Boyfriend/suiside/what to do?

Oka so I dont know what to do? My ex. Is still in love with me. But im not sure if I like him that much and it scares me that he loves me and im not sure if I can give him that love back. Hes going through a ruff time and im affraid he might attempt suiside and I wanna make him happy because I dont like to see him sad but im not sure if I should date him again. What would you do?

Answer #1

how are you so sure he still loves u? a lot of guys (not saying this is the case, but its possible) will say anything to get with (or get back with) a chick.

I don’t know if you guys have sexual relations in the past or not, but I would ask your parents what they think. believe it or not, theyre generally right.

Answer #2

well if he was abusive and just wants to have sex, tehn ill try to be really nice to him as in a little sister or good frind type of way.. but if he wasnt what I mentioned, I don’t know I thnk I would have pity and go out with him give him another chance! just try, even tou you dont love him dont judge your ex my his cover, maybe he changed and wants you back!! plus its nice to know he still has feeings. help him out, be his #1 helper and a frind to him .comfort him say nice thngs … care!! =] dont let him kill himself, its juss not rite. theres a purpose for his life he has to juss digg deeper. eh shouldnt quit.

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