Hair color issue

My hair was a natural dark brown and I dyed it darkish I want to go to a dark blonde ashy color..should I do it? Or will it screw up my hair really bad? And I dont want to go to a professional either

Answer #1

I think stuff like that can mess it up, because you are dyeing your dark hair a lighter colour. Well, I think dyeing in the end can mess up your hair, but I think this time, if you try dyeing it blonde, I don’t think it will come out as blonde. But that’s my mum’s advice, so XD

Hope that helped.

Answer #2

no it will not mess up your hair from color die you buy at store’s but it might knot be the color you want it to be.

Answer #3

I THINK you should dye the dog purple!!! I AM CLUELESS!!!<3

Answer #4

It shouldn’t mess up your hair, my sister has been dying her hair for years and nothing bad has happened to it.

Answer #5

it’ll mess up your hair

Answer #6

How will it mess it up? will it make it green or something?

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