His friends

I really like this guy, we have said the I love you thing and he means so much to me. Im afraid on what his friends will think, Im not exactly the “prettiest” girl around but he thinks im beautiful. I don’t want his friends making fun of him for being with me, what should I do

Answer #1

I agree with princexx ^^^ shes right. everyoone views people differntly and if guys are willing to be teased that means he truley does love you. and either way his friends are just messing with him and will accept you because your boyfriend does. (:

Answer #2

Actually, my friends gave up on me casue my girlfriend. idc tho I love her she is all I need. I just wish I had something more out of life. I don’t know but ya sometimes boys play girls.

Theres a boy that always hit on my girlfriend over the past 2 years and called her pretty and stuff and she broke up with me once cause his sweet talk and then he breaks up with her 2 days later, she comes crying back to me, I accept her and then he tries again.

I hate seeing people hurt girls. If a guy wants to really go out with you he will ask you and not just be looking to score.

They will try to just be your friend and have fun =)

If he’s looking to score he will be rubbing all over trying to get you on and not be that fun to be around. If he’s pretty poupular he’s probably a player.

Answer #3

All guys have there own taste in girls, what may be beautiful for one may be the ugliest to another. It’s not the looks that matter though, it’s who you are on the inside :) if he loves you and thinks your beautiful then it doesn’t matter what his friends thinks. besides, im sure you’ve thought certain guys were ugly but some thought he was cute…we all just have a differant taste, stop worrying about what they think just be happy he’s already yours :)

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