My brother alwaysz said..

My Brothersz alwaysz said if I came home pregent theyy beat da shit outt me and end up killin me and da baby…now that it actually happend im s0o fuckin scared to tell anyone and watsz even more scarier is that da babysz daddy is my one of my brothers best friends…WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!

Answer #1

babe, try not to worry. I have 3 brothers myself and they used to say exactly the same thing to me. me and one of my eldest brothers best mate were together for like 2 years before I feel pregnant at 15. All of my brothers are older than me and everyone knows they are nutters. When I found out I was pregnant I told them all at the same time and ran out of the door. I spoke to them over the phone while I stayed at my friends house. At this time it was to late for a abortion, so I didnt have a choice but to go through with the pregnancy. They were mad at first and they threatened my boyfriend, but after a few months when I was really big they started to show a lot more efection towards me, and relised they have no say in the matter. They relised that it was real and we were going to have a baby boy. They got over it eventually.

SERIOUSLY at first … yeah expect hell! prepare yourself on sleeping arrangements etc… but after a while TRUST ME they will relise that they cant do anything about it.

EXpect the babys father to fall out with your brothers maybe a few fights. but aslong as he is loyal to you, your brothers will stay loyal to him. xx hope this helps

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