are gonna be a lot people more prettier than you but just be your self dont worry what other people think about u. play with your hair, smile more,get cute clothes,girly shoes,and smell good! and remember someone will like you 4 who you r. be unique.

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