Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What should I tell her husband?
  2. What can I do about boys walking into me on purpose?
  3. what is wrong with girls now a days
  4. Black people can to be gothic oR emo
  5. does my ex still like me
  6. Sister stole my guy...
  7. My brother alwaysz said..
  8. please help
  9. What do I do!?
  10. I have a brokenheart =[
  11. dont know what to do
  12. I really hate guy issues, lmao.
  13. What can my boyfriend and I do?
  14. Do I keep him as a friend or give him a chance??
  15. How do you pole dance?
  16. Best friends boy friend...!
  17. Liking as a friend means??
  18. Welll my friend ask him out for me and I didnt now and he said no
  19. Anal entry
  20. Feeling inside.
  21. Do we have an OK relationship?
  22. I want him to think im Happy for himm . When im not ?
  23. how will I know if hes "the one"?
  24. Should I move on?? I need help please
  25. What to do...about boyfriend
  26. Why did he do this?
  27. How to persuade her im the right choice??
  28. Is he into me?
  29. One of my best guy friends likes me
  30. I don't know what to do :/ help
  31. Should I like him?
  32. Baby in college?
  33. Does he like me or just want to be my friend?
  34. The guy I like has a girlfriend
  35. Help with fiance...leave him or not???
  36. Me and my boyfriend have been dating on and off for about 4months.
  37. Can it break?
  38. I'm 17, pregant and want to keep the baby
  39. How to make a girl wet?
  40. is 14 and 21 too big of an age difference?
  41. I need guy advice...?
  42. bestfriend help
  43. What do I do about this guy?
  44. No Communication. What can I do?
  45. What should I do if he keeps looking at me?
  46. What type of girl do guys look for?
  47. I think... I think I love my cousin (romanticly)
  48. I don't know if he likes me back?
  49. girlfriend problems
  50. can you break your hymen playing sports?
  51. why is it so hard for a tomboy to get a boyfriend?
  52. Virginity and Taboo
  53. What to do if someone is talking crap about u?
  54. A Date Debate
  55. I also want a girlfriend
  56. How do lads like it?
  57. whats the best way to get on someone you dont like nerves?
  58. I like this guy...
  59. Is it right or wrong to like him?
  60. Dating advice pleaseee
  61. What is there to talk about?
  62. Why is this guy trying to make me jealous?
  63. Which hole?
  64. What Should You Do When Your Friends Turn On You???
  65. Is clear semen normal for a 14 year old boy when he ejaculates
  66. Crush and ex alurt
  67. What if...
  68. Friends and friends alike
  69. Why do I think this?
  70. I'm afraid my girlfriend is gonna cheat
  71. Is it gay for a guy shave his legs
  72. How to get really wet
  73. Emotionally abusive boyfriend and breaking up
  74. Should I tell or keep my mouth shut?
  75. Who am I to him?
  76. Is this my real best friend?
  77. How to find my true love
  78. Advice about boyfriends
  79. What are your favorite things about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend! :)
  80. Has my boyfriend broken my hymen?
  81. Mind games
  82. Advice on how to react to my boyfriends feelings?
  83. Need to get over her!
  84. I have a crush on my friends b friend. what do I do?
  85. How Can I tell them?!!!
  86. how to make me boyfriend jealous or piss him off??
  87. I just found out today my best friend cuts himself
  88. Holding my tears in..
  89. I wanna get over him now but I don't know how???
  90. I need a guys perspective
  91. My boy friend and I are really shy
  92. Nudes of a dead ex.
  93. in love with my ex girlfriend
  94. How do you know if your gunna come or pee?
  95. When will I get over her
  96. What does this mean
  97. is he for real?
  98. Is he flirting wit me?? Does dis mean he likes me???
  99. Is making out suppose to be messy?
  100. How to tell someone to backoff, and them know your serious?