Love & Relationships Questions

  1. My dad had a secret relationship with my girlfriend's mu.
  2. He doesn't want to be together but act together, help?
  3. Should a guy have to make all the conversation?
  4. How can I get a boyfriend?
  5. Lunar eclipsed
  6. What do you do when you start to like your ex
  7. How to get a girl in bed?
  8. FF5 hoodie
  9. Is there something wrong with me?
  10. GUY ADVICE-kinda urgent
  11. Am I being unrealistic?
  12. Heartache!!! Please help!
  13. Ring dance.. (junior prom)
  14. Since hight school my best friend is having more fun then me!
  15. Just recently broke up
  16. Friend at school that I like
  17. Horny
  18. When he cums hes done!
  19. Why do guys like french girls?
  20. Random People.
  21. What does a exp condom mean?
  22. Please I just need an awnser for our relationship?
  23. How far should I go ? ?
  24. Your opinion..---falling in love
  25. Bouy liks me but wont ask me out help
  26. How do I make it clear I wont tolerate being cheated on?
  27. Did my boyfriend cheat on me? How to find out...
  28. how to ask a girl
  29. when I get head I last to long
  30. Whatt's going on?!!!?
  31. love vs. money
  32. I like him & I don't know ..
  33. why he might have ended it with me?
  34. Boyfriend/suiside/what to do?
  35. boyfriend problems---big age difference
  36. First Kiss
  37. how to get my girl horny
  38. Don't know what to think any more.
  39. Can I get her to...
  40. My work?? voice your opinion
  41. Was the cell phone number a 'hint'?
  42. Loving someone?
  43. I Love my boyfriend a lot, Whats a good song to dedicate to him?
  44. What does it mean?
  45. We are 3 years apart in age
  46. Liking boys
  47. When I finger meself
  48. Is it disguistin'?
  49. How to mess around
  50. Opposties
  51. Is anal penetration dangerous?
  52. Should a geezer flirt?
  53. What he playing at?
  54. Major problem
  55. I'm still crazy about my ex. But I'm leaving for 3 months ..
  56. Me and my boyfriend (engaged)
  57. Asking out a frined goes horribly wrong
  58. Is my ex fiance seeing somebody else?
  59. What should I get my boyfriend for our 1 year anniversary?
  60. Why Wont me ex leave me be
  61. I really want to txt my ex. to say hi, should I?
  62. Ex-boyfriend-help?
  63. Help shes sad
  64. Why is having a baby a big deal with pplz
  65. How do you know if your a virgin
  66. How to marry someone 3 months from now
  67. Who is Pisces?
  68. His friends
  69. Who should I choose???
  70. Do you think I like him ? How do you know when you like a Guy ?
  71. I'm bi and terrified about it...
  72. I texted a guy I like
  73. Riding a bike with a boner.
  74. Cum, just wondering
  75. Ask out sick??
  76. what shall I do now?
  77. Should I take him back
  78. School kids
  79. Getting over ex
  80. Am I stupid for wanting to get over her?
  81. Me and my girlfriend want to get a sperm donor. Is this safe??
  82. Everyone wants to be my friend but why?
  83. Do erections hurt?
  84. Asked my friend to ask a girl I like to see if she likes me
  85. Dear, Cheerleaders(:
  86. I like this really cute guy. how do I figure out if he likes me?
  87. Help with people
  88. Can 17 be statutory rape>???
  89. Love trigangle
  90. Hes cute and nice. How do I talk to him?
  91. Why dose this guy act the way he dose toward me and no-one else
  92. How do people become lesbian
  93. On my birthday I went to a club and kissed someone
  94. Were in the same class
  95. Is this for real?
  96. Im bad with girls
  97. Supporting a broken-hearted friend?
  98. Do you think I should ask him out? & how?
  99. Much Needed Help - Fingering?
  100. Help girl problems