Piercing tongue..should I?

Ok. So you know how when they say you get your first tattoo, you want To get more…well that’s how I am with piercings. Ijust got my second hole, want to get third and I have my right cartlige pierced. Iwant to get my tongue pierced next. Iasked my stepdad bout it and he said wait till your 18. But by then it’s going to be out of stylee…im thinkinq of just waiting next summer to gett it… So should iget it when im 15,wait till iam 18, or don’t get it at all?

Answer #1

I just got mine done on saturday and it is now tuesday.it still hurts really bad and its swollen.only get it done if you can live with eating practiclly nothing for 2 weeks because it hurts to do anything.

Answer #2

If you do get it, as long as you make sure the place you are getting it done is a good one, you will have no problem. It won’t mess with your taste buds, it won’t be pusy. It will swell up at first for a day or two, and it may even be a little sore. Mine wasn’t sore either time that I got it done. Carry some listerine with you for the first 2 days and swish with it for 30 seconds after you do anything other then breathe. (kissing, smoking whatever) I am not trying to tell you to get it…that can only be your decision, but I wanted to set some things straight because they are just not true. It will not ever go out of style…some other piercing might but the tongue won’t. So you don’t have to worry about that. I hope this helps! Good luck with your decision. Feel free to ask me anything else if ya want :)

Answer #3

either wait till your 18 or dont get it at all I dont think you really want any of them …peircings are not a fashion accessory or statement they dont go in or out of “style” you should never get one just to be “cool” as a fad, or because everyone else does …these are modifications to your body…not a new handbag or nailpolish some of these can come with seriouse risks if done wrong they should never be a split second decision thing either have a seriosue think about this if you want a hole in your tounge, get one if you just think its cool now, dont because everything goes out of style the next week better yet, why dont you stop caring about whats suposedly “in” style

Answer #4

dont get it.people associate a tongue peircing with d* sucking for some reason.I live in atlanta and thats what the boys say about the girls @ school with it peirced.so if you want to you can but in regard of your reputation I would say dont.

Answer #5

yeah… if its “out of style” in a few years then why get a PERMANENT hole in your tounge anyway?

but I agree with kevinmm … I like all piercings except tounge… most people dont even see it, they make you talk weird, and yes they can kill taste buds.

Answer #6

You Should Think It Throughly Getting A Tongue Pierce Can Be Pretty Cool, But Once you Get It you Have To Becareful It Might Get Infected Or Something Can Happen Think It Throughly And Make A Wise Choice!

Answer #7

Yeah, why puncture your body for a short period of being in stye. If you really want it, but like REALLY want it and know you’ll wear it for the rest of your life go ahead.

Answer #8

Same reason why you would dye your hair or cut your hair! But anyway thanks for answering Iwill let you guys know if Iget it =)))

Answer #9

quote “But by then it’s going to be out of stylee..”

…your going to have that hole for years what does it matter if your piercing is going to be out of style later?

Answer #10

From personal experience I’d suggest not to, I thought it’d be cool cause I too was ‘addicted to piercings’ now I’ve 15 holes in my body and a serious problem with my mouth. my whole throat got infected and bled and it caused scarring, you have to be so careful with cleaning it and looking after it I’d suggest you wait til you are older because there can be a lot of problems. Maybe try somewhere else that’s maybe not as risky?

I’ve got belly button? maybe? or nose? but thats a little more noticable

Answer #11

Just know that tongue piercing can mess with your taste buds, and you might not be able to taste your favorite foods any more. Also, when eating candy or tough foods, it can cause your tongue bar to tear your tongue, which hurts a lot and can further damage your taste buds.

I’ve got nothing against piercings, I think most of them are hot, but for me tongue is a definite no. Consider snakebites or a belly ring.

Answer #12

If its going to be out of style than why get it at all?

Answer #13

totally get it its worht it

Answer #14

no dont get it

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