What does this mean

Ok so this guy likes me and im not sure if I like him I kinda do but still not sure anyway he can have tons of other girls but he always sticks to me and asks me out and stuff what does this mean I know it means he likes me but why doesnt he get another girlfriend instead of waiting for me

Answer #1

He obviously really likes you, and no one else. If you think you might like him, you should go out with him. If it doesn’t work out you can always just break up and be honest about how you feel. But if he moves on you might realize you like him and regret saying no.

Answer #2

thanks but the thing is I do like him I just like what he does like smoke pot and hes my exs neighbor and best friend so id feel like a bit*h for doing that so im just confused also I’ve heard some bad things about him

Answer #3

If he really like you just ask him and tell him if he stops you will to out with him!!! Hope I helped:)

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