Belly button pierced

I want to get my belly button pierced because I really like the look of them, when I asked my mum, she said no. I know that lots of parents don’t like there daughters to have them, but why not?? -if convinced my mum to let me do it, what would be an appropriate age, in your opinion?

Answer #1

I can see where parents are coming from I suppose, but I personally don’t see a problem with it. I mean I know loads of people at my school with it done, and it really is no big deal in all honesty. I know someone as young as 9 who had theres done. I hope you get to have it pierced! good luck :)

Answer #2

Parents are worried that their child is growing up too fast as navel piercings are considered sexy nowadays. Girls on front of Zoo or Maxim magazines have it. On front of CD covers and pin up posters. They are worried about your welfare, not your body which is what it might come across as.

To “convince” your mum to let you have it done, sit her down and explain that you want it for yourself, that you feel it will make you feel more confident with your body and that you like the variations of accessories.

DON’T get it… because everyone else has it because it looks sexy because it is a must have accessory - it isn’t

This has to be your own want and need.

I had mine done when I was 12/13 but it was ripped out when I was 14 due to unforseen circumstances. There are some cons to having one, like when you have a shower when you have just got a fresh wound with the piercing. You will catch it with your flannel/towel/tee shirt etc.

I personally think the appropiate age is 16 because at that age in mid teens, girls start to stand on their own feet more. Yes some girls mature before that but I am saying on average. The girls like myself who got it done younger than that were stupid.

Answer #3

im 13 and im hopefully going to get it done soon but im in england so with parents you can have it done at 13

Answer #4

my bellybutton is pierced(: and I love it. I am 17 and I had to convince my mom for months to let me get it. I think around 16 or 17 is the right age. and if you get it done it cost around 45-50 bucks to do it. mine was $45. but hey if you want it get it, its your body. you have to bring a parent and an I.D. of yourself proving your age. just be careful when your putting on your clothes or come in contact with it cause mine got caught on my shirt one time and hurt like a b*tchhh. so you have to be careful. oh! and clean it everday with sea salt and warm water together so it doesn’t become red and get infected. (:

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