Is there something wrong with me?

I am nearing 20 years old and am in my third year of college, but have never had a boyfriend yet. I feel like I’m not good enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough, etc. The list goes on and on :x

Answer #1

Be more kwl with guys try and hand=g out with them or flirt with them eventualy they will pick up on it or try and turn them on. You might lose your virginty. And there is nothing wrong with you I had the same probelm I waited 3 more months after turning 20. Now look im almost 21. And I have fell in love getting married soon. Im pregnant with a lil baby! Have the best boyfriend and we both got problems and insecuritys so it kinda matchs. Wait for your prince charming

Answer #2

hey. nah, nothing is wrong with u. I have a few friends that were like 22 or so. so no. everyone is different. you gotta stop thinking like that about yourself, and try not 2 be so insecure, because that will show through in a way. you got 2 try to show confidence, but not arrogance. both guys and girls pick up on that, and for some reason we are attracted to it. and maybe try asking guys yourself…and if it don’t work, act like it don’t bother you in any way. lots you could try/do… not sure if that helps. you can mail me if you like…

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