Is he into me?

okay. so there’s this guy that I’ve known for a couple years. he’s really nice and really cute. and I think he might be into me, but I don’ tknow. so sometimes he’s hanging out with my brother and he’ll come hang out with me instead. and one time he was watching tv and moved right next to me saying he couldn’t see. but then when he’s around other people it’s like he doesn’t know me, so that’s why I’m not sure. well he does talk to me, but it’s not as nice and sincere.
oh, and I told him I was going to get hooked up with this other guy and he was like, “What? is he hot?” Yea, I know, weird, but I was thinking, why, is he jealous? hmm, so I need help please!!!

Answer #1

hmm ok if he really likes you then he wouldnt act so different around other people he would act da same as when you two are alone so I suggest you keep sayin things to him bout you hookin up wit some other guy and see his reaction maybe he iz jealous maybe he not so I don’t know cant say till you figure out what going on wit him

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